Fembots. Never date a guy who uses r9k. You won't be able to ever go back. I was engaged to a guy from here...

Fembots. Never date a guy who uses r9k. You won't be able to ever go back. I was engaged to a guy from here. We broke up month ago. I tried dating apps because im lonely, but I'm not able to talk with anyone that isn't browsing r9k. Help me anons

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Other urls found in this thread:


You were engaged to a robot? I hope you realise the people you get in with on this site are saddo's and not real bots, or real people as a matter of fact.

How'd you come to the conclusion this person would be right for you to marry anyway?

He was a true robot before he met me.
I'm really insecure and shy and I rarely talk to anyone, we actually got close. Lived basically next to each other (30 min ride), then moved in together. But he got extra lazy, didn't leave his bed, and if he did, he sat at his pc. We didn't talk at all. I just cleaned and took care of him. Turns out, he was fucking other girls behind my back.

If you're only a month out of an engagement there's no way you're over it and ready to be with someone new anyway. That said, I do wish I knew where to find people weird enough that I might actually click with them. Dating apps are a meme, I'm pretty sure, and I can't imagine any kind of real life venue being much better.

Apart from trust issues, I hope you gained something from the relationship. Like the sense that you have value and deserve someone who respects you.

>Turns out, he was fucking other girls behind my back.
based and redpilled chadbot

Maybe it's me being naive but how do people cheat so easily? Do they get a gf and suddenly have a morale boost? Especially male cheating, a hole is a hole gents, as long as a vagina can fit half your penis you're golden

>But he got extra lazy, didn't leave his bed, and if he did, he sat at his pc. We didn't talk at all. I just cleaned and took care of him. Turns out, he was fucking other girls behind my back.

>men like this get nice fembot gfs
>I don't

>He was a true robot
>He was fucking over girls behind my back
You brainlet, you just got Chad. He used you to sit back and relax 'make me a sandwich' trope and didn't give an actual FUCK about you.

You literally blew your foot off with a shotgun you fucked yourself so hard. Next time, don't delude yourself into some amazing fantasy.

Be mine, fembot.

>You brainlet, you just got Chad.
This, everytime I see someone blogging about breaking up with a "robot" they always make it sound like the opposite.

In their hearts every man is a poly.

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Clearly he got a massive boost of confidence from actually being desired by a female human being, and it went straight to his head. He wanted more of that validation, that ego inflation, and he never stopped to think about who he was hurting in getting it. It's cases like these where you really discover a person's character.

I can take you in as my maid if you want, you seem to like cooking and cleaning.

watchi this thread get 300 replies. fucking lol

How can a man get a sweet, caring woman like this and then betray her?

I don't understand.
How could somebody squander something so precious.

>This robot loser is getting multiple women despite/because of being a sack of shit
>I can't even get one

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Every "fembot" I've met on Discord's e-bf has been pretty much the same personality type. Basically
>Somewhat low voice
>"Dark humor"
>On Jow Forums but seemingly confident enough to bully pretty much anyone they feel like
Basically the type of personality that drags everyone's attention to focus on them. Actual Chads. I'm not even sure how people like that end up here. I don't expect everyone here to be a total beta or whatever, but I expect them to have some sort of obvious flaw. Maybe the meme about normals coming here to make fun of us are true

That's because he's not a robot loser. He's a Chad. That's why she was interested and why he was in a position to betray her.

Now you know why people say Discord is cancer. Just because we're from Jow Forums where a number of us are fucked doesn't mean it's any different from meeting people online anywhere else, anyone expecting to find a fellow "robot" to start a relationship with is foolish because there are plenty normalfags and sociopaths on it who are more than willing to prey on vulnerable people or just looking for a bit of fun at the expense of the other person, either intentionally or unintentionally. I understand though that some people here will let their loneliness cloud their judgement and fall for the fake promises that are touted throughout Jow Forums about finding a robot bf/gf and living happily ever after, people should be reminded not to trust others on the internet, create a fake persona if need be to protect yourself.

