I want to get married already. I don't want to become a Christmas cake

I want to get married already. I don't want to become a Christmas cake.

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originally a what?

Okay so talk to me then
What do you like, user?
Would you be my gf?

I want a Christmas cake femanon gf. I'm 6'3" and I have a 6.5" cock. Be mine.

You want a sex toy buddy, not a loving relationship

What a rude and spurious accusation, anonette. You wound me.

I like anime and video games not waifu material I know but those are the things that I like the most. I don't mind learning to become more like a housewife.
>Would you be my gf?
How do I know if I want to become your GF you haven't provided info on yourself.
No one cares about your cock size

marry me then, let's make it happen
I'll come to your place and court you for a week or so to see if we connect, if we do we'll become frens forever

A Christmas cake-a woman past 30s

I'm just listing positive physical characteristics. What's wrong with that?

past 25 idiot

I don't really want a housewife, I would just want to make a fembot comfortable and happy and maybe go camping sometimes and play vidya together.
I'm a lonely programmer ive been losing weight and just trying to get past my depression. I was really isolated for years. Its hard to talk about myself.

Are you serious?
How old are you, that sounds cute

Also yeah I love the animes its just with vidya I don't have much time with my job, it'd be nice if I had someone to play vidya with. Its not that I don't want a wife its that expecting them to do house stuff is shitty, I clean my house and do all of the chores myself now, I wouldn't expect anything.

jesus christ this is sad af

I'm 27, originally


Would you a younger guy?

How do you feel about having kids? Also you're a bit outside of my age range

Depends. Are you under 20?

it'd be nice, i have a job to support them, i would want to be the best dad i could be
>outside my age range
o-oh. ok.

If you're so young what are you even crying about

would you want to talk anyways even tho im older? sorry

Yes I think you're outside of my age range and you seem very busy with your job you cant do anything else which is both a red flag for me, sorry user

What are you, 16? Is this the FBI?

id dedicate all of my free time to someone, i hope you find what you're looking for

Someone with a job will inevitably have to juggle things and most of the time videogames don't come first. Don't wonder why you're going to be a Christmas cake if a job for supporting you is a red flag.

No, I'm almost 21. I'm a manlet though.

yeah, I'm quite serious if you're interested
drop your Discord or some other form of contact if you want to start talking about it, I'll be in touch

oh look another tranny glownigger thread, how cute. fucking neck yourself.

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How old are you user

you can't become a cake you dumdum
you need to be female to be a cake

But I am a female

i like how this entire thread revolves around the fembot obsessing over age, the irony of her complaining about how she'll be a christmas cake

21, originally
is that within your range?

Any 30+ fembots here?

>every girl I've ever liked has been at least 3 years older than me
What did my brain mean by this?

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