Suicide notes

Suicide notes
ye or nay

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If its like
>sorry for all the blood
If its like
>I dont belong to this world
Go fuck yourself

whats the conscenus on maifestos

You have to make some valid points for it to seem serious.
And one should articulate very well. I hate reading something written by a 12 year old

never write a manifesto. Once you reveal how stupid you are to everyone they will feel less shitty about your death.

i dunno user, do you have something you'd like to say to someone?

if you write a suicide note just to self depricate, then you are being an absolute hypocrite. either leave a serious message or dont leave one at all

"Fuck you all. That's all."

I'm just waiting for someone to do this and see the trainwreck it will create from both the family and friends

thanks for my suicide note user

I think it would be better to just describe it in action instead. For instance if you're going to shoot yourself in the head go do it in the bathroom. That way they'll know that you took them into consideration before killing yourself.
Or you can go on a murder spree which basically says "Im quite unhappy with the current affairs of this country". Or you can throw yourself off a building in mid town to give normies the hard hitting facts about reality. A picture is worth a thousand words.

I'm leaving my fiction novels as my suicide note, along with a brief Q&A with reccommended reads about suicide and an explanation of why I did it. I will also send a delayed email specifically to my mother to console her and an email to this one girl who bullied me asking her not to mourn me or dare contact my family or come to my funeral.

Would it be possible to write a suicide note good enough that my family, 2 best and only friends and gf wouldn't be completely devastated. They haven't done anything wrong, I've just made every possible bad financial/professional manoeuvre there is and it has made me very very exhausted

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why don't you ask reddit you faggot

you'd either get your post deleted or everyone in the comments will just try to stop you from the actual act of suicide and nobody will give a shit about what u actually asked for

Leaving a note would certainly help. Would prevent them fom asking questions of whether it was a homicide or whether it was their fault. A simple explanation that they shouldn't blame themselves will be a huge relief. Writing personal notes to each of them would also help. Read The Peaceful Pill eHandbook for ideas on what to include in personal notes.

>and gf
Well that made me hate you.

If you want to be melodramatic go ahead and leave a note. Suicide sucks and anything you leave will not comfort anyone that reads it, but to the contrary. If no one cares about you then a note isn't necessary anyway.

No, they're vanity.

This, the comment section is just filled with a losers saying how they made their shit life shitty in a different way instead and now they're cured

I know, I actually work with robots in a sense so I understand that we're in two different worlds. But it sucks all over user, we all look forward to death. Besides, pussy isn't all its cracked up to be. This one and the last two relationships have massively deteriorated which is 'normal'. Thank you for the book rec tho

It should be something that is fun to try and figure out.

I almost made it then *tear the paper completely after this part and throw it away*

the best suicide note is the one carved into ones hide

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Simple formal note that you are committi g sudoku and not getting murdered.

holy shit. never thought about this.
>that guy who wrote all that shit
>wasn't even good shit
>hate him more with each page
>it crosses your mind that you are glad he's dead

Lost all respect right there. Looking forward to you offing yourself so we have one less normie in this shithole.

do whatever you want its your death

I would just tie a USB around my neck with my diary on it. It's full of entries like "Ah fuck that taco i had made my anus bleed"