No robot has ever used discord.

another ''fembot'' looking for validation from incels fucking attention whore get the fuck off my board

>Actual Chads.
That's hardly a chad. You can be a complete fuck up and still be 'confident' enough to bully people online. It's not hard to be confident online.

>No robot has ever used discord.
I don't give a fuck.

Why. What's so good about guys in here? I perceive them more as my own kids. Though I am not even the oldest that browse here.

What you guys do. Talk shit about females together? Sounds fun.

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Nothing new femanon. I have also given a robot a chance because I didn't want to be quick to judge people and I have always have had an open mind about dating, so I ended up talking with this guy from Jow Forums not tall, below average looks as he says, NEET. After a while he became my boyfriend, I had high hopes for him and wanted him to see him improve as he said he was 'working on it', instead it was hellish. First I had to remind him daily that he had to go out and get a job, but he was unwilling to get a job and keeps bringing mental illness to the table such as having depression, I tried to ask him to seek therapy but was also reluctant. His mom supports his life most of the time and without her he probably couldn't do his daily routine and he was probably looking for someone else to fill this gap while he NEETs it out. Then he said that I am the one to get a job after finishing school and instead be the one to take care of our needs while he NEETs it out at home. Never again. The robots know well that the problem is within themselves as long as they are unwilling to improve.

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Why is it always the worst robots who get a fembot gf?

Because they actually put in effort.

the worst are the best baby

>The robots know well that the problem is within themselves as long as they are unwilling to improve.
The blame is on you for somehow not seeing this beforehand. Robots are mostly life long fuck ups and neets and you expected him to just turn his life around because he got you as a gf?

>you expected him to just turn his life around because he got you as a gf?
To be fair, it's not rare to see robots who claim that all they need to turn their lives around is a gf. It's not impossible that this guy was one of those faggots.

>It's not impossible that this guy was one of those faggots.
I guess so. It's still dumb to see a guy say that and actually believe it though.

If people won't change for themselves, they aren't going to change for you.

But i'm male. I only had a single relationship that lasted 6 years, ended april and i still only love her even with all her problems. I'm sad that they're getting the worst of her and she wants to kill herself, saying that even if we marry and live together she would still end up do it, i would like to at least try

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Holy shit, you girls still fall for the Chads who come to r9k from other boards(especially soc) to fish for that easy, depressed poon.

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Im curious to understand what you mean by 'love.'

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me. No more.
Not original ofc

Because women will always love the worst men, I don't know how many times I need to bring this up.

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nice b8 m8 but i aint falling for it

I feel bad with the femanons that are kind enough to give us a chance only to receive this treatment, we truly deserve nothing.
On behalf of my gender I apologize to you fembots, you shouldn't have to endure a pathetic robot taking advantage of you just because you feel sad and lonely.

I can smell the reek of onions emanating from this post.

This is why you're alone you fucking loser

The guy was clearly a brad larping as a robot to get some easy poontang from a depressed roastie. Women here would never actually consider dating or fucking an actual robot. If you can't hold a conversation and are socially awkward it doesn't matter if the femoid is the same, she will not accept you. All women are the same, very rarely do they deviate from this norm. Men who are socially awkward are doomed to a life of lonliness, even the great Morrissey himself was still a fucking virgin past 25, why? because he was socially akward.

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LMAO imagine getting engaged to some thirsty fuckboy you met online.

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I have heard similar stories a few times.

>on one hand wants to go 'told you so' and remind everyone that dating a robot is absolutely retarded
>on the other realize that robots don't really have a choice and can only land this kind of girl, and these girls can only land robots as well
what's the answer?

or maybe dating a robot is the same as dating normal people, 90% of them are shit and won't click with you anyways, for one reason or the other

and he wasn't a robot if he had access to more girls, you just got fooled

Can confirm. I like discord actually and met good friends on there, but also have been tricked and hurt too. I don't know why people out there just want to give false hope or pretend for 3 god damn months they were into me only to reveal they were not a girl nor even a cute guy and was doing this for laughs on the side before ghosting. I don't know why people can't just be nice to each other so we can have nice things.

