How difficult is life for a submissive male?

how difficult is life for a submissive male?
>tfw I am 6' 6"
>tfw I still want to sub

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It is hard unless you are gay (a fag)

6'6'' will make it considerably easier than 5'6'' so disregard the typical imagery

Are you into fat females?

hardest part is finding one that is into it, especially since you can't know unless you've been dating her for a while already
if you ask her too soon she'll be creeped out by it
and the longer you take to ask, the longer you have to live this lie

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Quite complaining tallfag. You have it much easier than manlets

>tfw 6'3
>can't find tall women
i don't want womanlets help

Well, it's one of the least attractive things a man can be, so why don't you guess.

Why does everyone hate submissive men, it's not fair, I just wanna be someone's personal BITCH, is that so wrong?

Being submissive is the worst fucking thing ever if you're a man. If you're a woman, it's acceptable. If you're gay it's not acceptable but it'll be easier to find a guy to dom you.
Not to mention the fact there are girls who are "brat types" who only act dominant as a way to find a guy to put them in their place. This is the part that pisses me off the fucking most.
The other thing is that I didn't ask to be like this. I didn't get exposed to this type of thing at a young age I just naturally reacted to it and turned into the person I am. It sucks
Btw nice pic it's really hot I love the fact that she's stronger than him too and it's not like he's totally submitting

it's not wrong baby, just dumb. Which is fitting, huh?

I'm so dumb that I want to submit to an intelligent woman!

>when she publicly humiliates you by destroying your arguments one after the other about a debate you started
>when she flaunts it around for hours afterwards, to make sure you know and understand your place
>when she tells you it's okay for you to be retarded because she finds it cute and she hugs you as you start pouting

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Might not be too hard. Coming fron a girl, the most attractive thing I see in a guy would be if he can be my toy or not. I hit lucky first time with bf who is switch but its wayy more fun when im in charge

how the fuck did you meet?
like, did he know about your assertive side before you got together, or you got together because of it or what?
did you show you were assertive before you started the relationship, or did you just happen to grow into it and he grew into his role too or something like that

Even if you're not LARPing you are literally just 1 woman. In some other thread an user said you could count on one of your hands the amount of dominant women in your county who aren't prostitutes. This may be hyperbole but it illustrates how fucking rare this is.

That sounds so satisfying. To have someone call me out on my shit and teach me a lesson, confront me, back me into a corner, not let me get away with stupidity...
I usually fear such a thing happening, getting into arguments and being contradicted, being "exposed", but at the same time, if it was the right person, I want it. I need it.

I know a female coworker who does this. Does that mean she'd be dominant? I mean it's highly unlikely that I'd even get with her but if I know that she's dominant I may put more effort into it


I don't give a fuck how much people call us chad-lites or us having easy lives or whatever, being ENTP-T is SUFFERING

this weird pathetic desire to show your weaknesses and you horrible side and this longing for someone that will accept it all

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Chance. We finally talked about whole dom sub thing a month or so in and just happened to luck out on both sides. But he liked anime and lolis so, maybe dead give away?

I want a girl to strangle me to death so fucking badly.

What do you like about it exactly? And what do you do to him?

not necessarily no, a lot of people act completely differently when in couple vs with co-workers etc

though I'm guessing a girl that is capable of bantz is a good bet as to whether or not she is dominant

yeah funnily enough I'm into those things and I'm a switch with a sub pref, so maybe it is a dead giveaway huh
but I was talking about you more than him, I need to know where to look for clues

I just couldn't just get with a girl and then find out she's pure sub and I'd have to either leave her and feel like utter shit for wasting such an opportunity, or live on and just give up on a part of me

good god I wish I was just gay, it would make everything so much simpler

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same bro bending down to hug a girl is so retarded

now imagine living in a small town where everyone are just normies lmao

Hm. I honestly dont know what about me. Maybe a girl who teases and jokingly makes fun of you? Like I always call him my mutt or baby boy and tease him for looking so young. Or pick on him for not being able to say certain words. Ect. But very lovingly if that makes sense
So id say a girl who when youre flirting with tends to tease or rough house a bit more.
But then again, it is hard to pinpoint what about yourself.

