This "thing" somehow has a gf

>this "thing" somehow has a gf
What the fuck

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lol wtf, looks like a fish.

Post more pictures of the girlfriend

It's easy to have a gf when u have no self awareness.

Part of the perks of being retarded. Your brain can't process internal dialogue

Can you post that as an autoreply every time someone comes to spam their pathetic blackpill crap?

>disfigured tranny abomination has a gf but i don't

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So this was the secret all along?

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How is that thing capable of writing?

I am 23 and have no idea how people get girlfriends

>im gay
I like how we're now having heterosexual couples but with enough extra bullshit that they can call themselves lesbians

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Thanks OP, now i hate everything

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I don't know how to green-text

This. She's so cute desu

Girl on left probably has some messiah complex shit.

Because they're probably a good, kindhearted, genuine person, and you're all bitter, resentful, hateful pieces of shit, and people can recognise that about you from a mile away?

Maybe not being the sort of person to call somebody a "thing" for being disfigured, or assmuing they're mentally retarded for the same reason, would be a good start for finding a partner.

Food for thought.

How do i find a girl who will use me to fuel her messiah/saviour complex?

>reddit spacing
as if we wouldn't have been able to tell without it now fuck off back where you belong

its no use. theyre too far gone.

Cringe, i assume you're a "thing" too

thought terminating cliche to avoid having to face reality, yawn

incel cope

Yeah, you're probably right. This board is just a bunch of people bitching about their problems and getting seethingly angry when somebody actually proposes solutions, because they don't want solutions, they just want to stew in bile and hate.



You are the kind of person who would make jokes about fat or ugly guys.
But as long as the person involved is a female or transgender then it is morally wrong in your view to make jokes about them.
Admit it you are a man hater.

Nice arguments thing

>you're all bitter, resentful, hateful pieces of shit
But pedo rapist murderers can get girlfriends. So these can't be it, can they?

Not even mad.

She is the one wasting her life not me

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Farmers call this "baking a potato", not even joking. When they have two retarded offspring that are of no use, and wouldn't even be very useful to slaughter, they will make them breed for fun to see what comes out.

Self consciousness is one of robots' biggest issues. If we were as delusional when it came to our attractiveness as everyone else was, we'd have no problem.

>face equality day

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This is so fucking wrong that it hurts. Do you know how many robots that think they're 8+/10?
Hell most fuckers on here are delluded about their own fucking dicksize, something that's an objective fact, you can't have an opinion on how long your dick is,.

So lookism is wrong, just be low inhibition and shieet
This is why nig nogs get puss
Maybe there is something about low inhib that conveys high status

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>uhh huhh not an argument

But... you didn't present an argument for me to respond to.

You realize that for someone to respond to an argument you've made, you need to make one first, right?

On top of being an incel, you're also very stupid. You didn't choose to be born this dumb, so you have my deepest sympathies.

I never did any argument in the first place, but that doesn't mean yours are, what kind of logic is that.
Arguments don't need to be answers, just valid points, and i see none.
Typicall trannie logic, also personal insults, in addition to that redditspacing, pathetic

Nope. I don't insult people for being ugly, because that's not something that anybody has the capacity to control. And I don't shit on people for being fat, because that generally just has the effect of encouraging them to stress-eat more and make them more fat.

Nothing about my post indicated any sort of animosity towards fat or ugly men, you've read into that for some completely indecipherable reason, maybe because you once met a person who defended transpeople and women but proceeded to attack men. That's great, but not every person you meet, who isn't a bitter, hateful incel is that person.

Do you use this fantastical, logical leap to justify your shitty attitudes towards all people who don't look and act like you? If so, that's probably why you don't have a girlfriend.

Oh dear
First off incel is a plebbit term, and you should go back.
Second you consider that there are users who aren't virgins, unlike you.

Well yes. My posts weren't arguments, because I had no arguments to respond to. Did you just binge watch a bunch of Stefan Molyneux videos, hear him say "not an argument" and think that's some big own when no argument has ever been produced by either side in the discussion?

Your first response to me was an insult, and so was your second response, and nothing else. How much of a sensitive, fragile little baby must you be to get triggered because I responded with an insult to your posts which were 100% composed of a single insult.

You can't even spell "Tranny" right. If you're going to be edgy and post slurs, at least spell them right.

Also, it's not called "reddit spacing". They're called "paragraphs". We learn about them in Elementary english class. Did you attend elementary school? Is that why you're so hopelessly stupid? If so, my sympathies go out to you even more than they did before.