So I mean, if he was willing to work would you also of worked or would you of NEET'ed? If you would of NEET'ed you have no right to complain, but if you would work too then you could of came up some some smart investment strategy and early retirement plan with combined cash which could of been comfy.

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>Turns out, he was fucking other girls behind my back.
He was not a robot, m'lady.
You don't know what a robot is.

Normies are literal psychopaths, whenever they get something great, they want more instead of being satisfied with what they have.

How do I find a robot bf? I tried adding random people from threads but it never works out.

Beware of the trap

You literally just have to live close by to someone here. LDR's just don't work since they don't have the personal connection.
Also having stuff in common is important, whether that's similar academic interests or similar entertainment interests.
Also all robots like girls with small breasts and thin bodies, so that would make things easy for you if you had that.

I don't get what you mean, user. Why can't you talk with others?

Are you up for trying again? We can talk and see if we get along. Where are you from?

There should be an official fembot bf requirement checklist so all us robots that want a fembot can know what to do first before bothering them and frustrating them
Maybe also a fee before trying to make it worth their time

>He was a true robot
>he was fucking other girls
yeah okay

if my r9k gf left me I can't imagine every having sex again. Luckily she is extremely clingy so it's already been like 5 years with her.

>I tried adding random people from threads but it never works out.
Because they weren't chadbots. You don't want mediocre and flaws, you want what you can't have.
Men at least accept that they have to settle for less then their fucking fantasies, women on the other hand want literal perfection.

I do have that, but most robots I've talked to prefer thick girls though?
I've talked to boys from my country but it's just that, talking. Nobody wants to date me.

I'd rather not say since I'm not american, where are you from?

why would you want one?
you're either larping or you don't realize what you're getting yourself into
also if you're literally asking for it then you can already rule out anyone giving you interest because they're most likely desperate and will just lie to you to get some and then leave you after they get their morale boost

relationships shouldn't be forced into existence, they need to happen, you don't add people with 'oh a potential suitor' in mind, you just add them and talk to them first and then decide whether they're potential suitors or not

unless you just want to know what a cock feels like and don't care about strings attached or something, in which case do whatever the fuck you want

It's not going to work out user, she'll just ghost you like she has all the other robots because they were too "weird" for her.

I'm from Europe. Also small boobs and thin bodies are really hot

I don't care, if she does then so be it

>will just lie to you to get some and then leave you after they get their morale boost
You're projecting onto us your experiences with normies. We don't have options to just get morale boosts. Getting a gf for some of us is a one in a lifetime opportunity if that.

One of these fucking days I'll fix myself and once I do I'll hopefully be worthy of becoming a bf. But until then I completely understand why no woman would want a guy like me. I think avoiding robots is common sense.

God I hope I finally manage to do it, I'm sick of living this way and complaining but doing nothing about it.

>unless you just want to know what a cock feels like and don't care about strings attached or something, in which case do whatever the fuck you want

doesn't matter
relationships starting out from despair never lead to anything good

to fix you you need a genuine relationship, and you won't get one by winning the online lottery just like that
that's like going to some gloryhole and asking the girl to marry you afterwards

It is really exhausting and tedious talking to femanoans online. I was always the one who had to initiate any conversation and it just felt like I was there to entertain them and give them attention. That's all they seem to want from guys like us, they would never consider dating us, not real robots.
Don't bother user, playing video games and watching anime is much more interesting then conversing with some soulless roastie. Unless you are a normie, they will NOT date you.

I guess it's true that most guys are neanderthals who like ugly titcows.
I just wish I had the resources to go to Europe or bring a cutie to the U.S., since all the actually attractive women seem to be in Europe.

Anyway I have to go and will be back later so if you feel you want to talk you can add me. We can just be friends too. twyrine#4170. If you dont add me then good luck femanon I hope you get a good robot bf

I'm not thirsty for dating, just talking about some shit is fun

>worthy of becoming a bf
Jesus christ you are a fucking cuck. Women are not these dainty princesses worthy of the utmost treatment like they are the new aristocracy, most of them are horrible people and dirty whores. They don't deserve us not the other way around. This society is just inverted unfortunately.
>inbf cope
Whatever cuck.

