what does racism even mean anymore? i legit don't know what that word means when people call me that. gib me a definition.
What does racism even mean anymore? i legit don't know what that word means when people call me that...
it just means that that person has summthn to say to yal
racism is when black people feel it. like really feel the shame of it all. the hatred of god from the beginning of time on down to our age. so they call you racist. cause they feelin it.
he cute! wassup
Imagine using your talent to draw this picture for no other reason than to argue with black people. Imagine the things some people could accomplish if they weren't retards.
minority people bad
? that's a good drawing. i dont mind it one bit.
i need you to tell me who the artist is. i want to give him my money
Racism is when a """"person of color"""" decides they don't like you
yeah but not really cause no
The funny thing is that he's 100% right.
No he's not right. If the Black Panther was a white guy, it would dismantle the whole story.
Racism is power plus privilege. Since Northeast Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are the wealthiest demographic per capita in the US, only they can be racists.
>If the Black Panther was a white guy, it would dismantle the whole story.
They'd just have to add another transparent rationalization to the story.
>His grandmother was Amelia Earhart, and she disappeared because her plane went through a space warp and landed in Wakanda!
If the switch was going the other way - if a white character was being switched to be black - we'd have to swallow whatever half-ass story justification they gave us, or else DAS RACISS!
That's what makes him right. The fact that all he's doing is deadpanning arguments that are presented to white people. The fact that those arguments aren't accepted in this context proves that they were always offered in bad faith to begin with.
No, I'm not talking about his origin story. Have you seen the movie? If he was white, it would destroy the whole story since a lot of it is about the relationship between Africans and African Americans and the villain is a half Wakandan-half African American, who is also the Black Panther's cousin.
Excuse me
*Spreads mayo*
Are you suggesting
*Builds empire*
We were once monarch of central African technocracies?
*washes chicken*
*boils chicken with salt and pepper*
*chops vegetables into the chicken soup*
Where did this whole "lel white pepul mayo blax hate mayo xdddddd" thing come from? Never heard of this stereotype before in my life and I've heard a lot.
And the reason it's ok to make a white character black and not ok to make a black character white is because for so long, black people were typecast into servant or thug roles and a lot of black actors find it hard to find success in mainstream film because Hollywood thinks no one wants to see black people even though their movies tend to do pretty well.
Put it this way: say a homeless man stole $10 from a rich man. It's still wrong but it's way worse for a rich man to steal $10 from a homeless man.
>its okay to steal from rich people
They needed something to latch onto as a racial insult, everything else simply reminded them of our dominance. That and *Hooks trading partnerson drugs* was a bit of a mouthful
Based artist
This is actually fine, and if the actual argument offered was
>Hey we need to steal a couple of your characters because we was repressed and shit and don't have a deep bench of our own characters to fall back on. So can you help a brotha out?
...I'd have no problem with that. But that's not the actual argument offered. We are instead told
>Fictional characters have no inherent race and to say otherwise is to be an essentialist and a monstrous racist bigot!
...and having pushed that argument the left now gets to fucking live with it. No motherfucking backies.
There's also a difference between fictional characters whose race is irrelevant and fictional characters whose race is a big part of their story.
This doesn't apply to Asians because white people will take Asian roles like nothing.
Dont bring asians into this, asians dont care, they just make new roles/characters. np