12 months I lifted for her. Blood, sweat, and tears. All to see her choose a fucking nigger. Over me, a drilling engineer at Halliburton who makes 140k.
Makes no sense. eThots will doom the west.
12 months I lifted for her. Blood, sweat, and tears. All to see her choose a fucking nigger. Over me, a drilling engineer at Halliburton who makes 140k.
Makes no sense. eThots will doom the west.
it was your mistake when you started lifting for an eThot.
but whatever, it made you lift so i guess its fine.
how about you go find someone who's more ya know... real.
perhaps someone who you could actually have a good relationship with.
Orbiters, once again, BTFO
FUCK you you dont know what we had. Or at least what she made me believe we had.
i cant think of something more pathetic than being an orbiter
I wasnt a fucking orbiter she made me think I was her BF and special to her
you're an actual brainlet.
>Falling for egirls in 2019
We left that shit in 2017 user. you deserve this
You said it yourself. She made you think. Did you honestly think any of it was real, user?
sure whatever man i dont fucking know
>a drilling engineer
You proud of ruining our planet's atmosphere? That's why you're not getting girls user. Girls nowadays want environmentally conscious people.
should have orbited Tahlia instead
everybody being this fucking new kek
She's like 14 pedo
that paki is at least 35
why do all coalburners have the same look? i can tell at a glance
I thought you lived in Odessa
ok jamal
I do. What makes you think otheerqiae?
Prime breeding age, the real crime is that its not legal to pound prime teen pissy
Manlet detected unoriginally.
Will she ever come back?
ngl i kinda miss her bros, any new ethots on the scene?
Get a motorbike. She'd have made you miserable anyway.
Be happy.
>All these newfags replying to copypasta.
Idiot, never do anything for a woman. Do it for yourself. How old are you? When you're 30/40 and have cash and your shit together the 20 yo bitches will crawl all over you.