>I'm not interesting to talk to, must be the roastie's fault

Robots, never date a girl who uses r9k. They are all cheating sluts and whores like every other girl. These girls are not special no matter how much they try to tell you that they are not like the others.

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>relationships starting out from despair never lead to anything good
What you mean is "he's not chad so it's a no no from me"

You're right, user. I shouldn't try to improve myself and women should love me for the mentally ill unemployed person I am!

Wait I'm not European you still want me to add you user?

>I'm not interesting to talk to
Oh I am but only men find me interesting to talk to because only men have intelligence.
Most women only know how to talk about Instagram and their tinder flings.

I guess?
if your definition of chad is '90% of it is attitude' then yes, that's exactly it
if you start a relationship with such an attitude, it won't lead to anything good
you will lie to yourself because you want a taste of that happiness, even though you'd know deep inside this relationship is bound to fail, so you'd end up hiding your true self, and it'll work for a while
for a while being the keywords

and that leads to all the cheating drama and shit like that you keep hearing about

but hey you do you

Yeah sure, it doesn't matter. We can still have fun talking

>You're right, user. I shouldn't try to improve myself and women should love me for the mentally ill unemployed person I am!
Wrong, you should improve yourself for yourself and not for women. They are not worth the effort. Lift so you can fight off niggers who try to attack you, read so you can broaden your mind, garden, play guitar, hike, whatever you want but only for yourself and your own mental health, not for holes.
You are better then them user, love yourself first.

>and that leads to all the cheating drama
What you mean is "I'm going to cheat on him bcuase he is not satisfying me with his small dick, low sex drive and plus, he's a VIRGIN LIKE OMG HEHE! oh and he's not chad"

not really no, that's not what I said and not what I mean, though it does go both ways, if the female is desperate as well then it leads to bad things
see, when you're starving you will eat things you don't like and you WILL enjoy eating that shit even if you otherwise would never eat it

this is exactly what happens here
you're desperate, you want someone, anyone, so let's just add random people from anonymous boards and hopefully it'll work out
well what happens if you're both desperate for it?
you'll see it as a sign from the heavens, you will welcome it and you will enjoy it greatly, so much so that you'll lie to her and to yourself, and she will do the same, and you'll both fall for this idealized version you both think the other would want, and then after some time passes, the facades start to crack and you both (or just one of you even, which makes it even worse) realize it was a bad idea from the start and you don't fit each other at all

OP is definitely a larp, but the scenario is still rather plausible (until the 'robot was actually a chad!' part, at least)
and I'm not saying it could only happen this way, it could also be the robot seeing it as something good and working his ass off for it to work because he wants it to work, and then the bitch just not giving a fuck because she realized he wasn't the one for her or because of X or Y

>called cute
>tries my best to not be rude or mean
>lots of interests and hobbies
>not underage
>was a sad boi but got a job and going to college now
>never had a gf or dated
>still khhv
>these guys get qt fembot gfs
I do not know if it is because I am skinny and am 'pretty' or because I am very shy and cannot talk to people. I never complain about being lonely but this thread made me reeeeeee so hard.

>because of X or Y
X=not Y=Chad

yes, whatever you want it to be
do you think you'll feel better about yourself after she'd left you because your dick was too small or because you were a manlet or whatever your issue is?

if you want to run the risk, go ahead, I won't stop you
I can't, after all

I'm just trying to warn you people is all

Every time some roastie gets a robot bf, other robots claim that the guy isn't a true robot and instead is a chad. I don't understand this. Is it really so strange that a robot would find a gf? The people in these relationships are probably cyborgs and not robots, but finding an emotionally unstable fembot gf isn't so much of an accomplishment that it takes a chad to do it.
Well after typing it out I think I see their point. It does take a more assertive type of guy to catch the attention of a female who probably has countless betas orbiting her. But I don't think assertiveness online means he can't be an autist or some sort of social failure in real life that makes him a cyborg or robot.

