So Jow Forums, do you think you fit either of this groups? If so, which one? Does it resonate with you?
So Jow Forums, do you think you fit either of this groups? If so, which one? Does it resonate with you?
Didn't expect either to fit but Cluster A hits really close to home.
Cluster a is where I'm at
im a cluster A chad, except im good looking
not an original comment
B is most accurate for me
I'm an absolute retarded 25 year old neet but people invite me to things because they find my behaviour entertaining. and I think they feel like they can be themselves around me because I have no social judgement filters
ITT: OP is a neurotypical who doesn't understand autism
A. Ive accepted my melodramatic fate.
I fit mostly into the blackops2cel category, but nobody's ever told me I'm ugly, I'm very lazy and messy and I oscillate between talking too much and being annoying as fuck and then realizing I'm just getting on everyone's nerves so I make an effort to shut up but eventually I'll get sad about not talking to people and the cycle begins anew.
God I wish I could cut out my vocal chords or something.
neither of them, but cluster a is way closer than b
Normans will never know what it is to truly be annoying.
Did someone say thick skin?
If course not. You gotta get grip man.
Mix of both descriptions
Neither. Im usually alright socially but my problem is i just don't care enough about others. So it makes making strong relationships hard.
I've seen this shit from somewhere. Someone help my cluster B brain and remind me
Hotline Miami 2 originally of course
cluster B but normie-looking with a cluster B egf
Big time cluster B
A, to a goddamn tee.
My friend is a type B, to a fucking tee. This chart is quite creepy.
A, but fairly average looking and with no real childhood trauma to speak of. Meet some of the traits in B though, I follow boxing and get angry easily, also a complete NEET shutin.
my brain is turbo charged 24/7 and I'm extremely hyperactive but not good socially. 99% of the time my brain just spits out worthless garbage but occasionally it produces a diamond
Mostly A but first 3 points of Cluster B apply to me as well.
I don't really fit those. I keep to myself while dealing with mental illness and I'm waiting for my chance to be a bloomer and live normally.
I'm creepy and have a traumatic past, but I'm also pretty social (cyborg) and my special interests are obscure even by autism standards. People have said that I seem like I have secrets or don't reveal much of my true feelings, which is correct, because they wouldn't appreciate them.
t. diagnosed sperg
Both are accurate, but Cluster A hits home too much.
>be me
>thin skinned and easily offended
>quiet one
>emotional af
>creepy and weird
>anti social
>ptsd from school and childhood
>often melancholic