/retard/ general

Anyone else here just fucking stupid?

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I don't know, people call me smart because I tend to know all kinds of things and because I'm rather well-spoken irl, but at the same time I'm really slow to understand things.

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Mum always told me I was smart and special. Realising I'm actually dumb as bricks was a rude awakening

My peers always told me I'm smart, but in reality I think I'm a brainlet. An IQ test might just shatter my reality.

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You can have a high IQ and still be dumb

the only reason why people consider you smart is because you're surrounded by stupid people.

I've struggled pretty much since the start of puberty with general idiocy.
>in detention every day
>failed every class (some more than one time)
>involuntarily hospitalized for tardo brain
>can't make friends
>flashbacks of stuff that never happened

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"The one-eyed man is the king in the country of the blind"

It always depend with whom you compare.

N-no, I s-swear I'm smart! I even drink tea!

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100 IQ people are smart with 85 IQ people. I always wonder how it feels to be a 115 compared to a 100

>ate jogurt
>threw cup in the sink
>threw spoon in the bin

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>flashbacks of stuff that never happened
Does this really come from being dumb alone? Do you have some other mental health issues, user?

I'm schizophrenic but it makes me more retarded.

>ate yogurt
>leave cup on desk for two weeks

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Sorry to hear that, man. I had an internet friend with schizophrenia and she was like that too. She didn't hear voices or anything, but her thoughts were all fucked up a lot of the time and it made her feel dumb.
How you're holding up nowadays?

I am holding up ok! really benefiting from meds and therapy.
my thoughts are fucked up but i also have hallucinations
it sucks but it's life.

I couldn't imagine what it's like to experience that, but it's good to hear you found something that helps at least. All the best to you, man

Why do I keep trying to satiate my desire for escapism when I know practicing learning things I normally fail at woud be more benefitial?

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>couldn't read at all until I was 8
>didn't understand how to clean myself after taking a shit until I was 11
>thought I was a genius until I was 13
>had a long stretch of time where I just sat in a room and read internet
>thought the library book drop-off had a huge slide that went all the way to the library (about a half mile away) until I got in an argument about it in college at the age of 20
>didn't know the order of the months until I was 21
>didn't understand how the phrase "how are you doing" worked until I was 24
>still don't understand how to approach people, wait months on the most insignificant, basic, yet necessary things, simply because I'm too confused and afraid
>going to be homeless by the end of the month because I refused to get signatures for a form
>tried killing myself by mixing together sulfuric acid and formic acid and hyperventilating in an enclosed space for 30 seconds, but I ended up ducking out after my throat started to burn really badly
>have no idea how to apply for jobs or to get an apartment or anything people do all the time, and even more afraid to actually go and do it
I don't think I'm going to be alive much longer


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Pretty much this
>be me
>grow up in small town
>everyone thought I was some kind of child prodigy
>especially compared to the mouth breathing redneck kids my age, I honestly still doubt to this day that most of them are even sapient
>move out
>move to a big city
>realise my intelligence is in fact painfully average
>also realise I am overall a painfully mediocre person

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i have never won a game of chess

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Who /dumb with smart siblings/ here?

I'm a retard that completely screwed his life up, with a highly academic older sister married to her highly academic husband to serve as a constant reference of how stupid, lazy and autistic I am. Oh and I'm also poor while they are extremely rich.

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>had a long stretch of time where I just sat in a room and read internet
That describes my entire life desu.

i'm good at math shit and some programming but i make horrible decisions out of some need to overcompensate for awful social skills, so i would say i'm retarded

I've been called smart but I'm dumb as bricks. I didn't know basic division until I was 15 and I still count on my fingers.
My sister is 10 but I can already see she's gonna be smarter than me. She has better handwriting than me. I had to use a typewriter in school because the teachers couldn't read my writing

Same difference I think. A jump from 100 to 120 is bigger than 120 to 140. Still significant, but the more you go to the extremes, the less it matters.

>literally everyone calls me intelligent for some fucking reason
>have head aching sweating difficulty with any math that has uneven numbers

I don't know basic math.
If you ask me what's 74+15 i will spend a whole minute thinking about the answer and i will probably answer wrong.

I just figured it out i think its 89

I suck at chess too. I realize being good at chess doesn't make you smart, but I always assumed I was good at pattern recognition. Obviously I'm not. I often just don't see pieces when looking at the board.

