What do other femanons do to avoid male gaze? My go to outfit is a hat, cargo shorts, and a t shirt...

What do other femanons do to avoid male gaze? My go to outfit is a hat, cargo shorts, and a t shirt. I also intentionally got a tan because guys seem to fetishize pale skin.

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imma look at you either way you trick ass ho

Everyone is always focusing on my nonpassing trans girlfriend so I can just wear whatever when we go out.

I often go out of my way to stare down women, god I love fucking with people.

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keep at it fembot I love tomboys

Sounds hot. You should cut your hair short too.

>only shorts
leg men exist you know

it doesn t matter because nobody looks at me because they find me attractive. they all stare because i m gross and have weird nervous movements.

i just don't go out and I'm ugly socially awkward chestlet

>What do other femanons do to avoid male gaze?
i don't avoid the male gaze and wear whatever because i am horny as fuck and i want a boyfriend ASAP

I don't shave and dress in men's clothes.

I don't. Honestly I revel in it. It boosts my NPD driven ego.

>avoid male gaze
you dont, im sorry you where born a female, the best you can do is wear long skirts and other non revealing clothing

>wear skirts
as if. I don't want men to know what I am.

it doesn't matter what you wear men are still imagining fucking you

best thing you can do is get fat

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youre an unwanted bitch with huge baggage. its not like youre depriving the world of any value.

do you go out like this then? thats retarded but i guess it works

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Fucking women. The way they frown when you look at them to let you know that THEY are better than you. They only like it if you are tall and handsome If not, you are scum on their shoe.

At least women age like milk. It won't be long before your looks fade and nobody finds you attractive anymore. One day you will wake up to find yourself trapped in a wrinkly decaying husk. All of those betas who once gave you unrequited attention and affection will pass you by as though you didn't even exist. You will long to be young again but it will never happen. You are useless. It's all downhill from here. Kill yourself now it will save everybody a lot of pain and frustration.

you're retarded, having dudes stare at you everytime you go out sounds like hell to me

as a 30yo beta I would love to be stared at by qts

I do something similar but with hair. I purposefully mess my hair up when I'm walking towards a group of guys and walk like an even bigger retard to not catch their attention.

> walk like an even bigger retard
what does that even mean?

It pleases me to be reminded that some people in this world are so self-absorbed and untouchable that just existing near them can bring them physical discomfort.

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Looks like that one bike lock faggot that assaulted an innocent guy.


I just literally never look at any men I walk past or around; what you can't see isn't there. Oh and I also never wear tops or shorts outside.

Forgot to mention that I mostly do this because I'm uncomfortable with people Iooking at me in general, I'm not even particularly attractive desu.

Wait, so you don't want people to see you but you walk around in your underwear?

>paranoid 3/10 trannys thinking that men sexualize them
lmao this is great

I walk relatively fast because I have long legs, so I kinda bounce(?) or so people say. When I see a group of men or even just a man, I purposefully either drag my feet a little or walk like I have bow legs to make myself look bigger.

In public transportation, I try my best to sit by the front and sit with my legs more spread apart like a man. Always take as much space as possible.

I bet if you saw a very attractive man it would be a different story. You're nothing but a shallow slut get used to it.

I never wear dresses either. Pretty much anything that shows skin except for tshirts.

>I purposefully either drag my feet a little or walk like I have bow legs to make myself look bigger.
thats actually retarded and makes no sense
>egs more spread apart like a man. Always take as much space as possible.
why would you do this?

So in my whole life I haven't ever seen an attractive man before?

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I've been assaulted in the streets twice while walking; making myself look like a retard, in my mind, might make them less likely to assault me again. I can control my autisms and fear; I can, I wouldn't be seeing a doctor for it.

Women are scared of men physically; men are scared of women emotionally. We all have our autisms.

i guess it makes sense if you put it that way, if i was a woman i probably too paranoid to even leave my home let alone use public transportation

I can't* control

Ye, public transportation and walking alone can suck. Hope you never get physically assaulted, user. Have a good night.

the difference between us is you have enjoyed the affection of an attractive person. beta males don't get that luxury so it makes us bitter. It's even worse when women are incapable of understanding this and then complain about people finding them attractive.