>good god I wish I was just gay, it would make everything so much simpler
This hits too close to home.

I want to be tied up and milked

I don't think I could ever live with myself in a submissive roll.
I've always grown up with a shit ton of charisma and even a bit of confidence (At least in my talents and abilities), but my absolute shit genes and mongoloid level ugliness have kept me from any sort of meaningful relationship with a woman.
I'm always taking the lead in projects, stuff at work, meetings, training, etc so submitting myself to ANYONE feels wrong.

How many submissive robots were raised by single moms or otherwise just didn't have strong parental figures?
My dad died when I was young and my mom became disabled shortly after, and from childhood through adolescence and young adulthood, I was responsible for "taking care of her".
I think this is why I am submissive and desire a strong, dominant, controlling partner. I think I'm longing for that parent I didn't really have. I crave the discipline and the guidance and feel like I need to "look up" to my partner.

definitely plays a big role for me too
craving that discipline you couldn't find yet needed while growing up

This. Facts are women today have been raised to be more dominant and men to be more submissive. Most people responding to you are guys op, they have no idea of the large number of dominant woman today.

My parents divorced when I was 16, but until I was 15 or so I lived in a pretty normal two-parent household, I don't know why I am this way.

>tfw you'll never have a gf who makes you write lines when you talk back to her

My dad was sometimes absent/not a strong father figure at worst, so I doubt that's it. I'm inclined to think it's more nature than nurture.

I think it's just that everyone has been raised to be more submissive, hence the problems we're seeing incels whine about. The demand for dominant men has gone up and the supply severely decreased.

it's even harder if you're gay (a fag) who lives in guangzhou (a city in china)

Holy fuck i got angry reading this. You fags actually want this? What a fucking bitch

sounds like you're insecure about something
this is an anonymous forum user, you can admit it, it's okay

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why do you post images like this user, I just fapped

these images are for heartboners user
not regular boners, stop being a degenerate for one minute in your life

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What's this from?

This is an original question which hasn't been asked before.

I don't "want" it. I need it. I deserve to be taken down a peg.

it's asked every time I post it
you should check out anything from this artist desu
his art isn't the best but his stories always hit right home if you like dominant/strong females

I have submissive gf. Can I get her to dominate me somehow?

tell her you want to try it and forced her into doing it
being a power bottom is an okay alternative

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About lots of things im on r9k for a reason. I just don't see the appeal of someone calling me a dumbass i do that to myself plenty enough. What a toxic relationship that'd be,
>user you're weak
>user you're worthless
I want a gf that builds me up not one that acticely tries to tear me down because of some fetish. Different strokes i guess.

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>tfw brat type but a man
>no girl will ever put me in my place because when encountering a dominant force they rather submit than push back
>no girl will ever try to banter and mentally corner me
>lose all interest in women even when I might be able to actually get some because they are all boring.

Just kill me. Honestly it is anime's fault, from a young age I was shown women can be as strong as men and have great interests and ambitions sometimes beyond the men but 90%+ of women irl are shallow and weak in both body and mind. Trying men is actually getting more appealing every day, already past the femboy stage so only a matter of time probably.

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It's real shitty user.
> t. female sadist
There are at least ten male bottoms for every female top so the competition is fierce.

what kind of sadism are we talking about?

Sorry OP but you're in nightmare mode, considering sexually dominant girls literally don't exist. The only way left is to drown yourself in fiction until you can't cope anymore and commit suicide.

t. fellow sub

Women only want to be dominant when it comes to controlling the relationship and money. But they will always be submissive in bed. In fact it's even hotter for them because of the gap.