Like when you move your hand to a piece I understand what you're doing to do and that I'm fucked in a few moves now, but I legit didn't notice that piece there.


I'm over 130. You people are awful. Got told at uni they let students cheat because otherwise no one would show up, from a fucking co-director of the program. Note, they had already let students cheat and everyone knew about it by the time I was told this. The world's fucked because retards are in charge.

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mom says im smart

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>unironically academically smart
>the moment a person in the lab talks to me my brain shuts down and i start acting like a retard
happens to me all the time, and i usually blurt out gibberish nonsense in response to their questions.

I'm sure she is being very objective.

I have the stupit because I depress and no study and now I am fuck

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What lab?

biology/chemistry labs. i gave labs as an example because it happens every single time i'm in one.

And what do you in those labs?

I'm the typical "gifted" kid that hit puberty became depressed and started doing drugs and threw all his smartness away I'm not that smart anymore but i retained a little of it but when someone asks me whats 6 x 6 is I have to think about it for at least 10 seconds

we mostly follow protocols and answer the quizzes at the end of each lab. i usually have A's in these courses so people ask me for answers. but when i act like a retard they start wondering if i'm cheating.

What is that? college?

I don't know how to multiply or divide or structure a sentence correctly

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no more data for you, fbi.

True but you can't be a sharp cookie, if you have a low IQ.

The success variance amongst high IQ people is incredibly high.

The success variance amongst low IQ humans is incredibly low.

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Success curves down after 115, and it's abysmal at 130+


Who is the highest iq person alive?

Jeff bezos? Joe rogan?

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this post is me
I can't stop the escapism

Supposedly a body builder who's basically a shitposting poltard scored over 200, and others have been speculated high. Note we're talking rarity in excess of 1 in ten million people.

>mfw i can't do basic math
i'm so fucking retarded guys

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tfw either wildly clumsy and slow to grasp things or very well spoken and knowledgable

it all depends on whether or not I've wanked in the past 24 hrs

>Was gifted in my early elementary school days but was a shitty insubordinate student so I got the permanent brand of being special ed
>mediocre student the rest of the time, struggled with math
>parents sold me the pipe dream of going to college, wasn't until I was 17 I looked at what the admission standards were
>I'm a warehouse worker now
people still think I'm smart

yep i'm pretty autistic

I'm dumb but disciplined. I took A-level (for you Brits) chemistry and math and spent many sleepless nights studying. Graduated with a lousy 'B' but everyone thought I was a big shot for it.

Now I try very hard to look beyond the fact that I'm at a second-choice uni. I was not smart enough to make it into a proper uni and contribute to science and I'm not chipper enough to go out and party here either.

I'm just barely smart enough to realize how stupid and incompetent I am. I've been told all my life by family, friends, and teachers that I'm really smart but I'm not. I don't know why they think I am. I always did very well in school but that's just memorization and I've forgotten all of it now anyway. I'm 28 and I can't even remember how to multiply/divide fractions or any simple geometry either. I'm a complete moron with a brain rotted by disuse and an attention span destroyed by being a NEET doing nothing but browsing Jow Forums. I can't even pay attention long enough to finish a chapter of a book anymore whereas when I was younger I would very quickly finish book after book by staying up all night reading thinking one more page.

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>smart people think they're dumb
>dumb people think they're smart

22 and I still don't know my months. Why can't they just be numbers, why do you have to give them names? Someone says June and I have to Google which month out of 12 it is every time.
Fucking ghey

Yeah bro, my mind drifts off when im doing shit like playing vidya,driving or just doing other crap, tried getting into yu gi oh but i'm too retarded to understand it , I can't really "strategies" in anything unless its a fighting game, not to mention I feel like my learning abilites were hindered as a kid because when I was super young I was a really bad kid, like getting in trouble or tantrums and I guess the teachers saw it as a disability and put me in "modified" classes, the teachers were nice and were really good emotional support for me as a kid but it kills me inside knowing that all of these mental issues I have could've not happened if I wasn't a fucking tool as a kid.

my attention span is just very short, used to take medication for it but not anymore

Yes. I was, and still am unassertive idiotic person.