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>Every time some roastie gets a robot bf, other robots claim that the guy isn't a true robot and instead is a chad.
Once you get a gf, you definitely stop being a robot, but that's not the problem here with OP's story and many other similar ones. The problem is with the "he cheated on me [with several other women]" part. If you live ~25 years of your life unable to get a girlfriend, you sure as fuck won't suddenly explode in popularity and have a massive array of girls available to you to cheat on your girlfriend with. So obviously if OP's story was real, the guy he started dating would be extremely unlikely to be a total loser and much more likely to have been lying about how he was a robot.

That just sounds like typical dating desu

to a point, yes
but normal dating doesn't involve that much desperation, 'normies' and people that can land dates rather easily won't be scared of telling the guy/girl that she/he isn't their type and leave things at that right from the get go, and they also won't be that scared of showing their 'true selves', especially since we're much more degenerate than them and have more often than not more and bigger things to hide

sounds like bf material. where do you live, user? i'll make you my bf if you're close by.

I'm quite a bit older than most of the people here, and I think that my immediate reaction that what you described was more typical dating was because as people get older, normal dating winds up involving that element of desperation that you describe. Last year I was with a woman who was slightly bolder than me (44 to my 42), and we stayed together way longer than we should have. It should've been over after the first date, but she kept sending me nudes, and I kept rolling with it like a retard, until I realized it was making me miserable and I cut contact. More recently, I dated a much younger woman (20...and she was the one who asked me out, which was refreshing) but we cut it off after it was clear that we were just on different wavelengths. That was a better experience. That kind of reminds me that I haven't asked my sister if that mentorship thing I was trying to set up between them ever happened.

do any ohio fembots exist?

yeah, if you're past your 30s and your biological clock is ticking away, things definitely change and the desperation takes over for sure

and I'm agreeing with the rest of your post, it's just that I was more referring to 'young' dating, since over half of this board are barely above 20 and are suffering from the tinder syndrome

I'm 'only' 28 and already starting to feel that desperation of finding a girl, but I still need to keep it in mind to not end up with your first situation there because I fully know it's a thing and I fully know it always ends badly for anyone involved, and why I'm trying to keep other people from falling for it as well

there's enough shit going in our lives as is, we don't need more reasons to chose to kill ourselves

I live too far from everyone online, the Midwest (Minnesota). I have had femanons talk to me but they usually ghost me or lose interest in a week.

yeah everyone here, especially the femnons, are quite skilled at ghosting. it is indeed too far away, but good luck nonetheless, user.

Ye thanks frien. I might get an egf one day if they are okay with an ldr but I am way too shy for irl stuff. The other problem is I am 20 and most girls like big age gaps so they ghost when they find my age.

At least it's an easily solvable problem, the age gap thing.
In the meantime you should work on irl stuff, even if it's just developing friendships rather than romantic relationships.

most shy people are decently good with irl stuff, we're just selective with whom we open up to. you only need to find someone patient enough to get to know you. as for the age thing, just aim for slightly younger girls, the world's full of them. i don't personally like big age gaps, but it's true that while men prefer younger women, women will generally prefer older men.

>If you're only a month out of an engagement there's no way you're over it and ready to be with someone new anyway
You really don't know women do you.

I have a lot of difficulty making friendships. I try but I also have a lot of problems due to my past. I have trust issues and never speak unless spoken to.
I do not have much preference for age. So long as she is not way younger or older. I dunno. I just have a lot of social problems as mentioned earlier which makes me too shy to talk to people and because of how nervous I am I come across as quiet and cold to almost everyone. Of the girls I have spoken to, they always assume I am in my late 20s based on my voice and how I talk.

>Robots are mostly life long fuck ups and neets and you expected him to just turn his life around because he got you as a gf?
This literally happens to me every time I get a gf, so it's not exactly unexpected.

The only problem is that they leave me because women and I get into an even deeper hole.