>you have enjoyed the affection of an attractive person
Have I? I don't think so.

then you are either a landwhale or the bottom 10% of females

Guaranteed, you either haven't noticed cause of autism or because your standards for someone being attractive are too high

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Good bait, got me to reply. I disagree, but you think you can't be wrong, and thus this conversation won't go anywhere.

I very much doubt I would get attention from men, but I unintentionally avoid male gaze by not going outside.

But why would I go outside when I do not have to? Robot for a reason.

everything you wrote applies to robots as well, user.

I've got a sort of innocent hippy look and lot's of women smile at me on the street but I doubt they want to fuck. I try not to stare I'm sorry but I think both genders stare but women get away with it.

where do i find a femanon who "avoids the male gaze" as you say? i've tried dating some already but they all like, secretly wanted to be objectified or something. very off-putting and hard to trust someone who dresses like a sl00t.

>implying I don't want guys to stare at me

Nope it doesn't. The fact that all girls get attention from guys is a well known fact. It's like saying that water is wet.

Guys don't get attention from girls nearly to the same degree. Robots are the guys that don't get any. Ive never had a girl look at me in any other context than pity or disgust, let alone an attractive one.

Just accept that you're a volcel. If you walked into a bar and just flashed your crotch for some dude you'd get laid in an instant.

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This. After 18 I dumped all of my oversized hoodies and baggy pants and started dressing in a more feminine (but still conservative) way, but I can't really say whether or not it has worked. Either way I'm just trying to up my chances of finding someone.

typical female logic right there

Like any other roast they want Chad and only Chad to look at them. Brad's okay when they're drunk.

user, no. i would get calmly escorted out. where i live men don't act like horndogs either.
also, you will never know whether or not a girl has looked at you and seen something that is attractive to her. as you so kindly put it, it's either because of your autism or high standards that you think this way.

So male logic = only being able to think in extremes? Makes sense.

>user, no. i would get calmly escorted out. where i live men don't act like horndogs either.
If you just dropped your fucking pants yeah. It's a hyperbolic example sure, the point i was making isn't that flashing your crotch in public is a sane thing to do. It was that women have it super fucking easy in terms of getting sex if they just flirt a bit.

Can't refute the horndog statement cause i don't know where you live. But unless you're fucking amish i highly doubt they would be receptive to flirting.

>you will never know whether or not a girl has looked at you and seen something that is attractive to her. as you so kindly put it, it's either because of your autism or high standards that you think this way.

Of course it's impossible to actually objectively know but from factors that i know about women, myself, and how they usually treat me on the scale where i DO notice i can make a fair asessment that no-woman has ever been attracted to me.
What you're saying is pointless, might as well say that gravity might not be real just because there is no 100% certain way of knowing that you will suddenly start floating the next time you jump.

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You taking up more space than needed only makes me rage, so I'm not sure if that avoids hostility or the opposite.
I have to do that cause otherwise my balls get sweaty af and it's terribly unconformable, I don't want to see bitches pretend like they need space for their non existent nutsack.

that's exactly my point though, attraction can't be measured. your own biases are preventing you from seeing the truth, just like with everyone else. guys don't get attention from girls to the same degree because men are so thirsty, but it doesn't mean women aren't attracted to men just as much as men are to them.
>in terms of getting sex
Most women don't value sex as much as men. Why? Hint: it's to do with hormones.
>>if they just flirt a bit
>implying anyone who regularly uses r9k can just "flirt a bit"

That is not very nice, user

I hope femanons don't actually think this way. It would make them quite awful people.

you must be new here if you think femanons arent awful people

That's why I want to date a femanon, so we can be awful together!

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I know they are because they're mostly idiot teenagers, but I still tend to be optimistic.

This thread has 60 replies.
60. Motherfucking. Replies.

