28th birthday today

>28th birthday today
>don't have any friends so never had 'birthday drinks' before or even spent the day with friends
>met a guy from here, we start talking on kik
>he lives one town away and offered to spend my birthday with me, even take me for drinks
>arrange a time and place
>day before he stops replying
>assume he's a bit busy
>birthday arrives
>tell mum I'll be spending the day with a friend in the city
>still no replies from the guy, finally figure out he was screwing with me
>have to still get out the house because of what I told my mum
>mum gives me 40 quid in birthday money, I try to refuse but she suggests I spend it on my day with my friend
>take bus to another town
>watch Detective Pikachu
>spend 10 quid on snacks
>only 2 other people in the screening
>take bus to another town to watch a film at another cinema
>get mcdonalds while waiting for the movie to start
>watch Aladdin
>lots of people here but once again I'm the only solo act
>finally head home, go to the kitchen
>see a cake
>mum wakes up and she and my sister sing happy birthday while I blow the candles

I feel like there's a lesson here I can't see

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>>finally head home, go to the kitchen
>>see a cake
>>mum wakes up and she and my sister sing happy birthday while I blow the candles

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once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right

Only a fiver for an adult cinema ticket, wtf?

I guess the lesson is "at least you have a family that loves you" ...

Some people don't even have that .

Happy birthday user. You could have nobody, but you have your mom, sister and us. Once again, happy birthday pal.

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>Only a fiver for an adult cinema ticket, wtf?
anywhere poor or just outside London

Happy birthday man. Your family loves you.

Man, fuck that guy who strung you along. Seriously, may he burn in hell.

What a cruel twat that guy. Anyway, happy birthday man, at least your family loves you

I'd gladly go see a movie with you user. Happy Birthday

>Detective Pikachu
what a waste of money, you should've gone see John Wick 3 instead

Wanted to watch fast pace/happy/upbeat stuff

Thanks, I'll do more to appreciate what I have but I wish I had more

So sorry about that and fuck that guy.
Only mom remembered my birthday last 16 june, and that was enough to brighten my day ; if you can't see it, that's ur lesson, just reciprocate ur mom's inconditional love.

That guy sounds like a faggot, I'd drive hours for a fellow autists birthday if I knew em

Oh and I forgot to say, happy birthday, wish you all the best user


OP is trans and has had many chances to make friends but acts like a total asshole to everyone

upon closer inspection he realised you were a pak block in dres

not true lad leave it out
happy birthday day moni
likun allah maeak

I knew this person who also did the exact same today for his birthday, his name is Amer. He's a good friend of our, but he's a transsexual Pakistani who is also a registered sex offender. He posts by the trip 'Moni' and frequents /britfee/. He's also evading a ban at the moment, may justice run it's course ;).
Also he doxxes the few people who pity and reach out to him.

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pretty sure the lesson is kill yourself you demented freak, the reason why your 28 and have no friends is because your a despicable person and should be locked up you foul nonce

I've heard of this amer character too
apparently he spends his days shitposting and being rude to people on a racist anime forum and pumping himself with tranny juice, you'd think after narrowly escaping prison he'd spend his time more wisely

based and redpilled if true and original

Yes, but his work ethic sucks and he's socially inept.

It is, he's been posting in /britfeel/ all fucking day.

oh nononono, please don't be real

Happy Birthday man, appreciate your family that was really touching of them

You're looking at your future,.kid

I've got a long term gf, mind it did take me until I was 22 to go on my first ever date

Happy birthday my fellow

>I've got a long term gf
Fuck off normie

Usually I'm just here laugh and look at the freaks but happy birthday to you user, had to drop you a message. My birthday is today as well.