Be fembot

>be fembot
>add guys on /soc/ saying I want to be FRIENDS
>stupid guys ask to be friends with benefits
>stupid guys beg for nudes
>stupid guys say we should try dating
>no interest in any of them, no compatibility to any of them in any way outside of a decent conversation
>never actually met a single guy who wasn't interested in something more than friends on /soc/ or Jow Forums when I asked for FRIENDS ONLY

This is what it's like to live as a woman. Men are stupid! Why don't they respect women outside of a dating or a sexual prospect? Be kinder to women. We are not an object to be conquered.

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Thats a good question. It's because we have sex on our minds. To be friends with women, a man should give up wanting sex. Lets be kinder to women.

we're all horny and we mostly just want sex. the question you have to ask yourself is why do you want guy friends so badly?

Guys are good emotional support.

friends on Jow Forums are a meme. don't even bother, "fembot"

we should all agree to stop having sex then so my feelings don't get hurt :)

It's obvious why, I really like attention but don't want to handle the responsibility or consequences. Why can't you guys be there for me without me having to date you!

>Going to places were men are incredibly lonely and desperate and being surprised when men act desperate

You're absolutely right, on behalf of my gender I would like to apologize for our utter failure of reading comprehension. It's painfully obvious that us males selfishly place our interests over those of women and end up invariably harassing them in one way or another

I won't blame you if the situation is beyond salvation at this point, but if you want feel free to post your interests and maybe here, where everyone is more honest with what they want, you can get some friends only

It's possible, it's just harder to find in this post internet porn world. Find an asexual man to be your friend.

Drop the zeroes and get with the hero baby. I'll orbit you to the grave.

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Just befriend gay guys obviously.

You want attention and emotional validation so you find desperate guys that will give you a virtually unlimited supply of that. I mean that's fine, but don't lie about it.

you have nothing to offer other than sex, any male is 10 a better friend than you, the only friends you'd ever get are beta cuck boys that hope to fuck you one day

>be femanon
>meet guy
>develop feels
>he just wants fuck
>go with it because want to make him happy and feel close to him
>cry afterwards

biggest simp of all time

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I'm not op. It's not a big deal once you give up wanting sex.

I'm a good singer and people like talking to me, and I can make a nice home cooked meal for any friend

>It's possible, it's just harder to find in this post internet porn world. Find an asexual man to be your friend.

Asexuality does not exist, other than maybe in eunuch. Asexual men are just guys that are so fucking autistic that they resigned themselves to never having romantic contact and that will shatter pretty quickly when they get attention from a roastie like OP. Most female asexuals I've met openly say they still date and have sex, they just aren't 'sexual.' They are full of shit and are just straight women with a low sex drive.

I could get sex any time i want, but I choose not to. I'm a guy. Emotional fufillment is better than having sex.

Because you're playing an invisible game where you're trying to find a desirable man who will conquer you. Denying it is part of the game you're playing.

Nah! I just like being told I'm pretty sometimes. I don't want a bf. I'm not mature enough yet.

>Emotional fufillment is better than having sex.

>Implying that's an either or

One way or another you're full of shit.

Nobody here cares if you can sing well, and as for whether people would enjoy talking to you, that entirely depends on if you have things in common to talk about.

Kill yourself, baiting cunt.

And................................................................? That's not asexual. Asexual is a faggot buzzword that is almost never applicable to a human. I'm assuming you're not a person with a spinal chord and almost no brain, are you?

>no interest in any of them, no compatibility to any of them
Then how do you even expect them to be friends?
Just say you needed orbiters for when you're bored.

My voice is very gentle and calming, don't you like music? I'm no Bjork but I'm sure you could fall asleep to my singing.

>I don't want a bf. I'm not mature enough yet.

That means literally fucking nothing you dumb ass cunt. People have gotten married in their early teens for thousands of years

you were that whore in high school who was in choir and shoved her singing up everyone's ass

>Cry afterwards

Go on...

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I just don't want to hurt someone with my immaturity

No man wants a female friend. Shut up you stupid fuck.

I think my issues will be solved with age

I like music, but I don't like singing as an instrument.

