tfw no cute diaper gf who i can complete coloring books with
Tfw no cute diaper gf who i can complete coloring books with
so appalingly stupid
how is this even allowed on youtube
they allow feet videos and women in bikinis
Dont worry user a new dating site for abdls will be out by next year and then you will get your shot
My ex gf revealed to me one day that she was into the ddlg thing for almost the entire time we had dated (2 years). She was into the pacifiers, diapers, coloring books, discipline, the whole thing. I cut all contact with her for over a year because of that. I was so repulsed. What she doesnt understand is 99% of women wish to be children, its disgusting to see someone completely embrace.
Well, i guess it's time to unleash the destroyer.
Most women into this shit are ugly and mentality ill. The ones you see in videos are paid to act like babies like prostitutes
you missed a golden opportunity
Diapers are (originally) the best
Yeah, maybe. I think it's because they got there most attention as a child or because they don't like the new sexual attention they get.
Or maybe they were abused as a child.
Or worst of all, they just like it.
trurly the most patrician fetish
tfw no daddy to pway w/ and change me and be my caretaker
I've given up looking desu it's so difficult
come on, have more self respect than that
probably if you weren't fat (or a tranny) then you would get 8 billion guys offering
Even fat trannies get daddies. I believe I'm just unlovable at this point
diapers are the true patrician robot fetish. having a little gf isnt something most robots are cut out for though
Not being a real man who infantilizes his gf while being the man of the house is probably why you're single.
All women are children, they don't want playdates, they want a daddy
As if anyone would believe you had a gf to begin with, why be so autstically extreme and say you somehow cut contact with a gf of 2 years for an entire year. That kind of shit doesn't happen, to date that long you'd either have to live together or go to the same places (ie school, work, etc) every day. That's not the sort of situation where you can just drop contact with someone
Ok I will leave this thread for the new 30 minutes and when I turn in again I hope There will be enough Material posted here for me to just a nut.
There's literally a diaper porn link directly above your post
Aw poor bb, well if you're not a tranny then I'll gladly take care of you
If I find her attractive I'll be down for just about whatever. Maybe I'm just hopeless like that
go to events