Hard sadism (cigarette burns, anal stretching/fisting, needle play, etc.)
I'm not a pure dominant though. Women who are are vanishingly rare. It's pretty tough given (A) social roles, (B) most guys are stronger and would win if they resisted, (C) feeling in charge while taking dick takes some work

>(C) feeling in charge while taking dick takes some work
This is probably the best explanation as to why femdom isn't real. It's simply not natural.

this is what I've wanted:

Jesus christ this is retarded. Is there something similar not written by an autist?

So what you are saying is submissive guys should look towards traps since they can give you the dick rather than only take it?

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I used to give a girl at school hell, just because she would yank me around by my arm if I did.
>>lose all interest in women even when I might be able to actually get some because they are all boring.
The worst part about it is how self-unaware they all are about it. They all think they're the first woman ever to have the same fucking normie tastes, when they almost universally have those tastes. It's all so tiresome.
>Trying men is actually getting more appealing every day
Bah, I'm way too straight for that.

do you like blood/cutting?

Funny, I have a similar story where I developed a big crush on a girl who would hurt and intimidate guys to do what she wants so I frequently messed with her to get scratched, stabbed, and kicked. Nothing too bad of course, but it still gave me a thrill whenever she poked me with her pen or stepped on my foot and told me off. She probably genuinely hated me.

>The worst part about it is how self-unaware they all are about it.
Fucking this. I don't know how they think it is the first time anyone has come up with those thoughts or interests, and worse yet I fundamentally cannot understand just how they can find happiness in their lives. It would be hell for me and it is hell to listen to.

>I'm way too straight for that.
Give it time. When you realize through lewding with others that men actually can fulfill and are down with your fantasies while also being interesting themselves soon enough you start to think "how bad it could be" beyond simple RP. Also traps.

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Fuck, that image alone gave me pleasant chills. I didn't choose to be like this, why am I like this

Where is it from, is it an edit?

I didn't choose this life either. Life is tough with fucked up tastes.

No idea where that is from, I think I just nabbed it from someone else's post one time. Too lazy to reverse image search atm but interested in a source too.

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Yes, i'm ESTP-A. How could you tell?

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planes and cars aren't very natural
nor is spending so much time on a computer instead of going out to hunt shit and impregnate mates

>want to have a casual argument about some random stuff or a talk but it always devolves into the female part of convo stopping at a certain point and just giving in
It actually fucking hurts to see every discussion devolve into me being right.

>I just don't see the appeal of someone calling me a dumbass i do that to myself plenty enough
and maybe we're the opposite?
have you thought about this?

Maybe because actual women are (rightfully) almost non-existent in this board? There was like 1 girl in this thread and even she agreed that dominant women are incredibly rare, probably non-existent.

Your mother bitch

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them giving up doesn't mean you're right, though

it's from some korean manwha, though the start is great (this pic is the climax really) it ends up with disgusting cuck shit with the girl domming two guys at the same time
absolute fucking garbage

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I mean, that would be a source for my life I will give you that.

but i am
How user was born the post.

Damn, well at least that still sounds better than the usual reversal garbage where the guy suddenly becomes a chad and ends up domming the girl out of nowhere.

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>Give it time. When you realize through lewding with others that men actually can fulfill
This is what I'm saying though: men can't fulfill it. It's creepy and disgusting with men.

Guess you are right again user. Well played much to your chagrin. Though I understand fully your pain and suffering.

I semi-agree. I meant in the sense that, at least mentally and willingly to role play it, they are completely down. Now body-wise, sure, not appealing. I fell for the trap psy-op though so I would take a cute boy at this point, realized dick is actually hot so probably been bi this whole time, so while I don't find masculine men hot yet I find myself considering it more as time goes on and I keep being met with disappointments.

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I used to think that
then I realized homosexuality has no future
it isn't what we look for, which is a mate, it would only fulfill the lust we feel and that's it

it wouldn't give us anything else, because fags can't put out

Based me.
Also joining in on the gay topic and cock. I cant find dick attractive no matter how hard i try. Any other part of a guy sure. His build his face his stomach his chest armpits anything goes nice and sexy for me but i can imagine myself enjoying all that but i cant find myself sucking other guys cock ect. No issue talking with them aswell i clicked it with some really handsome and cool guys online some even were into rp.
Is it just prefference or im retarded.