Fembot, I am a guy who is not interested in romantic stuff either. I just want a friend to talk to, since the last of my friends is fading from me now and I don't wanna be alone again.

email me at [email protected] if you want to be friends.

How old are you then? If you're 18+ and not mature enough for a relationship, then you probably never will be.

What are the best non sexual ways to entertain you? Do you like food?

It seems that way, that its an either or.

How old are you? Assuming that is above 14 then the way you learn how to have relationships is by having them, just like pretty much everything else in life. Just don't have sex and don't send nudes, at very least until you know a guy for more than six months. Multiple sex partners, especially for women, ruins your capacity to bond. You should wait longer then that but I know even asking someone to wait six months in todays culture is a big ask.

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You are retarded, period.

I'm glad we had this discussion.

Actually no. I'm thin so I don't like food, and only eat out of necessity.

Go on with what?
It's just an endless cycle of me praying maybe he'll have feels for me one day too.

>go on /soc/
>Is surprised that guys only want nudes
You're pretty retarded aren't you OP?

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im surprised there are straight guys still on /soc/, its mostly just a bunch of traps and fags posting pics of their dick

Young guys have yet to master their baser and instincts so they're going to attempt to plow you every chance they get.

Go for older guys if you want to just be friends. We at least will pretend to be for a bit while we groom you and then become your new Daddy.

That's when the high impact sexual violence starts.

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Don't be rude to him please
I know the feeling, it hurts but I feel he's always by my side despite not returning my feelings
Why do they distinguish friend/discord threads from hookup threads then? It's all going to be the same thing according to you.
We could go jogging together. do you like exercise?
A guy who was protective of me told me that every single guy will see a single woman as a thing to be conquered. Is it true?

Why would he fall in love with you when he's already profiting from not being in love with you?

Plus if you cut him off from the sex, he'll abandon ship.

You're fucked. Pun intended.

As for stuff to entertain, the only non-sexual stuff I would really like would require being in person. Like non-sexual cuddling

There is no winning in my miserable existence.
I just want to make him happy and care for him and be his.

Well yeah, jogging would be fun.

>A guy who was protective of me told me that every single guy will see a single woman as a thing to be conquered. Is it true?

I don't like this. Redflags. Did you grow up with a dad b t w?

At least you got to have sex with him :(

Cool, so you admit I'm useful for something other than sex

Why are women so retarded? Congratulations you're now used goods because of a guy who doesn't give a fuck about you.

>used goods
are men that masturbate used goods too?

Yes, close to my father. He was very affectionate to me. He slapped my ass quite often until I was around 13-14, then it got embarrassing for me and I told him to stop. Now I kind of miss it. He always spoiled me and bought me whatever I wanted. I get a new car every few years. I love my dad! Best man in the world.

Well if I just never get with anyone other than him and just kill myself if he ends things with me it won't be an issue right

Well I never said women were just useful for sex, I personally think women are most important for being mothers and raising children together with.

When will femanons get it through their thick skulls that everything flows from a healthy sexual relationship as a female sexual partner in a heterosexual relationship. If you aren't meeting and fucking your boyfriend on a regular basis, they're gonna leave you

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn just understand that men need and want sex and will go find it

>wanting to be FRIENDS with guys
lol, what a dumb cunt

Or you could choose better

Is threatening suicide a viable solution to make someone love you?

Would you guys be flattered by that?

Asking for a friend, please advise me. I won't actually do it because it's a terrible way to treat someone but I just want to know how other people feel about it.

Did the 'protective' guy see you like that too or was he the exception?

Personally when I see a single woman, I don't see something to be conquered. I see potential, assuming she has any, that may be worth investing my time and effort into to.

Choose what better?

No that will just make him run away

no. the best way to get guys to respect you is to ignore us/cut off sexual activity. if he doesnt crack under the wall treatment, he only saw you as a FWB.

I'd never threaten him with suicide. It's likely a terrible "solution" and would just make them feel guilty and pressured to accommodate your needs.
If you do that to someone, there's no way you really love that person.