>maybe because you once met a person who defended transpeople and women but proceeded to attack men
Yes this happens very often, to the point of being a meme.

Well, you just admitted that all that shit was just your thoughts, which are not relevant.
Get the fuck out normie

desu I am just happy for the potato.

You mean just really extreme virtue signal?

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Same but 29

Okay, well I agree with you, those people are shitty, and probably just as hateful as many of you are, and they've just channelled their hatred in such a way that it's acceptable to the progressive zeitgeist. That doesn't mean the opposite hatred isn't both wrong, and actively driving people like you further into isolation.

And the moment I actually make some points, you completely fail to address them. That's not an argument bro, how could you possibly respond to me with such a non argument?!!?

I garauntee, I'm just as much of a robot as you are, if not more. It's possible to be a robot without being a bitter, hateful piece of trash with zero self awareness.

Oh dear

Projecting harder than an imax theatre.


>Do you know how many robots that think they're 8+/10?
Most robots here are perfectly average and think that they're hideous.

I don't condone your racism but low inhibition implies that you've done certain things before and they usually work for you. If you talk to a woman any way you like confidently, she assumes that other women respond well to your behavior. Confidence goes a lot further than looks.

Maybe half of them, the other half seems to be narciisstic edgelords who think they are anime protagonists with huge dicks and perfect faces, surely you've seen these posters right?

I say this over and over on this board. No one is a incel here. You just have some autism and you don't know how to flirt. You are also too picky when it comes to girls, you don't need to marry anyone, just have sex. Also most of your problems are logistical ones, like your parents don't allow you to bring girls and have sex.

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That "thing" lives in my neck of the woods.
Should Mighty user, the brave knight, slay this dragon if he should ever see it in the wild?

The only points you did are not relevant to the central topic, so you are still a screeming potato without actual arguments

Also, stop samefagging, you don't convince anybody

Yeah but I think they're trolling. You wouldn't be on this board unless you were at least slightly self aware.

The things this demonic entity retweets, my god.

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The central topic of you being a bitter, hateful piece of trash, women being able to intuitively sense this, and immediately and forever avoiding you because of this? Yes, you still haven't addressed that, you just called me reddit and said I was probably disfigured. Fortunately, this is a text conversation, on an anonymous imageboard in which you can't delete replies, so you can't lie about that.

If you're going to use an insult pertaining to somebody's intelligence, maybe don't misspell the word right beforehand. "screeming" lmao.

And you don't even know what samefagging is. Nobody in this thread has visibly agreed with me, except the dude who said you were all too far gone as a response to my first reply. So unless you're just accusing me of being him, you literally have no idea what the term means, and you should lurk more.

Please tell me none of you look like that.

>physically disfigured gay trans woman
Sounds like a physically and mentally disfigured straight man

Jesus fuck you reek of reddit get fucked

Nice canned response that means nothing


nothing you idiots say are solutions

>I don't condone your racism
Where do you think you are?

lol, I'm a piece of shit and I don't deny it to myself and use soft little faggy safe words to make myself feel better. Kill yourself.

>incel cope
>gets mad at others for calling someone a "thing"
>uses the same type of dehumanizing language in his next post
Careful, blue checkmark, you might get banned from Twitter!

Can we discuss this shit? She's wasting time sure, but at least shes not doing this shit. Imagine being born with pretty good genes, being a model, then doing this shit, making yourself look like a total retard, while still getting support and people calling you 'brave' and 'changing perceptions of beauty'. They'll probably both grow up in their 40's and so on and regret cucking themselves like that, even when they had a chance. Why do non-retards choose to cuck themsleves??? for the sake of some social media points?

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Dudeee if you know what this board was all about and wasn't a new fag. You would know that most robots have difficulties in life mostly due to mental issues.

Okay, now I'm really beginning to see why nobody else bothers to give actual answers to your questions. You're just too far gone.

I'll just point out, the fact that this sort of attitude completely precludes any of you guys from ever having sex and breeding is one of the most comforting facts about the world I live in. You will never be able to teach another person the toxic, disgusting things you all believe in, and will probably die bitter and alone somewhere.

That's just stating facts. For those of you with a shred of hope, please stop lurking and posting on this board, you're just going to further isolate yourselves and make it even less likely that you'll ever find happiness with someone.