I related too much with this wow fml

Test tube babies and surrogate mothers are potential solutions for children. Perhaps more in the future. I used to think guys were off limits specifically because I wanted to have children from my genes one day but then realized if I really wanted to I could still find a way.

But honestly, I wouldn't say I am looking just for a mate. Or a lust partner. It is more like I am looking for a best friend who is also my mate and is also my lewd partner we take our lusts out on.

Opposite here. Unless he is a femboy I don't find anything sexy about men except the cock. I mean I can appreciate masculine men in the Jojo's Jow Forums way since I am too, but not sexually. If femboy all the rules go out the window and I would ravish his cute boy body, though not many also want to try domming. I think it is just preference. Also this opens the question of what is gayer, liking masculine features but no cock or liking feminine features with cock, kek. Because personally if I was into somebody I would suck his cock day and night whenever he had the slightest desire to get off. But I would never do anything sexual to like a manly man's chest for instance.

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>it would only fulfill the lust we feel and that's it
No it wouldn't, because I find men pig disgusting.

hahahahaha. thats gotta look funny.

doesn't matter, they're 1) not your children and 2) this isn't the problem I'm pointing

children make for incentives for couples to stick together
gays don't need such incentives and can completely ignore them, even, meaning the second something goes wrong, they look for another hole to fuck because that's what gays are for each other

I know so because the last two best friends I got happened to be gay, and whenever I'd ask them about it they'd go 'who cares'

men are men, women are women
men need women, women need men
men being with men (or women being with women) only leads to suffering, there's no end game, no goal, no incentive, no virtue, nothing
it's only lust

Karen where are the kids?

Well i think femboys are simply picking out best features of man and stuffing that into a body of a woman taking something away and giving something in return. Its for the most part less gay than obvious man going for another man. Im not at all into the powerhouse kind of guy with veins all over and fucking disgustingly overmanly features but rather a regular kind of guy with manly build broad shoulders and not obeese. You know what i mean. So i think going for femboys makes you bi and going for men makes you well gay.

Then what do you call someone like me or someone like you who at one time considered it?

If I got together with a man I doubt I would suddenly cease caring about children or caring about my partner just thinking of them as "another hole." If I exist then there is bound to be others that exist. Though I have absolutely no doubts about what you say as those who are openly gay or are into gay culture tend to be promiscuous and just in it for the sex.

The incentives should be friendship and love, so again while I won't defend the fact that most gay guys are total degenerates in it only for the lust, I have to also think there must be exceptions as I am one cock away from effectively being an exception.

I don't know, I think femboys are the opposite of taking the best qualities of a woman and placing them on a man. But at either rate it isn't about taking and receiving, it is merely a type or rather what you find attractive. I find cuteness attractive. Though you don't find overly masculine attractive, your attraction i guess centers more on "handsome" as a quality you like. At the end of the day I am not looking at "oh, I want a woman or tits or ass" or "oh, I want a man and a smooth jawline, toned muscles, and a strong but graceful build" but I just like features that make me think "cute." Even when it comes to women, I actually don't like the classic hourglass figure or big tits or anything, I don't like sexy or womanly. I just like cute. So I think it is more like guys just have an archetype of categories they like (or several sometimes) and they go with that. For me, femboys fit as cute without much problem. not all women are cute, and not all men are cute. My worry is that my "cute" may become what I hear some gay guys whisper and go "oh wow, he is cute!" when I see a man who is not at all cute.

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It's only really
>disgusting cuck shit
if the angle is like "haha I'm dominant over you but actually submissive to another guy." Having a harem of submissive guys is patrician as fuck.

