Post shit that makes you wish you had a lot of money.
Rich envy thread
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These shoes cost over 3 thousand dollars.
If you dont buy Paradox DLC, youre only buying half a game
You know I really wish I was rich, but the funny part is it isn't even to have really nice things, or really big things. I just want the freedom to not have to work. Don't get me wrong, if I were rich, I'd have a nice condo, but I wouldn't go nuts with it and spend untold hours making sure it has the best interior design or whatever. I'd just buy something expensive in a large building in a big relevant city like New York.
holy fuck this dear lord
>living in scottsdale arizona
yeah im not envious
Having this McLaren F1 and racing in Le Mans
I would just buy a cheap apartment and never work
Yeah exactly, well said. I'd live the same as I'd live now, but without 10 hours of toil for Mr Noseberg everyday.
a pet would be nice
a rat actually
I have a list of names for rats!
Really just wish I could visit a doctor and a dentist once a year to be fucking honest
Damn that hits hard. Im sure youre fine user, remember to floss every night, eat a balanced diet, and excersise
You'd really have to be rich too, because buying it is a hell of a lot cheaper than actually flying it regularly.
i wish i could buy my dad a house,he divorced my mother like 10 years ago and still lives in a very small rental apartment,he build himself the house were i grew up,where my mom still lives,he deserves somewhere to live
Pretty much the same thing for me. I wouldn't move to New York though or at least not the city. I'd prefer to live in/near a small town. It's so tiresome living near all these people.
Rich people can afford art
Just torrent the DLC bro
It's weird how different boards are on this site. On Jow Forums and /sci/, some people there know I make a lot of money. And there are plenty of guys there who are making just as much. But on Jow Forums everyone seems to be a loser. What's up with that?
This is where the brainlets and autists gather
The best art is free.
Jow Forums is much younger than the other boards (with the exception of /b/ and Jow Forums)
most posters are probably still in school
Jow Forums is literally tailored for failures
there's no common interest, nothing holding these people together except pure desperation
at least Jow Forums and /sci/ have a purpose, this is just /b/ with less porn and more suicide
That's retarded. You don't need to be rich to not work. I'm a NEET
So much this.
A lot of the appeal comes from having absolute certainty over the fact you're financially secure until you die, it gives you total peace of mind. Can you say the same?
My family is very wealthy. Look up 'hedonic treadmill'; it's true.
Poor people can afford art too if they take any sort of interest and apply themselves (and place value in the artworks), but almost none of them do. I am referring to work by new artists and prints/multiples, even by famous/established artists. Comedian Steve Martin started small in this way when he was young, which was very intelligent of him.
I thought this was kinda obvious?
Very true. While an artist is young the work is worth practically nothing. When the artist has succeeded and died, you won't be able to afford the work, and the artist won't be around to use the money.
tl;dr If you like art and you have good taste you can and should support emerging artists and get rich doing it