America belongs to white and black men

America belongs to white and black men.

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What about africa?

America belongs to native american men. Niggers and euros can go back to their place, mutts can go down the grave.

Belongs to chinamen

asians and hispanics are the future of America

the negro/white man alliance will obliterate them

America belongs to american men, women, and children.



Not at all. Come back when you can unapologetically say the n-word

Why isn't american considered a race yet? Hispanics ain't a race but is seen as one, Asian ain't a race but is seen as one so these labels might as well be removed and replaced with american.



Absolutely based you son of a bitch

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Right right where are my manners.
Ahem. Am I doing it properly, my good nigger sir?

Let /BLACKED/ and /BLEACHED/ be united!

>good nigger sir

You're alright big guy but there just aint enough room on this board for two based zoomers

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Africa still belongs to France and England because every time the Africans try to elect someone who will help them, France and England pay for their assassination and put some guy into office who sucks western dick and wants to live like a rapper.

Agreed. We blacks did a significant amount of labor here and whites laid the foundation for the laws. Nothing wrong with this. As long as we get rid of our pwn dregs we can live in harmony.

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then dont ever cry about "oppression and reparations" again, bitch! you dont know what real oppression is until you have drones flying over you all day.

>until you have drones flying over you all day.

no one cares about pakis

yea nobody cares, exactly. enjoy your buddy buddy bromance, fag

shut up, dont you have a convenient store to tend to?

Whites will mix out Hispanics in the US, who are already 40-50% white on average. They will just become Castizos. Hapas might have to go back tho. WFAM ones can stay. Not the WMAF ones. Its ok because Asians worship them anyways

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i do. see ya gaywad

Good luck with that my friend. There is no way the black community can purge the degenerates to the point where it is beneficial for whites to live in harmony with them.

WMHF is way more based than WFAM/WMAF. WMHF mixed kids end up looking better too

you're a good man, dont let those flying robots get you down

Back to your racial fetish subreddit, incels. This is a wholesome thread for B&W american men.

thanks. i try. its not like anybody has my back here, its do or die.

Go back to plebbit, losers

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just so you know the good white and black men of this country don't support the Israeli-American military that is doing this to you

the lads are just going for some fresh air, thats all. beautiful sunny night over here. it used to be worse when they fly by at 1-5 am in the morning, a wagie cant get any shut eye.

Real talk though, why are whites so unconcerned about their slow replacement? I went on a trip to Connecticut recently (I'm from New York) and there were latinos everywhere. Everywhere. Even the whitest person had a touch of brown in him. And then you have a ton of whites, even here on Jow Forums, who are okay with racemixing despite being such a minority in danger and actively hate on white women. Not that I'm against racemixing, but if your numbers are so low you should focus on making more whites than mixed kids.

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America belongs to latinos
Whites go back to Europe
Blacks go back to Africa
Injuns we'rent sustainable and sooner or later the northern side of the continent would be naturally colonized by central american peoples

lt belongs to anyone but jews

There isn't room on this board for even one zoomer.

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Why the fuck would I give a shit about becoming a minority in America?

Do you have a New York accent? I am white (I am not but let's say I am for the sake of the punchline) and am more concerned about the disappearance of the classic New York accent.

its literally nothing but israel's butt buddy

Southernfag here. Most women, at least over here are fucking fat and have a lot of kids from previous affairs. If you don't want to deal with that, you gotta date outside your race. I see it happening all the time now.

It's literally jews vs everyone

I didn't realize zoomers were a race.
Gas the zoomers, age war now!

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zoomer here, how do l change

*sips monster*
It's easy champ, all you have to do is look me straight in the eyes and give me a firm handshake.

This is the way America was conceived of for thousands of years.

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As a 33hkhv neet boomer, you're more zoomer than he is. Sipping that kike piss. Kill yourself.

We're going to kill you niggers

nice try kike, its everyone vs you, you cant hide

I know, right? I think it's sad to see this is happening to virtually all white homelands. And the majority of us seem to be perfectly content with it or indifferent. I would shudder to think of this happening to any other people or country or culture. If white people were on track to become a majority in Japan and outnumber the native Japanese, I would find that equally repulsive and undesirable.

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the guy on the right looks very irish