Ask someone who lives in Japan anything. Yes, I am English teaching scum
Pic related, view from my balcony
Ask someone who lives in Japan anything. Yes, I am English teaching scum
Pic related, view from my balcony
whats the course like for a teacher? assuming your Japanese isnt very good. at least thats the common word on the street.
Pros/Cons, list what applies to you personally
ever fuck a cute jap girl?
Are the women as easy as claimed in the manlet thread.
For me, I teach high school, averaging 2-3 classes a day. Half of it is dedicated to the textbook and the other half is an activity I make up and run. Today I made different cards of Japanese ingredients, like tofu or onions sauce or whatever, kids got into groups, every group gets two cards, and they have to make a dish that uses the two ingredients. Then present about their dish in English.
>good mix of traditional and modern values
>deeply cultural, respectful
>kids are so well-behaved I can't believe it
>qts everywhere
>extremely convenient
>delicious food
>weather sucks, there truly is four seasons and half of them are miserable
>many people are the r9k definition of NPCs; no hobbies, incapable of imagination/critical thought
>have yet to know anyone on a deeper level beyond "I don't like my job," conversations all feel cookie-cutter
>people also are very two-faced, you will never know most people's true feelings about anything
>please creampie me written above her pussy
Not as cute as that pic but yes I have.
>kids are so well-behaved I can't believe it
clutch my chest, GAHH, god damn it, America
Is it true Japanese girls scream ITADAKIMASU before sucking dick?
>check OPs pic
>its almost July already
Nothing to ask here chief but Im happy youre living the dream.
I fucking hate weeaboos with a passion. You're an embarrassment. You petty romantic fuck
What's the pay like? Was considering trying to get into it since I'm not sure I actually want to go into the field I'm currently enrolled in at uni
Where are you from? Do you like Japan more than your home country and do you see yourself living there long term (if you can)?
I don't think they're easier compared to any other country, but add 2 to your attractiveness if you're white and there's a good idea of your chances.
That's not universal though. I hear kids in the city are much worse-behaved. For me, the kids are screaming and screwing around but the moment the bell rings they all shut up and get in their seats.
I hope you are too.
After taxes I get 220,000 JPY a month, or $2200. My rent is subsidized so I basically pay $100. That plus utilities, Internet, are my only fixed expenses.
Why scum?
I was actually planning on doing that for a career and maybe translate some books.
Are you are treated decently?
How tall are you
Is 5'7 there considered at least average?
shitty shop op
What is the situation with ventilation? Based on what little ecology I know of Japan and the look of those houses, it looks like a relatively humid country. Do you tend to get black mold every few months or so or otherwise any special precautions you have to take with humidity or anything otherwise?
>Why scum?
not op but English teachers get a bad rap for basically being long term tourists that treat their job and Japan as a vacation. They put in the bare minimum when it comes to work, integrating, learning Japanese, getting involved with the community ect. If you actually care about what you're doing as an English teacher no one will have a problem.
Except some bitter gaijin that hates his salaryman job maybe but who cares.
No they get a bad rep because they're delusional fucking retards who travel to japan "to experience the wonders of the japanese culture and its customs." It's fucking sickening how deluded they are. They think they will go there and change their life to the better. I hope they all fucking die.
Yes, with chopsticks
The US. Overall, yes, I like Japan much more. I wouldn't want to grow old here but I'd definitely want to live here for a while. I'm just finishing up my first year
Because English teaching is a low-skill, low-effort job and the easiest way for any autist to get into Japan. They have a horrible reputation on the Internet but I haven't met anyone being hostile to my face yet. It is pretty low-tier in terms of gaijin jobs, but if it's your actual aspiration don't let retards on Jow Forums change your course.
Yes, I would say so. Anyone who has disliked me I would say is because of my personality rather than my race. Yes, 5'7" is average here for guys. I'm 5'11" and 175 pounds and I'm considered a big guy.
That's a nice question. Japan is a very humid country, depending on where you are it could be up to 90+ humidity paired with 90+ degrees (30+) in some parts. You especially see it in older buildings but you can tell Japan is built for the humid summers rather than winter. In older schools, they are filled with huge sliding windows (no screens) all directly across from other windows, and doors are also parallel with windows. It's the same with apartments. Horrible for winter but it facilitates airflow for summer. I do have mold, especially in my shower room, and there's not much I can do to prevent it. The only thing I can do is clean it up after the fact.
>"to experience the wonders of the X culture and its customs."
>They think they will go there and change their life to the better.