Always trusted my parents opinions about what I should do. At 19 I was very competent at graphic design and photoshop, but I was tired of the educational system after I finished highschool, I wanted to have some in-dept classes about editing videos, after effects and everything related to the area. Parents flipped and said I should go to college and graduate, so I applied to a digital media course. Was the best at my class. Eventually I got a circle of """"""friends"""""" who were basically a bunch of people that I carried in my back through college doing most of the work.
Parents took my complaining as not being prepared for the job market and suggested me to get a second graduation at a different college.

So by the last year, I was studying at two different colleges at the same time, working at mornings, studying japanese, while also carrying a group of SIX people through the graduation project. Somehow, I managed to graduate at my first college, but failed at my internship.

I was unemployed, studying to finish my second graduation at the second (EXTREMELY SHITTY) college. Then came a job offer to work at a call center THREE HOURS away from where I lived. It was a bottom of the barrel job, the first thing that came up searching for work, but parents convinced me to take it since "I had to learn to socialize and be humble"

For a YEAR AND A HALF, I worked at minimum wage at a shitty call center that took me SIX HOURS JUST TO COME AND GO. This had a huge effect on my studies, and it took me FIVE years to finish my second graduation, while it should had took 3 at best. I had fucking PSTD when I finished my second graduation and quit the job. Five months later I had a mental breakdown.

I'm 31 now, still live at my mothers home. Just got hired for another terrible job after 3 years of unemployment.

I feel you guys, I wish I could cash in on my supposed "smartness".
>everyone in family says your smart
>can't even finish proper education
>minimum wage codemonkey
>suck at programming but it's all I got going for me
>can't afford to buy a house or find a rental place to move out of my parents house
>wasted youth on video games and stress

It's a nice compliment though.

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Call center was the shittiest place on earth, people there had absolutely no work ethic, a gigantic open room with about 300 people taking calls, some smoked pot while taking calls and supervisors pretended to not notice. It was a 6 hour job, with two 10 minutes breaks and a 20 break for lunch.
I was the guy that took most of the calls at my section. While most of my workmates took around 10 calls a day and spent their time chatting with each other, I took 30+ calls. Management refused to move me to a call center closer to home since I was pretty much the guy that did most of the work.
Yet, I was always late to job due to the distance from home, so in some months I got paid less than others.

So, please, call me a fucking retard.

Why didn't you just freelance graphic design in the first place?

Trusted his parents/society too much and himself too little. Sadly I know where he's coming from.

I was always anxious and unassertive as fuck since I was a teenager, had a major case of bully and also got raped. Took me too long, too many years until I had the courage to start therapy, and by the time I did I was already too jaded and friendless and after 4 years of theraphy I barely changed. My last years of life were all about getting a job in my area, to the point I never thought or put effort at anything else so I got too drained, hopeless and tired to do anything else, study something new or have fun.
If thats not enough, parents are the one that convinced me to get the job again so I can at least have a daily routine. Its the last time Ill ever listen to them since before losing all hope and live from neetbux, becom3 a future homeless person or whatever.

I have exactly 3 friends and all of them are successful. One tranny that is a brand manager and makes big bucks at coaching, another tranny that is an art director at a marketing agency and a patreon artist that I taught the basics of drawing and coloring 7 years ago, and now she has a huge following. Even trannies and patreon artists with no degree at college are more sucessfull than me, since they at least know what they want to do with their lives.

Rolling for m

I have great IQ for strategy, logic and moving my body thru space. But I am horrible at friendly conversations. Retard social IQ. All I can do is bully people

Are you me?

this comment is not original

yea, i don't understand how people can even get jobs, i dont even know how anyone can even complete with all the demands in the world today, i feel like im destined to be homeless. It makes much more sense and realistic to live in a tent on the street scraping pennies than work at a 9-5 job.

Believe me user, 9-5 jobs are still fucking easy compared to some other shit. I'm going to sound like an utter cunt, but in a couple years or decades 9-5 are going to be dream jobs.
When you get to the bottom of the barrel, you have crunch time, extra hours, shifts at weekends and sometimes extra hours at night.
Had a job at a small agency where I had to work an entire fucking day once. Got there at 9 am, worked the entire day until the next day 6 am, got home to sleep and THEN had to go back to work at 2 pm in the same so I could leave at 7 pm.

Some places will treat you like a fucking monkey, all the while they justify themselves with bullshit excuses saying "look how everyone is working hard user, you don't want to be the sole person to leave early, do you?"

I'm this guy here