Thoughts on Megan?

Thoughts on Megan?

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She took advantage of a mentally ill man for free shit.

She used Chris.

shes a sweaty femcel weeb who chris tried to date by being a creep. that is all.

she's mildly retarded though

She must be over 30 now wtf time is killing me

her scuffed dated hairstyle gave that away.

Dude she paid him back.

not like Chris tho
no she didnt
thats from 2003 dude

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If someone searches her name they'll find her business right alongside her history with Chris. She'll always be associated with him now.

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>She'll always be associated with him now.
That's fucking terrible. Seems to happen to everyone and everything that gets involved with Chris Chan. I hope I never cross paths with him.

To be perfectly honest, I think I would.

how many interview offers from amateur youtubers do you think she gets per day

Weren't they in their mid-20s when they were playing yugio or magic or wahtever at that card shoP?

It's hilariously sad if an employer googles your name and finds your CWC wiki page. Good god.

Probably many. But it seems like she did accept just one for a documentary, but it might never come out.

Appears at the end

I want a chris chan hentai with Megan and Bluespike

I find her unironically cute despite that weird 80's slavic hairdo. But also fuck her for taking advantage of Chris. Still waiting for a Chris Chan redemption arc..

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It is far, far too late. Every single new idea he comes up with lands him miles further in the shit, and he's had a lot. There's no "redemption" from where he is now. What do you propose such an arc could even be like?

Probably dropping the tranny schtick and uses his free time to get autistically good at a game at a competitive level.

Rly cute in a christmas cake kinda way.

The tranny schtick is exactly what he needs to fit in with the speed running community though, he might as well just roll with it. Though getting rid of a wound worse than the regular meatspelunking trannygina might be advisable for other reasons.

>What do you propose such an arc could even be like?

he starts lifting in an attempt to gain entry to the Hells Angels motorcycle club (and succeeds)

Or lifts and competes in a bodybuilding competition with Jason Genova and WINS.

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>jason genovia
thats when I realize if chris-chan dedicated himself to exercise he would have ended up as much as a no good retard as jason

one of chris' best gal pals

That looks like a good dog. I want to pet that dog.

I used to think she was super cute. What the fuck was wrong with me.

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I can't believe people pretend CWC is still an lolcow. I hate all of the ween kiddoes that comment on his videos thinking they're funny and that they'll totally induce Chris into a screaming rage by calling him Ian Brandon Anderson.

>they'll totally induce Chris into a screaming rage by calling him Ian Brandon Anderson.
>implying this isn't fucking funny and hasn't been funny for the past 10 years
>implying it will ever get old
Is that you, Ian?

Ween detected. Go back to your Minecraft videos and epic Fortnite memes, lad. You're not going to be the next BlueSpike.

I never understood why you mother hens "cared" so much about Chris. You know you can't stop it. You know he doesn't learn. You know he's a lost cause. And yet you keep him to yourselves like a personal pet, a symbol of your "virtue." Please. You are no better than anyone else.

Get the FUCK over yourself.

She looks just like my niece. Life isn't fair. My ideal girl.

I think she's a cutie and I would make her very pregnant

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