I am a white nerd trapped in a black persons body. Send help

I am a white nerd trapped in a black persons body. Send help.

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I feel bad for "black nerds." From a guy on the outside looking in, it seems like if you're black the only "type" you can be taken seriously as is the typical thug. White people can be pretty much whatever they want and still pull it off

BIeach your skin

I've always just thought it'd be great to be black since I'm already like a social outcast anyways so at least then haters would have something funnier to bitch about.

Yeah it makes it much harder to fit into groups. I'm not thuggish enough to fit into the general black populace and their culture but I'm also not white enough to be to truly fit into other groups. No matter what we're the odd one out

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You just need to learn how to fake being a standard black person. I dont meen full negrodamus, but just enough of the standard black mannerisms to be cool. On a scale of 0-10, 0 being where I'm assuming you're at right now, and 10 being full coon, you need to aim for a solid 5. It's black enough for white normies to think you're cool, but not be threatened by you. And it's enough so you'll fit in with most black people. Just watch rap interviews and try to find a middle ground between them and you. I'm speaking from personal experience. Hope this helps

I have almost the same problem. I'm too much of my original country to be where i am now and too much of here to be where i came from.
And my hobbies and interests don't coincide with neither of them.
You''re fucked as much as i am.

This unironically, basically done the same as that fella and I can pass for a normie now

police are on their way to liquidate you

u sound like someone who lets Jow Forums control their views stop being retarded and go make friends without seeing their skin color first

no you're a nigger nerd

I'm white I have black friends, just find some nice white bros. The problem of our society is not race, it's women.

Forgot pic

Black white bromance is great

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Clearly you've never lived next to niggers

Get some life experience, then dole advise

Idiot child

FUck you, not everyone live in the degenerate USA, blacks raised in Africa and Europe are decent people

>my personal anecdote is more valuable than your personal anecdote

That's no anecdote, it's reality

But what do you know, you're a child

>That's no anecdote, it's reality

This can be overcome if you use a bit of analysis and adaptation. I'm Black, and was always one of the "smart kids" in school. Plus I've always been into anime (have literally seen over 1000 complete series). Never had any "popular culture" knowledge or was into mainstream music. Additionally, I have a very poor grasp of others' emotions (some call this "autistic"). This would all seem to be a recipe for constant ostracizing by other Blacks, however, I've avoided such a fate by using a few techniques.

Firstly, I'm extremely frank with people; I don't mince words. In the Black community, this is respected as "keeping it real". Secondly, though I never excelled at a particular sport, I've always been physically fit. This makes me less likely to be a target for ostracizing and leads people to assume I'm closer to normal. Lastly, I've become good at injecting humor into conversations and I have learned about a large variety of subjects; which are both just extensions of intellect. This leads people to find interacting with me as "interesting", "entertaining", or even "desirable".

By combining these techniques, I can traverse groups of all kinds of Blacks without issue. Basically, since I can't easily "fit in" with others, I impose enough of my will so that the environment better suits me. Just yesterday, I was hanging out with a violent felon, bantering about prison; which I've never been to.

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What is the issue? Just find some friends who are like you? Why is race important

Wow, you're like a real life autistic anime character.

What are your white nerd hobbies?