That's everyone that moves anywhere though. English teachers are just particularly bad because the barrier for entry is very low and very few of them actually care about the job or the community they're placed into. They use it as an easy way to fuck around in Japan for 1-5 years until they get bored, don't renew their contract and disappear back to their home country forever.
It's pretty rare you see an English teacher that is actually passionate about his job and doing it well. Or that knows Japanese, or that tries integrate properly into Japanese society, gets involved in his local community. Particularly the ones that aren't placed out in the middle of nowhere, half of the time they literally just hang out with other English teachers and barely even speak to Japanese people
>I wouldn't want to grow old here
why not?
Straight bleach RAPES mold. Just make sure you have a breathing mask and don5 touch your eyes.
Show us your apartment.
How close are you to your students? Do you think any of them will make a real effort to be fluent in English?
So when you teach english lessons, you're mostly just following a textbook? Like you read the textbook, go through exercises and the students just silently follow and elicit when you tell them too?
I got a TEFL in Thailand but Thai kids act like rowdy niggers, so during the training i got really turned off to the idea of putting up with them everyday. If nippon kids are quieter, more polite, then i could see myself teaching in Japan
Because as many say, it's a great country to visit but not to live in. I agree somewhat but I think it's fine to live in for a short-term period. Sooner or later you will get sick of never truly being part of the society
Sorry, I don't feel like taking a video right now but here's a plan I drew
I'm not close to any students. My classes average a size of 30 and the most names I'll know is probably 4 of them. I'm sure some will make an effort but it won't necessarily be because of me inspiring them. I like to make my classes fun but it's not Dead Poets Society
Yeah, the Japanese teacher in the room goes through the grammar points but I mostly read and they repeat after me. Very inefficient and both the kids and I hate it. How was life in Thailand?
Are the sunrises in Japan nice?
I didn't even teach english i just ended up becoming an alcoholic and fucking hookers till i ran out of money. i really do like thailand but they clearly don't like foreigners and there's always a subtle sense of hostility that i can pick up on because i was there for 6 months. I feel like there's more order and civility in japan and i would enjoy that much more in terms of working.
Lastly, is speaking Japanese frowned upon in the classroom? I imagine so?
are asian girls really more feminine and submissive than the western ones?
Is this entire thing about sexless Japan real?
Is it easier to find a virgin qt3.14 Jap girl than a virgin white girl?
Not op, but this is such a sweet question, I love u
Have you ever been stuck with the kancho? And what is Tinder like over there?
I'd wish the Yakuza would kill all of you White shit scums in Japan.
hey op i study in tokyo but am from europe, japan is pretty comfy. do you live in a big or a small city? big cities here are crazy when it comes to night life/partying
>Is it easier to find a virgin qt3.14 Jap girl than a virgin white girl?
it's literally like 10x as likely a girl is a virgin into their 30s than countries like America or the UK or something.
I'm digging the positivity throughout Jow Forums this morning. It's unlike these boards to be so nice.
Ive saved up some neetbux to visit japan but Im waiting for my neurologist to look at my mri scans to see why my head is so fucked so I wouldnt be able to enjoy the trip right now. I think I wanna go to some smaller city than tokyo though.
Its illegal to travel for vacation on NEETbux
Oh no will I get punished by the NEET police?
Have you sucked off a cute jap sissy
A mei wont help you transition, take estrogen user
Sadly no, my job is to find frauds on SSI/SSDI
Are they this racist about foreigners in their country ?
What's Grindr like in Japan?
In bath houses how big are their cocks?
Im not american im not on those systems my bux dont have any such conditions that need to be met.
Im not a tranny what the fuck I have had a headache for 2 years straight im trying to get answers.
Just wondering, how do you find out about that? Do flight companies share their records with you? Is it through bank account charges?
Who's the local telecom provider? Also how does it enter the home broadband, dsl , fiber?
Would you recommend moving to japan to all your friends?
Thats because its tuesday during the day for the US. All of the normals are busy doing normal things.
>lives in Japan
but you have to be an english teacher no matter what right? no thanks
Lots of it is through bank accounts and word of mouth you would be surprised how many "friends" and "family" turn people in do to jealousy
You can get practically any job a Japanese person can if you speak Japanese
I wouldn't live in Japan but I'm rich so I could go anywhere
Is japanese hard to learn for a foreigner? It's really different
not really, most companies don't want to deal with the hassle of hiring a foreigner (visa, immigration process). You also can't sign up for a job unless you're outside the country, so you are left with checking what jobs they are offering to foreigners that provide a visa. The most readily avaliable one is always, and will always be the english teacher.
Can someone PLEASE tell him/her wether the sunrises in Japan are nice?
