One of my oldest friends just unfriended me on Facebook in 60 seconds flat when I said I wouldn't judge pedos who are...

One of my oldest friends just unfriended me on Facebook in 60 seconds flat when I said I wouldn't judge pedos who are getting help and don't hurt anyone. :( Why are humans like this to other humans?

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There are certain people that are socially acceptable to hate and universally repugnant.

Pray to Christ you never become one.

Because unlike you, he recognizes that pedos are worthless garbage. Quit falling for liberal lies.

Get better friends. If you can't even have a conversation speculating on shit like this, what's even the point of being friends?

Perhaps they were molested as a kid.

Yu chose

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how the hell did that even come up in conversation? also, talking about shit like that or politics or religion is just fucking asking for trouble. you learned a lesson.

I'd have unfriended you too, you fucking creep.

I'm a creep for wanting to help people *not* abuse kids? Sure thing, bud

he wasn't

Pedophiles don't deserve sympathy. They are irredeemable and will abuse children eventually. It's creepy to feel anything but scorn for them.

How do you feel about this 16 year old, not even old enough to vote?

I feel disgust. Needs electroshock therapy or lobotomy.

Literal thought police.

It's not thought policing if they will inevitably molest or rape children, creep on them, and also consume cee-pee. The majority of them end up being sex offenders. Stop defending chomos.

None of this even close to inevitable by any metric, and acting like this is what stops them from seeking help. What you're doing directly encourages child abuse (let alone the torment of those who have done nothing and didn't ask for their brains). You're running on pure emotions.

Normalfags are dumb who knew, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't actually understand what you meant.

>acting like this is what stops them from seeking help
Good. They should kill themselves before they inevitably abuse a child.

>didn't ask for their brains
You're implying that it's not a choice and it is a choice. Bet you think people are naturally homosexual too. Weirdo.

Gay and bait. In person you would be willing to have a productive conversation but you choose to shit up the board instead. Please continue your predictable replies. Thanks.

>any view that I disagree with is bait and gay
So you're also retarded. No wonder you're a pedo-lover.

I hope you never wake up to find your child dead from taking your advice.

>any view that I disagree with is bait and gay
Look, he did it guys, he did the reply everyone expected.

I'd rather have a dead son than a pedo son

I hope you never wake up. Also I'm not raising any pedos.

>I'd rather have a dead son than a pedo son
Starting at what age? Would you pull the trigger yourself? Would you do the same to your daughter?

It's a mental illness, always seeking approval even when nobody is watching. It's awful.

are you retarded? every single pedophile will go out there and plan out a way to kidnap and abuse a underage child? do you think every pedo is a sociopath, cause if so you are severely mistaken. most are just turned on by younger children, thats it. what you seem to be referring to is the extreme pedophiles who go out of their way to experience their sexual fantasies. also a pedo consuming cp is basically keeping them at bay since there is no reason for them to go out into the world and kidnap a young child. stop relying on your emotions so damn much you normalfag

>GTA players don't deserve sympathy. They are irredeemable and will shoot up a city eventually. It's creepy to feel anything but scorn for them.

You have to understand that you cant reason with people about anything regarding pedophilia. I think all of us here can agree that having any kind of sexual contact with kids is wrong, but keeping the impulse to fuck children strictly inside your head is very different from actually fucking children. I think we can also agree that theres nothing actually wrong with fucking older teenagers and family members, but the way that its treated in society, theres no reason to do it, ever. Not worth it in the slightest. Most people will not even consider drawing lines and making distinctions with these kinds of things. Going against the grain is not an option in their mind. Its really not an option for us either, nobody will be understanding about the fact that sex with older teenagers and family members isnt really unnatural, any time soon. But we can rest assured that we see the truth of the matter, but just keep it in your mind. No good will come from putting these ideas out there.

Always remember
>Thinking about it =/= Actually doing it
Maybe I like to imagine scenarios where I skin girls alive in dark alleys. Does that make me a murderer? No. Not until I actually act. The things you think about are almost entirely uncontrollable. Hating someone for their imagination is ignorant

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There's an awful lot of reddit in this thread.