My original and thought-provoking thread earlier only got like ten replies... fuck this gay earth

Not femanon but I wear shit that you guys might find useful, especially if you're trying to hide your gender too
Tshirt, hunting jacket with loose sleeves, cargo pants, and a cap. If I was somewhere colder I'd wear a scarf too. Anything to cover up

Not only this. This fucking thread is about females whinning about male gazes. Male. Fucking. Gazes.

I have no idea why nobody has already told those bitches to fuck off but hey, r9k is legit full of orbiters now.

Not him but girls don't look at me either, it's very noticeable, I'm not autistic either, just born unattractive. I was surprised to hear that attractive people got random girls smiling or even winking at them. That said I can't blame them, honestly I wouldn't flirt with an ugly girl either, but I do think men have far lower standards and are generally much more desperate.

>girls don't want men to look at them
>"fuken sjw normie"
>girls want men to look at them
>"all womyn are whores"

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yes. the system works

There are factors about attraction that ARE predictable though. Much like we can correlate laws of physics and shit like that to gravity. We can correlate things like confidence and a good facial structure to attraction. There are more variables and unpredictabilities in terms of attraction sure but saying that you can't make any valid asessments at all.

i know that im ugly, shy, uninteressting etc you can't seriously say that isn't going to indicate if a woman will be attracted to me or not.
>Most women don't value sex as much as men
I agree 100%. But this is changing the goalpoast we were talking about involuntary celibacy and it seems like you just conceded that they're volcels.

>implying anyone who regularly uses r9k can just "flirt a bit"
Right, good for women that literally all they have to do is go up and touch a guys hand or some dumb shit like that . Literally all you have to do is show that you are interessted, it's not the same thing as when a guy flirts, they have to actually woo the girl.

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My thread about cutting my nuts shaving got 17. Found out that I didn't really slice myself with the razor. I'd popped a Fordyce angiokeratoma, basically a dilated (teehee) blood vessel on the outer skin of my left nut. If it keeps being a problem, I may have to have the vessel sealed shut with a laser. So that's gonna be a thing later this year. A laser zapping my fuckin nuts!

All you gotta do is age. At age 30, almost no men will look at you.

Have you ever been eyed up by someone?
Speaking as a borderline twink who has been sexually harrassed by gay men, I can tell you that the predatory looks you sometimes get are extremely unpleasant.

But gay men are awful, so it might be different for women idk

Nah. My mom is 77 and she still gets dudes hitting on her.

pics of your hot gilf mom?

Men are men, gay or straight. They're often really shitty. When I was a little boy I constantly had gay dudes gunning for my ass, and a couple of my mom's bfs got to take it for a ride. Not her fault, it's kind of amazing how quick a dude will get to work once he has his prey isolated. I also had a couple of girls and an older woman mess with me while babysitting, and have been felt up in public a couple of times by chicks, tho not recently because I got fat. But that was rare compared to guys going after me.

Yes, but it isn't all black and white. Just because someone shy or weird-looking is less likely to get attention doesn't mean nobody has ever been attracted to them. And in most cases they don't pursue that attraction, thus the object will never know about it. All I'm saying is claiming that absolutely nobody has ever been attracted to you is most likely untrue.
>seems like you just conceded that they're volcels
Not quite all of them. But I do also think most robots are volcels. Using r9k for even a short while would make it clear to anyone that most here either don't try and prefer to wallow in self-misery, or try, but aim too high. And this is regardless of gender.
>literally all they have to do is go up and touch a guys hand
If I went out right now and grabbed some guys hand, of course he would just be weirded out (implying I'd even have the courage to walk up to one randomly). Robots are a small minority, you see. But I'm not trying to say dating is easier for men, they're the ones who in the first place are so thirsty that women don't have to try as much. It's not exactly the women's fault desu.

Yeah I don't get why anyone would think that a woman going around flashing or grabbing hands would get a good bf or anything at all. She'd either get tossed in the drunk tank or just told to fuck off. Like yeah if you're on Bourbon Street I guess it would work but those places are frequented by the worst of the worst.