How many confessions have you had by Japanese school girls?
would you drive this car to work?
just do language exchange and read books and translate shit if you really want to learn, it's not that hard, just probably would take a while if you want to get to JLPT N1
What? Since when? How can you restrict someone in their home area like that?
Not everybody comes to Japan for the sunrises, you sick fuck. I've never watched one myself but I love the nature and scenery you find even in between cities.
I have never been told anything for speaking Japanese in the classroom. I occasionally do to make some instructions clear or making some explanations easier. It could be because my school is very low level.
Yes to both, Japanese women dress much more feminine and tend to adopt the submissive role more easily. Unfortunately that means a lot like to lie there like dead fish
Stats probably don't lie but I've never seen anything that made me think "wow, Japan's birthrate is collapsing." I think finding a virgin could still be difficult but girls who've had 30 men by 25 are a lot rarer it seems
I haven't. Tinder is also filled with description-less girls, and a lot who hide their faces or don't have an actual profile pic at all.
Live in small city but 1 hour from a big one via train
Yes, Tokyo is a meme and vastly overrated.
I wish
Has a Japanese woman ever farted on you, in front of you, or around you?
asking the important questions right off the bat huh
Sorry everyone, I am going to sleep now but if thread is still up I'll answer questions in the morning.
you skipped my post
fuck you! asshole. your thread is shit
Does Japan allow felons to enter their country? I got a rap at 18 and ha e always wanted to at least visit but dont know if it's worth getting a passport or not.
Not him but Japan has strict laws on this.
Were you a political prisoner or only in jail for less then a year and not because of a drug related crime than maybe you could get into Japan.
>A person who has been convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan, or any other country, and has been sentenced to imprisonment with or without labor for one year or more, or to an equivalent penalty except those convicted of a political offense.
>A person convicted of a violation of any law or regulation of Japan or of any other country relating to the control of narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants, or psychotropic substances and sentenced to a penalty.
what does japanese girl breath smell like
Are you doing the JET program? ALT? Are you part of the most recent incoming class?
How well can you speak Japanese?
That says cream pie freely, or cream pie as you wish, not please cream pie me. Also, how long did you have to study moon roon before you went? How good would you say you are?
How's nature around there?
Is it like it normally gets portrayed? As in, between cities/towns it's mountains and forests everywhere?
If there's something that would make me visit Japan is how alluring all the fucking mountains are.
>tries reverse image search on google
>bunch of anime pictures pop up
huh that's weird. source?
damn dude you are living the dream. i also want to do the same thing. i just have to get a degree.
it will be harder for me to get a job i guess because i'm not from a native english speaking country and they mostly want people from english speaking countries.
Its like that with any country, but i think you can lie on the form and say you haven't caused any crimes. maybe but who knows they are anal about it nowadays and can do a checkup. Should also know they finger print and photograph all foreigners that enter the country and save the data on the same system as the one in the states. There are security cameras on every street corner. You need to carry a passport at all times, or if you are a gaijin you must carry the gaijin card otherwise they will detain you. Cops will always be checking (shokumushitsumon), if you dress weird or act funny you get checked, foreigners are on their top priority list as well as people who wear green and camoflauge (don't ask why this is just something i now). When I lived in Japan, i kept getting checked because i was single and always out alone, most other gaijins had gf/wives or were tourists, so i must of set off some alarms. Especially when I rode a bicycle, i get stopped at least twice a day, because they thought i stole it and i had to prove each time. So yeah if you don't mind being treated as a third class citizen and actually enjoy being an english teacher Japan is great i guess.
As a non-native English or Japanese speaker that has been watching anime for about 5 years and is about to take the N5 exams in less than 2 weeks, it's tough. Sentence and grammar structure, at least for lower levels, will take some getting used to but it shouldn't be horribly difficult. The main problem, that even Japanese students, AFAIK, face, is kanji. There's about 2k commonly used kanji and about 3k official kanji, each one of them with usually 2 but very often more ways to be read, depending on whether it's by itself, has hiragana next to it or another kanji, and that's not accounting for various exceptions where a combination of kanji gets its own reading just cause. I've been told that a uni degree in Japanese takes you up to N3-N2, but since I'm doing this in my off time while also studying chemistry, I think I'll stop at N4, as anything beyond that would need too much effort,although I believe N4 should be enough to communicate in some settings with most Japanese people.
>N4 Is enough to communicate
Lol. N5 is utterly worthless to take, it doesn't even use kanji.
>weather sucks, there truly is four seasons and half of them are miserable
Were you from one of those tropical shitholes where it's blistering hot all year or something?