Fine. Drop a throwaway.
I never go on soc and just lurk here since I became normal.
If you want a no-shit just friend or to have a conversation, I'm here.
I'm connecting flights home so I'll bug you when I get back in a couple hours.
Or be lonely if you want. Your choice.

No! of course he wanted to fuck me too and he pressured me the hardest to do things I didn't want to do. Surprisingly he was the worst guy ever. He was borderline rapey but I kept my virginity intact after 22 years. He begged me to masturbate on mic with him. He begged to see nudes. Then manipulated me by saying don't you love me? I thought I was infatuated with him at the time, but he was pretty abusive, and I was mistaken about my feelings.

t. brad looking for easy pussy

If I believed that she was serious, I'd be flattered. If it was just a cry for attention. I'd laugh.

You're right user, I don't want to do that to him
if only you knew
True :(

how the fuck does this happen lol. He must have been a real chad

>I get a new car every few years
Fucking rich kids

Yes, he looked like a chad I guess but more like a sociopathic jerk

I was mistaken about my feelings and regret ever talking to him, he was a very bad guy and after I tried to cut contact he STILL harasses me and sends some long love letter saying he looks at my face every day and regrets hurting me blah blah

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>Guy is a predator.
>Girl is young, naive, sheltered.

Bob's your uncle, senpai.

women truly are retarded. you could get a decent man easy but you still chase chad.

>>be fembot


I know this is either a trannypost or a troll, but here's the deal.

Women aren't interesting or funny in any way whatsoever. And i don't blame them for it, they are women. But they should understand that no man would ever be around them if it wasn't for the chance of a sexual relationship.

This is evident for anyone who has been around women, they don't say anything interesting, they aren't funnt, they aren't creative, they aren't unique or different as a person. But you'll still stay along for the chance of sexual or romantic relations, even if the chance is miniscule.

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All in all, the worst guy I ever met was sociopath chad. Worst guy ever! I hope he gets over me and goes to heck. Stop thinking of me.

but if you're reading this I don't fully mean it, don't feel bad because I don't hate you

They don't have to be funny, or interesting, or anything really. They just need to be themselves!

This user is trying to get to fuck op, just like every other beta faggot male that does the whole "im sorry about the other guys, im different i swear, lets have sex"

Tis bait! Alas

I'm 30 and have met one genuinely interesting grill which I dated for five years. She was kind of fat though so I cheated on her with a thinner, younger QT.

Men who masturbate aren't flooding their brain with massive amounts of love endorphins, thereby increasing the baseline level they need to feel happy. As with all experiences, the first time is the most impactful. No future partner will ever make you feel the same way again, no matter how good they are.

to set the record straight, I did not send nudes or do lewd things with this guy or any guys, please don't spread rumors about me!

Nice mansplaining bromeo.

What a great thread, I wish I could be a fembot friends only.

t. a hyperventilating roastie trying to cope with the revelation

Idiot tranny in hiding op aside,
if you're lurking...
pretend to be a guy! just got go on voice and no real robot likes voice anyway.

You wish bro. You were.. white knighted.

Reddit.. so alpha

OP here I have a few more funny stories.

>stupid guys who ask "so are we dating"
>stupid guys who THINK i'm their girlfriend when I never agree to anything (this one is common)
One guy was like
>I'm sorry I'm a bad boyfriend to you
>Wtf? You're not my boyfriend
>he gets angry and surprised
>brings it up again later like I was being mean

What the heck is wrong with people

>Add a fembot as a "friend"

>She is still incredibly bpd, annoying, drama starting, and generally walking on egg shells to talk to

>All this bullshit and I'm not even dating the girl

Sometimes people just don't wanna deal with your bullshit without getting some benefit out of it.

T. Experienced with bpd r9k females, not one of them I had on my friends list for more than a year before either I had to remove them or they removed me.

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>its a "fembot uses men" episode

Nope, I'm emotional support guy.

Xoomies dont know about the emotional support guy

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There were also people who tried to force or pressure me to be their gf when I say no

That's all for my funny stories

>>She is still incredibly bpd, annoying, drama starting, and generally walking on egg shells to talk to
>>All this bullshit and I'm not even dating the girl
Literally this. What exactly is wrong with them? They're all like that.