My Best Friend Was Outted As A Pedophile Today

It all feels like it isn't true, but there's proof. It feels like everyone is just out to get him but l know it's true. l just want to go back to before all of this shit happened man

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what happened user how did he get outed

girl posted screenshots of him grooming her and being really creepy. it adds up perfectly with his behavior at all the times in the screenshots and he tried to isolate her from everyone else. l think everyone can infer why

did he actually commit any crime?like asking for nudes or somethin

How old was she when it happened?

Don't and I mean don't turn your friend away, be there for him. He may really need someone right now in the dark place he's venturing down. Show him there's a greater path. When I was outed I thought everyone would hate me I almost ended up killing myself. Please just show your friend sympathy and just try and understand him.

this, for real. you have no idea how badly he needs you right now

whats wrong with being a pedo, besides the fact he was grooming
also this

18, but he's 25. It was obvious when I look back but you I guess you always turn a blind eye towards your friends being creeps. I feel so sick now.

Bruh is this satire? 18 isn't even close to pedophilia.

any other cases of him being a pedo other than this? seems he would more likely be charged with harassment, not pedophilia if she was 18 and this is what he got caught for.

25/2 +7 = 19.5
(not op)
These are the normie standards.

wtf man

OP here,

not me

the girl recently turned 16 and my friend is 19, the alarming thing here isn't NECESSARILY the age gap (though it certainly doesn't help), it's that he was really creepy and forceful about it when the girl was not at all interested

and sorry im responding slow, i'm talking to a lot of people right now about what's going on

Uhh this age gap isn't that bad

this isn't pedophilia either. he shouldn't have been forceful, but the first part is disingenuous

everyone calling shit like this "pedophilia" lately is making it such a common occurrence that it's creating alarm fatigue and devaluing situations where people are really out there doing 6 year olds. what a world

While support is... nice, OP you have no obligation to do so, and if you do, make sure you make it clear you do not approve of his actions or else you may end up crucified with him too.

And if you don't feel comfortable doing anything to support him, don't. It is his responsibility to prove he's changed (and his prerogative to wait til people are ready to check). Even if you never talk to him again but resolve to remain open only if he's remorseful & changed, I'd consider that being more than a good friend on your part.

Lmao what's wrong with you. How is this pedophilia? Lmao There's lots of relationships in high school where a senior dates a freshman, the ages being like 15 and 18. jc man

>creepy and forceful
That's the part that's really alarming to me, but this is ephebophilia at worst. If he was literally jerking off to little kids then he should kill himself but this is just standard issue being a creep being weaponized against him.

Agreed pedophilia is a bit debatable but he's definitely a sexual predator. That in itself is equally as bad if not worse than pedophilia, since I don't consider pedophiles who don't go after real children harmful.

i agree with the last part but this doesn't seem like a sexual predator either, just awkward flirting? he's not a rapist

OP again, should mention that his porn stash is like exclusively loli, like, really young looking lolis that look like they're 5. So clear attraction to children, and the girl in this situation is clearly not capable of consenting to anything. even for someone who would be mentally mature and *arguably* capable of consent, it's still really weird and uncomfortable to be hit on like this by someone who's out of school and is much further along in life than you

Is this fucking bait? how is this pedophilia? not even taking into account there's only 3 fucking years between them, neither of them are little kids.

You should probably reframe your post as in, your friend is a creep. But, a 3 year age gap isn't pedophilia at all.

If I was friends with someone who I later found out was a pedo, I'd cut them off immediately. I don't need that kind of degeneracy in my life.

This isn't pedophilia, you fucking idiot. Not even close. The grooming shit is gross, but I'd hardly call a 3 year age difference pedo.

16 and 19 isn't pedophilia at all or even creepy holy fuck you've been brainwashed.

25 and 16 isn't even pedophilia.