It will happen one day. You will be lying in bed with that special someone...

It will happen one day. You will be lying in bed with that special someone, the someone who made you forget all about your former hates and fears, and who made you feel so special, like you two were made especially for each other.

And you will start to remember. You will start to remember how dark your days were, how you were so fearful that you would never be in love, that you would never be happy. You will feel all that pain again, one last time, as you realize all those worries were unfounded and that at last you have found someone to love and who loves you in return.

You will start to cry, maybe even cry so hard it wakes up that special someone who is next to you. And of course, because you both are so in love, they will worry and hold you close and ask you wants wrong. Promise me that you will tell them about all the fears and worries. Even though they were for naught, do not keep those dark feelings inside of you. Tell them how you used to cry yourself into the night from loneliness or how you drank yourself dumb trying to numb out the pain.

Promise me you will tell them, because I can promise you, that will only make them love you that much more.

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> You will start to remember how dark your days were, how you were so fearful that you would never be in love,
I will never be in love.Life is fucked. Can't wait for some 'bad luck" and a texting driver takes me out of this shitty existence.

I know how dark it seems now. But love can only find you when you are not in love.

The night is long, and the sun is supposed to shine soon. It's been so much long ago, seeing the sun and feeling the earth. But the night is long. I had my luck to understand that's at least the moon is full in big. The night is beautiful. But it's still a night, while some get blind to the night, I teach whoever I stumble upon about the beauty of the moonlight. But the night never ended to me, I never saw the sun. Just had tales, the moon shines bright, as I and the demons fight. With madness and logic nothing can go wrong, hope that In the end I could say that the night was long.

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Where is this fromm

I hope this is the hallucination my brain triggers when I hang myself

If this happen to you then you weren't a robot anyway.

FUCK off OP. I had that by sheer luck, now it's gone. I'm watching how fast she's moving on and I'm still the same lonely retard as I was before. Eat shit faggot

How did you fuck it up, retard?

Getting into a relationship with someone 8 years older than me when I had mental issues is how faggot. She was beautiful and now I want to die.

I just made it up. But that's how close I could describe how it feels.

And you never sought help?

I was told I just needed to meditate, relax and Just try to control my emotions, so no I didn't consider it at the time and didn't want to be on medication. It's a long not very interesting story. I loved her but then, I disassociated which led to me yelling at her, throwing shit and punching myself while having panic attacks over multiple occasions. It's hard to come back from that.

>tfw a cartoon frog can find love and you can't

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yeah,when andoids'll be available to the masses

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Why would Androids need to sleep?

So they can dream of electric sheep

i mean,basically androids are robots that resemble humans as much as possible,so they might be programmed to have human needs,if the client wishes for it

And then 2 months later the dopamine rush ends, you fight and break up
It doesnt work user
I thought it would

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Dont you have some black tar heroin to be doing, Dick?

This is crueler than just telling the truth and you should be ashamed of yourself.

There is no such thing as love. You might as well eat chocolate all day, a gift from Mexico to the world, along corn and tomato and...beaners.

A fantasy, nothing more

It wont. I'm lonely all the time, not because im physically alone but because im on an entirely different wavelength. And people pick up on it instantly, avoiding me and looking at me with pity. Guess my appearance and mannerism makes me look like a retard. People also get shocked every time im right no matter how many times it happens.

>robots that resemble humans as much as possible
Android could describe some of us in that case... Tbh I never fit in with normie but robots ostracize me when they discover that I've done even one normal thing like, for instance had sex (of all fucking things, this is a maximumly rwatrdes one to be obsessed about by the way)
So I'm deemed cyborg more or less.
But Android.... That seems more fitting. Like I'm not some hybrid with decidedly human qualities, I'm a robot through and through, who is just doing my best to run an operating system that functions in normal society, also looksmax/grooming for the cosmetic aspect, but it's all through superficial imitation and inside i feel like an absolute sperg.
Idk if this is original or been covered already, but......yep ddd

> fearful that you would never be in love
That isn't the problem. The problem is that SHE never is.

Really, pessimism is liberating. I know that I will likely never find someone, so why bother? It frees up your mind and a lot of time not worrying about finding that someone. My bloodline will be continued anyway, as I am a regular sperm donor and my genetics are technically desirable.

It already happened OP.

Then she left for one of my friends.

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If it happened once, it can happen again. That is the law of the land.

I wish I could look cool while crying like a little bitch.

How can you know for sure? How can you even begin to promise me this?

>she never is
Why is that a problem?

I can't cuddle myself user. I also don't want to use chloroform

I really hope you're right OP I really do cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if you're wrong

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We can only hope, OP. Fuck.

As fucking if my guy....

If I am wrong, you are going to keep on trying until I am right.

All girls, even the pretty ones, have moments of doubt where they think themselves unloveable.

It's a universal experience, some just feel it longer than others.

That isn't my Problem user. She just doesn't love me back

yeah this kind of stupid bullshit only happens in romantic comedy films

Let me tell you what happens if you do this in real life.

Within a month your partner will have found someone else because you have too much "emotional baggage" and they don't want to deal with you.

They can no longer be seen with you and will slowly stop answering your calls.

They remove all pictures of the two of you on social media.

Everyone is a cunt and if you show vulnerability like this they will just up and leave, people do not care about your problems if they cannot manipulate you for their own benefit.

suffer alone or be thrown aside like garbage

Okay, so what of the people who have been together for years and are happy?

She's gone user
She left the country some weeks ago
I wonder who's fucking her right now

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Then she wasn't the one, King. Time to break out the fishing pole again.

I'm reverting back to my old self,when i was with her i didn't browse r9k at all

I just feel really apathetic about everything

As long as you realize you're slipping, you can always catch yourself.

I've never understood this "Christmas lights indoors" shit. Why? Why do girls love that shit?

They love it for the same reason all women love the things they love

Ah, fag shit then

I hope it's soon
I'm starting to lose hope

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The day you lose hope is the day it becomes impossible. As long as you hold onto hope, it will always be possible.

Losing hope and giving up is the only way you guarantee you will never find her. Don't give up, for her.

Lmao, you a Iphone knockoff

People being together for years isn't a sign of true love. The culture, circumstances, personalities, genetics, et cetera all lined up so that it wasn't not beneficial to stay together. People stay together when it is beneficial in some way, like everything a human does. It is not beneficial to be with someone like me, and even if it was I don't want it because a 'love' like that is as meaningless a concept as hunger. It's just a desire to be satiated.

Why do you continue to eat anything but gruel then?

Same, but the bullet will blow it all away.

When I call hunger a meaningless concept, I mean it is nothing more than fulfilling a desire. When I eat tasty food, I'm fulfilling my desire for tasty food. Likewise, when someone gets with someone who is really attractive and has a good personality and such, they're fulfilling their desire to be with someone who is attractive. It's nothing more than that, so it's not anything special to be celebrated.

>I want you to forfeit the masculinity that would cause such a situation to exist in the first place

You get a counselor for this shit, user. A woman is not a counselor.

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You can, should, and must talk about your fears and worries with your partner if you want the relationship to work.

Where did OP say they were talking about you as a man? Maybe OP is only talking to the fembots here.

Whats wrong with his fucking face?

you cant seriously tell me that this will one day happen to me. I've never been able to understand people at all, if I can't even make friends with some random autistic user, how am I supposed to ever get a gf? I think you're really underestimating how fucked some of us are