>Then what do you call someone like me or someone like you who at one time considered it?
deluded, is what I'd call you (old me)

you could get into such a relationship with the best intentions in the world, it doesn't change the fact that it won't be what you're looking for, because men cannot provide what women can
women and men differences don't stop at 'one has a dick and the other can get pregnant'
you'd get a 'best' friend that you can fuck for a while, and you'd believe there's love in there, but then the reality will hit that there's nothing past that

which is why 'openly gays' are so promiscuous and simply don't care about loyalty or sticking around, because they understand that (because of experience and/or because of how they see the possible alternative, the females)

though I'm sure there must be exceptions out there, there always are, but I'd wager you'd have more luck finding yourself a dom girl than a fag with which you could build your life with
do you know any gay couples that have been with each other for over 5 years?
I don't

I don't care about how anecdotal that sounds too, but it's not like there's any reliable point of reference anywhere

t. only in it for the lust

absolute degenerate, people like you are the reason why finding good femdom porn is a fucking nightmare
because of you the second I'd tell someone I'm into femdom, they'd think I want to lick off the cum of some nigger off of my gf's pussy and wear chastity cages with a dragon dildo in my ass or something

>k I want to lick off the cum of some nigger off of my gf's pussy and wear chastity cages
See that's what I'm talking about. There would be no cum to lick if you all wore cages.

Yea, I am not a muh-evidence fag, but this does seem suspect to me. I don't see myself changing, but I could easily see myself getting taking advantage of or tricked by someone not with the right intentions. But I sincerely doubt I will wake up one day and go "nah, I don't love my boyfriend, he just makes me horny and we have similar tastes in anime and vidya. He was fun but I want another hole now." I wouldn't ever do that. What even is it that women provide that a man can't except feminine sex (which traps simulate) and pregnancy? I don't get what you even mean by "provides" except for a baby. If anything, since men are typically more deep with stuff and more open they can provide more outright. It is like those guys who gloat over having a hot wife and stuff, why would I want a second child which is effectively what the "ideal female" is for most men?

Again, I am not saying "go be gay" nor that I am gonna go be gay, and if there are exceptions for fags there also are for women, but for real here this sounds like a mysterious transformation out of the blue due to some mystic property that I don't understand.

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women think and act differently, and thus provide balance to your couple
it's the age old yin and yang tale, men are more competitive, more assertive, more direct in the way they think and act, and are much more prone to get physical, while women are kinder, softer, express compassion more easily (especially thanks to social norms) and all that stereotypical shit

though we could go on for hours, but I haven't slept and I'm too tired to do so

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I unironically find all those masculine traits you listed endearing though I also like the feminine. No reason you can't have both. But yea, it is late here too so I should sleep soon too. Thanks for talking user, hope you have a good night and sweet dreams.

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thanks user, you too, have a good one

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>t. only in it for the lust
Its porn, what do you think the point is?

Honestly, I think that if submissive male/dominant female relationships were more represented in the media, there would be more women into it. After using r9k so often, I eventually developed a fetish for gfd. There are probably many girls like me with passive leadership traits who are willing to take charge when they see someone who needs it.

That's literally what "different strokes" means you retard.

I don't believe women that say they're into being dominant actually are. I've met 2 and despite their claims their relationship history is full of dominant guys, never a sub. I met a switch that dated a sub once and she said she hated it
I really dont think theres any hope for submissive men. We may as well be eunichs

submissive in bed =/= submissive on regular basis in other words a retard.
They want a guy they can make other women jealous of while being tops in bed.

The sub guy that dated the switch girl was a popular musician in their scene, handsome, and well liked all around. Women were definitely jealous of her

Well then there you go. "women"

>Honestly, I think that if submissive male/dominant female relationships were more represented in the media, there would be more women into it.
I don't know. I can't recall a lot of shows with guys being openly dominant over their women. If anything it seemed the other way around.

>>tfw I am 6' 6"
>>tfw I still want to sub
You're a lucky boy. Big subs are a novelty.

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