Anons,please not just for my sake but for everyone elses,poison every pitbull you see...

Anons,please not just for my sake but for everyone elses,poison every pitbull you see. Or take a shovel to its head like that one gif that used to be posted everywhere. I dont have it but i think you know which one. Anyways,death to all pitbulls and every owner of one.

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hey, why tho

Don't even like pitbulls, they scare the shit out of me, but you deserve your dick ripped off and fed to you if you play god like this, faggot

There's literally nothing wrong with pitbulls. It's the owner.

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Shut up you pitbull apologist
What are you even talking about?

he's not wrong. pitbulls should not be allowed as pets. every pitbull owner i've seen is a retard.

You're so retarded you can't even read, fucking KEK
I'm saying, lil brainlet, that if you think you can choose what lives and dies, you should be curb stomped and raped anally. Can you understand that or do I need to start throwing out ooga boogas and hitting my chest to lower myself to your IQ?

Pitbulls are very sweet animals when treated well, just like every other being on this planet.

The American flag is very fitting.

It seems i hit a nerve. Please calm down. Get some water,have a cigarette if that what it takes.

Pitbulls, even when raised from puppies and in loving homes still have the same kill instinct. They can snap at an instant and rip your fucking face off. Anyone who owns/ defends pitbull owners should be shot after having their killing machines tortured in front of them.

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pitbulls are the niggers of dogs, which is why only niggers and white trash wiggers own them.
and since niggers/wiggers are notoriously bad at training animals to do anything, it only enables the niggerness of pitbulls

Thats because they have a bad reputation do every pitbull owner is an edgelord

Go vite democrat somewhere else.

based, will do fellow user

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Just go kys, then you'll never have to see anymore pit bulls. You beta cuck fag.

T.ranny pitbull owner

>if you think you can choose what lives and dies, you should be curb stomped and raped anally.

Dude, human beings choose which animals live and which animals die, every fucking day. Including dogs.

In the time it will take me to write this post, somewhere in the US a dog will be euthanized. Why not just kill all the pitbulls first? Every pit bull owner who loses their killer nigdog can just go out to a shelter and get a non-pitbull - that might otherwise get put to sleep.

Beta cuck incel

No,actually,(you) heha

t. Cable guy

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I mean, I love dogs and I wanna say SPBP, but then again it's true that pits were bred to be hyper aggressive and because of that every wannabe nigger around wants one

sadly it's hard to tell where exactly the problem lies, rather, whether it's 100% nature, or if it's mainly a nurture problem
niggers don't raise cats, they raise nigger dogs

I mean with a cade like this it should be considered heavily that theybare literally breed to be this way. They are killing machines first,dogs second. Only licensed professionals should own this breed. It is obvious that no normal citizen should own one of these dogs.

i feel bad for these creatures, they never asked to be bred this way. now the only option is to send them away to an island. sad.

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well then, nobody should have one, unless you plan on making dog fighting (what they were bred for) legal and provide licenses to people

but that doesn't answer the main issue, what do you do with the ones in circulation now?
are you going to mass castrate them or something?
are you going to simply take them all away from their owners?

this could degenerate very quickly

no, what needs to happen is more information spreading and 'redpills' for the normies, like smoking = bad or 'wear condoms'

Really owned me there didn't you? Just go kys so we don't have to deal with your smelly incel self. Plz do us all a favour and KYS

People knowing the dangers of this dog would massively help. In a way i dont want to think you would have to explain this to people but also i know thats wishful thinking.

Is incel the only buzzword you know?think of some more you absolute fuckin joke.

I don't think that's really the issue, people know they're a dangerous breed, they just don't care
that's the issue
they see some nigger in a rap clip with a couple of them and they're like 'woah so cool, I wanna be a nigger too' and they go get some pits because they want to look dangerous

though I'd wager most of those people never had a dog before and thus don't understand how much work you have to put out into them not to let them stay their wild selves, so maybe stopping people from owning pits as their first dogs?