IMAGINE dating a girl who fucked 10 dudes before you and justifying it by saying "people change!" and "who cares what...

IMAGINE dating a girl who fucked 10 dudes before you and justifying it by saying "people change!" and "who cares what she did before me!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAUHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

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She needs to get all the degeneracy out of her system so I don't have to deal with it

>IMAGINE dating a girl
Lost me there. Are you on the right board normie?

this is my girl, but i'm not going to be a hypocrite because i've fucked well over 20 (while a diagnosed autistic neet) and i've changed enough myself. she's a femanon and wife material.

You act all pure OP but I bet you'd happily fuck someone's future gf and leave them a filled up mess.

most girls fuck more than 20 fucking roasties

very not true, I disavow that. I want to stay a virgin until I marry a virgin.

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>cosplay whores
That girl has been some brown dude's fuckmonkey on a drunken weekend. Pledge to her highest patreon tier and she might even show you pics lmao.

Ya Sherlock, it's cosplay. You pretend to be people.

I'm not that insecure, I date her because I have interest in a long term relationship. My past might have 0 sex, but it's still shitty

if you think this is about insecurity you are seriously brainwashed normie

If I could find a girl who had only fucked 10 dudes, I would consider her to basically a virgin. I'm 37 years old and dating online. Can you imagine what I'm dealing with?
>My dog has to go on every date
>Still think going out for $10 drinks every weekend is the coolest way to spend my time.
>I want a single Chad looking for serious relationship willing to take on a 30 something roastie past her best childbearing years.
>I am also going to date multiple men until I find exactly what I am looking for.

Oh and they lie about being white too.

And cucks like you glorify them while real men dump cum in her. Maybe you'll get to be her provider one day.

It is, rejecting someone because any small aspect of her.

It's no different than rejecting a girl because her hands are too big or something stupid like that

>Maybe you'll get to be her provider one day.
God I hope so.

unbelievable how low this place has fallen

date girls in their 20's bro, there are not a lot but some are virgins, hard to find them though

>non virgin means she's a whore
incel cope

Honestly? I'd take anything. 30 yo single mother? I need love, yes. Fat feminist who despises me for being male? If she'd date me, I'd take it. Beggars can't be choosers.

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Don't be so hard on yourself man, but even trolling requires intelligence these days. Sorry

You're stupid. White girls do not date white guys so if they agree to go out with you they aren't white.

this cuts deep, beta bucks TRIGGERED

I used to be a bit of a Jow Forumstard and think like that, but now I don't care about that shit. I don't know why I should care, really. I've fucked 9 girls and had a threesome with one of them and her boyfriend, and that shouldn't be an impediment for me to date anyone. Even if I have been having casual sex, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna be loyal when I get a serious relationship, right?
In these last few years I've come out of my shell and through experience I've learnt to distinguish between good and bad people, and I can tell you that the number of sexual partners isn't an indicator of bad personality or likeliness to cheat.
That's just plain bullshit.

If you think white women don't date white guys you're beyond retarded

That degeneracy will noecer leave her system.It is only a manifestation of a lack of impulse control.Rest asured, that kind of person will take any chance to feed thekr basic impulses and to fill their brain with serotonine and dopamine if they think they can get away with it.Women who are fat and women who are sluts share the same lack of self control and therefore belong in the same category.So if you ever feel like you could find a shy fat chick for a gf,think again.She will become a slut as soon as she loses weight.