Unironically feel sorry for pedos that want help.
>being gay is naturally how some people are
>being bi is naturally how some people are
>being a pedo somehow isn't just naturally how some people are and they all chose to be pedos on purpose
That being said I'd never let one near my kid if I have one though. Just kinda feel sorry for them. They know they're life is basically ruined cos they were born that way and even when they try to force fix themselves, people don't help and instead just call police/assualt them etc.

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I will never understand people that are so quick to throw away someone's humanity. Yes, someone's actions may be reprehensible, but take a minute to think rather than going "HE DID BAD THING ME NO LIKE". I often think about what lengths someone would have to go to to truly be an irredeemable person, or if it ok to consider someone irredeemable in the first place. At the end of the day they are still a human, that person branded as a monster has their own hopes and dreams and philosophies; perhaps they come from an ordinary family, take ordinary steps in their daily life, have ordinary pleasures (besides what may or may not have branded them as a monster in the eyes of society), etc. It all just seems so brainless to toss a whole human in the garbage because they did one thing wrong, or in this specific example, feel or think something wrong.
The craziest part about the way we see criminals of this type is that they get more hate than killers and maniacs despite murder objectively being worse than rape/molestation.

>social media
Moving on, I ghosted a friend over the same shit. If someone is fucked in the head enough to support pedos, I'm fucking gone in a flash. I don't need to be around someone that doesn't view children as a protected class.

Dude, even if pedos are 'wired' to be pedos I mean that's almost worse. That means their bloodline should not be reproducing.

Then neither should faggots but that doesn't stop gays from getting surrogates or IVF or whatever. This is a black and white issue and if someone supports faggotry they better support pedophilia because they are inherently damaging to society. Homosexuality would be fine if fags repressed their urges, married a woman (or man for lesbians), and raised a family while never indulging in sodomy. Same with pedophilia. If a pedo can repress it and just fulfill their biological duty of raising a family without fucking a kid, then there's nothing wrong with it. Thoughts are thoughts, everyone has bad ones.

But you already know what they'll say to this argument, don't you? A faggot can consent to being sodomised, but a child can't consent to sex.

Whether or not a faggot consents doesn't change the fact that sodomy is disgusting, it causes diseases both physical and mental, that homosexuals are statistically more promiscuous, diseased, and unsanitary, that they are more likely to actually diddle kids, that they subvert natural family structures and are leading to the disintegration of civilization. It doesn't have to be a religious argument, it doesn't have to be about muh consent but hard truths that homosexuality is a net negative and tolerance of it is damaging.

What is damaging about physically fucking a kid? Many things as well. The kid is likely to grow up and spread it. The kid is likely to be promiscuous and spread disease. Higher mental illness, probably less productive overall, etc. Fags and pedos lead to the same moral and civil decay and consent shouldn't be a factor in thinking that they're both wrong and intolerable.

>mindlessly spitting out children is beneficial to society
Do people really think this?

Hypothetically, if a man and a woman marry and in a modern society produce one child, that is -2 people and +1 person. In one generation, that halves the population. I'm not advocating for 12 children famlies although that's certainly okay if the parents have a means to provide for them. Traditional family structures don't have to be old-fashioned necesarrily, but having a mother and a father who are relatively feminine and masculine role models, respectively, is needed to minimize mental illness, moral degeneration, etc. Fags don't provide this, even the butch/femme dynamic doesn't come close to having a full mother and father combo. Pedos subvert the dynamic too by sexualizing a child who will never be their wife. If someone doesn't marry and plan for a kid, they shouldn't fornicate. That's another aspect of moral decay. Of course, it could be argued that pedophilia is "okay" if the child is betrothed to the older groom/bride, meaning they get married when they come of age and are merely "promised".

You dodged a bullet. Your friend sounds like an idiot.

Hope you're just a shitposting troll. People who don't commit crimes deserve to be left alone. Simple as that.

You're a complete tool. Take your own advice and kill yourself. I'm not a pedo, I liked adults more even when I was a kid myself, but treating people who have never committed a crime, and never will commit a crime, humanely is the only reasonable thing to do. Pedos who never break the law are as innocent as non-pedos who never break the law.

He's virtue signaling. In his life in some way he seriously benefits from saying certain npc stuff