>Just because someone shy or weird-looking is less likely to get attention doesn't mean nobody has ever been attracted to them.

It might as well mean that if they have enough negative traits. In math there is a thing where a number that is close enough to approaching 0 might as well be 0. The odds are lim 0. It doesn't matter that there is a possibility because it's so insanely small that it is, and should be treated as 0.

>Not quite all of them. But I do also think most robots are volcels

I'll agree with the first staement, there could be a girl deformed enough to be an actual incel, or one that's like being locked away by her parents or some shit. Their situations aren't compsrsble to robots though who aren't nearly as extremely deformed. Sure im ugly but im not a genetic anomaly.

Most robots being volcels i don't agree with though, some are there are always exceptions like shown above. There are tons of robots who try, and you should be able to see that on here too, we get rejected cause we're ugly autismos, the robots who don't try (who are also ugly autismos) see this, and proceed to save themselves the effort because all robots that try fail. If i try to lift 1000 pounds i know i with 100 percent certainty will fail because im weak. Same logic applies to trying

>If I went out right now and grabbed some guys hand, of course he would just be weirded out (implying I'd even have the courage to walk up to one randomly)

The way you ridiculously ramp up my examples to extremes is autistic and quite frankly adorable. If i told you to just say hi you would probably equate that to screaming it into some guys face while he's mid conversation.

The confidence part is legitamate, lucky you then that guys would approach you in droves, and peobably already do if you put yourself out there in any capacity. If you want to make someone more likely to approach you literally just have to look at them.

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Attraction is based on feelings in the end, and they can't ever be meaningfully measured with percentages or numbers. I mean there are cases in which someone has enough negative qualities to make it unlikely for them to find a relationship, but those are the rare cases in which actually serious mental illness and deformities are usually involved. Plenty of shy and ugly people find relationships, neither are rare.
Oh and btw, I don't "ridiculously ramp up" your examples. I'm just trying to show you how ridiculous they are in themselves, which shows that you're probably a bit out of touch with reality.
Either way, if you're already convinced you won't *ever* find someone, there isn't much a single person can say to change your course away from the self-inflicted downward spiral. I'm just saying it'll only get worse from here, and willingly letting go of all hope will most likely just make you miserable in the long run.

>Attraction is based on feelings in the end, and they can't ever be meaningfully measured with percentages or numbers

This is just factually wrong. Literally anything can be measured in percentages if you have something to measure. "Emotions" are measured all the time in experiments. You can't measure the literal emotion but you can measure the reaction an emotion causes and use that.

>There are cases in which someone has enough negative qualities to make it unlikely for them to find a relationship, but those are the rare cases in which actually serious mental illness and deformities are usually involved.

And that's why incels are a very fringe minority. Im not claiming that most men are like me. Im literally saying that im bottom of the barrel.
>Plenty of shy and ugly people find relationships, neither are rare.
True. shy people get partners, ugly people get partners. Wouldn't say the same about shy, ugly people, there are some who do! But being shy and ugly aren't the only poor qualities i and slot of incels have. Unfunny, lazy, sad and dumb just to name a few. Each one you add makes it significantly less likely to get a partner.

>Oh and btw, I don't "ridiculously ramp up" your examples. I'm just trying to show you how ridiculous they are

You can make anything seem ridiculous by literally changing what i said. You know that my original post said TOUCH right? Please tell me how "accidentally" brushing against someones hand while getting a drink or some shit is ! Ridicolous and over the top thing to do. He'd glance over to see who touched him, he'd look at you, maybe start talking, if not you can just pretend it was an accident.

>change your course away from the self-inflicted downward spiral. I'm just saying it'll only get worse from here, and willingly letting go of all hope will most likely just make you miserable in the long run.

Appreciate the concern, but i have a hard time thinking dellusion would be preferrable

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are you an unironic Yangposter?

And yet someday you will still miss it.

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