Well I think this is it for me friends. Thanks for the laughs along the way...

Well I think this is it for me friends. Thanks for the laughs along the way.I know this shit is probably cringy but I felt bad not leaving an explanation.

Attached: 14242421421.png (816x806, 69K)

so long and good luck brother

Sad cats for a sad boi

Attached: 1561001299964.jpg (750x742, 36K)

Why is the letter all past tense. You live in the past? Past is always sad. It is gone.

If you're going to end it anyway, why not go and try to do something exciting you've never done? Get out there and try to go as far as you can by hitchhiking or something. It's not like you have anything to lose if you're set on doing this anyway.

Livestream or fake
Also sorry about all that, I would do the same.That being said, dont do it. For your patents sake.

It seems like a lot of robots are at their breaking point today. I've seen an unusual amount of suicide threads today. I'll see you bastards on the other side when the time comes.

Post a vocaroo of yourself just talking. Also, drop acid once.

Go outside and take a martial arts class

was thinking the same in an original way

this thread is so suicidal no one will notice me catching dubs

Thats cool user. I hope you don't want to die as much as everyone else today.

Thanks user i might use this as a template

>wahh I never experienced anything
>kills self so can't experience anything
way to go

livestream it or be puss

So what porn ad is everyone seeing just above the suicide note?

>Soup kitchen worker gets put on a leash and fucked by a homeless guy
>Super hot

>a.adtng.com's server IP address could not be found.
imagine not blocking ads lmoa

Dude fucking a white and black chick. Fuck man, one of my sexual fantasies is to have sex with chicks of different races at the same time. Just s white bitch, black bitch, asian bitch, latina bitch and Indian bitch in a line, ass up waiting for their turn to get filled up.

I honestly don't feel sad for you judging from the note you left, you literally have normal problems and kill yourself over that? Fuck you're weak.
>me so sad me haven't partied and got laid that's why me see no other way than rope
Waste of space mate, you have gone through fuck all, grow some balls and do something with your life or just kys I don't really care. All I do know is that you're a weak willed pussy choosing suicide over pathetic reasons, reflect on your situation a bit more before you pull the plug cunt

Damn, based deep user

Some of us are born broken

See you in hell OP

>the rope that I doubled or tripled up still broke
lol fatass

get cremated but don't do that normie "ohhh dump me in the ocean ploxxxx!" what you do is still get cremated but have your ashes get put in a big party popper then have someone pop it at any location and time of your choosing

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