Zero, although there are a few I suspect may be crushing on me. And if I drove to school with a car like that I might get fired
Go home waito piggu only happens maybe in Okinawa. I have seen a few places that have signs that say "no foreigners," deep in the old parts of town that only Japanese people frequent. I was turned away from a place once but other than restaurants etc. I've never had anyone be racist to my face
No idea, sorry.
Surprisingly big. There's more larger flaccid dicks than small
I think it's DSL, I honestly have no idea. I'm using Docomo
Not all. There was a recent "redpill me on moving to Japan" thread in /trv/ that goes to show how much it can destroy people's expectations, as well as how much butthurt it can cause just by existing.
I think it's difficult but it's not impossible. There's plenty of great resources. Check out /djt/ in /jp/ to get a taste.
No, yes, probably
I think no, but I couldn't tell you anything else beyond that
At least when it comes to teachers and schoolgirls, coffee, I.e. unpleasant
Yes, and I came here last year. I don't speak zero Japanese but I can't really hold a conversation. I can read a lot of kanji and I can do small talk but only over text.
Yeah I know but "creampie me freely" translates awkwardly. The context is more like "use me" or "I'm a slut" instead of "feel free to creampie me!"
It's lovely. And yes you see a lot of nature in between cities. It's not true nature wilderness but it's certainly greener than other first world countries might have done it.
Good luck. There are programs that can take people from non-native countries.
What sort of qualifications did you come in with on the JET application? Can I ask how old you were? Do you think it's competitive to get in?
How would things be different if a woman taught English to the students and lived in Japan?
We need more pics & context, because OP's pic sounds quite like typical Southern Italy suburbs.
any plans for the olympics? how long are you expecting to stay?
What city are you living in?
Is it true that the city japs worship white men but the boonie ones hate us?
Also how do japanese view russians?
Do niggers stand any chance with Japanese girls
What are the chances of getting to kiss some hischooler cunny?
Oh, I am aware. I'm mostly using it as a "stepping stone", if you would, to get a first practice/the basics down. I'm pretty sure we've gone past N5 and are in N4 territory with the material we're covering with my tutor but I feel like, for me, it would be a good first contact with the exam system as well. I am planning to take the N4 exam the coming winter anyway so I might as well get N5 on the way you know?
I knew a girl once who taught english in Japan. I guess it isn't really any different, its pretty much standard that if you can speak english and are white you are teaching English. For other ethnicities, like SE Asians, I see them mostly work at restaurants and convience stores but i've never seen any white people in the setting. Jobs are a lot more segregated than it is in western countries.
Looks shopped as fuck but I don't know why you'd bother.
What anime tropes are surprisingly real?
Do Japanese actually care about English? Also are Japanese students super smart and hard-working?
I'm 25, the only real qualification I had was a college degree. It is competitive but I think the applicant pool is saturated with weebs who get weeded out immediately. Even a lot of the people getting in are still retards
I imagine the male students would be talking about banging her instead of female students having a crush from afar
Here you go
As long as I can. I missed the lottery but I'll still try to go anyways. Tokyo and that whole area is probably going to be a nightmare.
I'd say the opposite would be more accurate, because whites are rare in the countryside while they're all over the place in city. I think Russians get grouped in with white people in general
Whites >> Japanese >> blacks > other dark-skinned people
You're not screwed but it's a lot harder for you.
You could've easily skipped N5 to shoot for N3 in December instead
Did she like it? Was she ever harassed because I've heard rumours before of white girls being stalked but that's probably just retarded
Really? I wouldn't have thought the guys were like that in Japan. I thought they were very reserved
Is it JET programme? I'm heading to Akita in August to teach at a JHS and elementary school.
Answer me, faggot. I have to know
Leaf here.
I'm moving to Japan for work closer to the end of the year ahead of the Olympics. A few of my clients are already complaining about 2020. They're not exactly thrilled about the influx of foreigners who are going to shit up the place for a couple of months.
Seriously, unless you're already established in Japan, I can see 2020 being a real shit show for any new comers visiting the country.
Well I can't really say, but the girl i met lived in ghetto apartment, cause it was cheap. She didn't seem to have any problems. I lived there too and felt perfectly safe. There were lots of female coworkers at the school so probably no harassment. Japan is a extremely safe place for females. e.g. If you are in a place like Tokyo, theres female only trains.
Is it truly as comfy as it looks?
Is their shit really advanced compared to the US? I heard they had umbrella vending machines or some shit.
Are there really 1 GB/s download speeds in Japan?
Have you ever done standard gaijin stuff like go to a maid cafe or some no-name basement idol's show? If so, how was it/were they?