Nigga I started posting again today out of curiosity after leaving this site for like 3 years and after all that time I've spent much time interacting with people and close friends face-to-face (some being women) and they literally confirmed most of these "toxic" views.

You're an idiot who's just trying to take a moral high ground and bolster yourself. You don't want to help, you simply want to punch down. Stop pretending to give a shit and fuck off already, jesus christ.

Also I can't imagine how fucking retarded you have to be to believe that anyone on these boards says any of the shit they say here IRL.
You're a double retard.

>Maybe not being the sort of person to call somebody a "thing" for being disfigured

Sexhaver here, and I declare that thing a thing.

Honestly, I have serious doubts about any human being whose first reaction upon seeing that...thing...isn't to be knocked back a little with revulsion. Maybe you keep that revulsion in check, because of all the nice lessons you learned in kindergarten and all the virtue-signalling points you've earned your whole life, but it still has to be your first reaction. If it's not, there's something seriously wrong.

So tell me: since this is my attitude about disfigured monstrosities, how do you explain all of my sex-having? Why don't women everywhere "intuit" my horrible nature and avoid me? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that as soon as you put two drinks in them, 95% of women will openly agree with you that this thing is a thing.

why are you here

go back to plebbit you brainless normalfag

>being a bitter, hateful piece of trash, women being able to intuitively sense this
Not him, but is it weird that these same women end up in abusive relationships?
They don't sense actual monsters, but they sense the guy who shit talks about women on the internet, who is though extremely nice in real life.

Wow! You're so deep and cool user! You're just like BBC's Sherlock, a high functioning sociopath who's simply better than the human beings around you care for each other! You sure stuck it to moralfags, obviously no one would be moral if they didn't think it would get them laid. They're such posers and virgins, pretending to have actual convictions and beliefs. People like them could never see through your flimsy little excuse for a soul and into the gaping void you desperately try to fill with cheap, meaningless sex! I hope to be just like you someday, user, and then we can kill ourselves together.

What the fuck are you doing here? This is r9k, the last fucking place on the internet where I can come and post about how trannies are scum and fat people are garbage and not have the fucking thought police come and ruin my life. Fuck trannies, fuck proselytizers, and fuck you

>high functioning sociopath
Unironically these are the people who get the greatest amount of pussy, and not just one night stands but also long term partners, they obviously end up cheating on and abusing those partners with no consequences.
But hey, i'm sure that the really evil people (who haven't hurt anybody, besides shitposting on the internet) will die alone. Such is the just world.

>Wow! You're so deep and cool user! You're just like BBC's Sherlock, a high functioning sociopath who's simply better than the human beings around you care for each other!

When did I say that? Actually, I would submit to you that one of the most pernicious lies spread by the modern left establishment is the idea that if you feel a natural revulsion to a literal monster it means you must hate, you know, actual humans.

Especially when all I'm really doing here is admitting to the revulsion that you ALSO feel, but merely lie about.


Sure it is. I'm absolutely sure that if I observed you in a context where you encountered this...thing...unexpectedly, there'd be a moment where you were startled, and then you'd assert control of yourself and go into "dealing with the handicapped" mode. But that moment where you're startled, where you think WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, is the real, genuine reaction. The part where you manage your own reaction is a socialized lie.

And it's OK. I'm not saying that you should get rid of the lie. Keep it. The world is better for it. But don't come on to a Mongolian basket weaving board where people don't have to lie and issue these absurd denunciations. Your pretense has no value here.

>So lookism is wrong, just be low inhibition and shieet
Literally yes. I constantly see 3/10s, manlets, fat shits, highschool dropouts and any combination of those with gfs. The common denominator between them is low inhib- they just don't care.

>>this "thing" somehow has a gf.

It's from the Midlands.
Have you ever been to the Midlands, particularly the West Midlands.
She/It is a 9/10 in that area of England.
A blue eyed blonde with fairly decent teeth.
An Aryan/Celtic Goddess to the average Briton.
Wonderful country with an attractive wench waiting around every corner.
After hoisting a few pints she/it will transform into an 11/10.
Girl of any red- blooded Irish Travelers dreams.

It's all about being low sentient. women are attracted to men who act like animals. Overthinking, overly self-aware faggots like us are too repulsive to them. High inhibtion = death sentence

Same age as you user.

lol, you made me smile.

It's just a pity virtue signaling thing, it's not a real gf. It's like when women call an ugly girl "beautiful" just to make her feel better.