Damn Jow Forums is woke as fuck
Damn Jow Forums is woke as fuck
No sense in not trying right? If you don't try, you'll have no chance at getting there and live a happy life. You miss all the shots you don't take.
>tfw never even bothered in the slightest, almost as if i instinctively knew about this
>tfw woke since birth
Feels good man.
And if you're a limbless cripple you miss all the shots you do take
The happy life is an illusion, she will always want someone better than you, untill she will eventually cheat and divorce rape you.
They are not woke, they are pitiful.
You shouldn't strive to better yourself for the sake of someone else.
Even if you're not the best (there's always someone better), you need to realize that only you matters.
I don't care about roasties or society, if I do something, it's only for me.
Find happiness inwards anons.
lol, this is such bullshit, fucking sad dude
>There are men out there who could fuck your girlfriend if they only bothered
The hardest feel to swallow, good job I don't have a gf h-haha.
Who gives a shit about a gf?
I want to feel the pain as my face stretches to make an expression I've never made before, that I can't help but make
>not moving onto feminine boys
It's like you don't want real love and understanding or something
cope harder, you know its true
Honestly this, the best I can achieve will be just an incubator to carry my children
But if the way the world inherently is means that the life you desire is not compatible with reality, then the chances of 'getting there' or living a happy life are zero. Plus, trying at something with a low probability in the grand scheme of life is a lot different than just trying at something like rolling a slot machine or practicing a skill. With those you can just keep pressing the button over and over again or do the same task over and over again. With life, just trying can involve completely changing your lifestyle, taking big risks, doing things that span over a long period of time, et cetera, and this is discounting the importance of things like motivation to try. All in all even the notion of trying does not seem like something that pays off.
Jow Forums are assholes. they only care about lifting and sex
Nobody who buys the IQ meme can be qualified with a positive trait
You still need to ask yourself, what even are you? Your identity and ego that you self-improve for are based around the opinions of others. Without something to compare to you couldn't say what was good or bad. For example, in your image it talks about seeing the magnificence of your body, but without crappy bodies to compare to you could not say what was magnificent or not. And the desires of yourself, despite the fact that they're your desires, are still desires that hinge on your surroundings, and so ultimately it is your surroundings that dictate what you do and why. I mean, the very person you are now you are because of your genetics and upbringing, and even your desire for self-improvement is based on external factors such as this. Nothing is truly found inwards because inwards is decided based on what is outwards.
> wanting to play a game on easy mode
>Any opposing reply to my pity post is a cope!
The irony is that entire post is a giant cope. It's just a long-winded excuse for not trying.
There will always people that are naturally better at things than you, maybe even a lot of things. Life is not fair, and you shouldn't pretend it is, but that doesn't mean you can't make something amazing out of yourself if you try.
First off, work does yield results. The results are inconsistent, and you'll get better or worse results depending on your dedication and natural ability, but if you pick up a pencil today and draw something, and then you do it again tomorrow, you WILL find it slightly easier. Same thing with running around the block or translating a few sentences to a different language.
Second off, the world isn't entirely black and white. Women are overwhelmingly similar, but they aren't ALL exactly the same. The mindset of your aesthetics being all that matters is just an excuse. 90% of men on this earth can't look like cartoon superheroes, yet so many still obtain relationships with women they're attracted to. Sure, maybe they aren't their wives' ideal, but is any woman really your ideal, either? Be honest, now. Everybody fantasizes. Fantasy does not directly translate to how you live your life. There is no relationship in existence where both partners see each other as their literal peak ideal; the closest you'll get to that feeling is a long-term loving relationship, and more goes into that than looks.
Hell, pursuing women doesn't even have to be a major goal in your life. Some of the most important men in history died as virgins, or never had a child. Live to obtain good friends, to make good art, to make quality shitposts, whatever. You have the freedom and ability to make your own priorities, don't let pessimistic faggots on Jow Forums do it for you.
Success is built on the bones of countless failed dreams. Statistically you aren't going to "make something amazing".
that person sounds mentally ill
you sound like an out of touch 45 year old middle school gym teacher
>Life is not fair
stopped reading there. everyone who says this thinks hes the most clever person in the world for saying this. you're on r9k, you're a fucking failure just like everyone else here
This. You can say a lot of things about how they are unstable or degenerate or harder to get, but at the end of the day men are simply less superficial and can connect more deeply. Whatever unstableness or whatever that you run into, even if it can suck, will still be far better than what you would encounter with a woman.
>You shouldn't strive to better yourself for the sake of someone else.
none of that is incompatible with the Jow Forums poaster. the point is that any striving for other people is COPE, inherently.
improvement for self improvements sake is admirable as long as your motivation is yourself and not external
This user would rather bend the knee like a dog than die fighting the machine. What a cuck.
>the best I can achieve will be just an incubator to carry my children
if you are ugly please don't reproduce
t. eugenicanon
What if I want to do because I want to do it? I have already accepted I will die alone, Im an ugly, poor, manlet, hope is my enemy and existence is my pain, but even then why should I let myself become the dreg of society? Can I not walk with dignity and pride through the valley of shadow and death knowing I did it for me and not settling for some shit roastie who has had her fun and now wants to settle down
People with high IQs make more money on average
that alone is enough to tell you that IQ isn't a meme, everyone who says so is merely coping
>What if I want to do because I want to do it?
That's the only real reason to do anything. It's pointless to care even the slightest amount about things that you don't have control over.
The Jow Forums poster in OP's image has a moral problem, first and foremost. His problem is greed.
His greed has consumed him to the point that anything less than total satisfaction of his greed means, to him, that life is not worth living. Even beyond that, he views any restriction on his greed whatsoever as a profound humiliation.
To him, even if he can find a partner, the fact that other people might have had more sex than him humiliates him to the point where he wants to give up, lay down, rot, and die. That's greed. One partner isn't enough - only having every woman on Earth be his sexual slave could possibly be enough.
He disdains even having that partner if they might ever find anyone else attractive. They don't even have to leave him - just the fact that they have independent minds and personalities and might find someone else attractive is too severe a frustration, too great a humiliation, to bear. Unless and until every other human being is bound at his feet as a helpless slave, he will continue to feel humiliated - because there is something, somewhere, he didn't possess, and having his greed checked liked that "mogs" him.
It's like something out of a Greek myth. This guy's sin - his greed - has warped into its own punishment. His suffering is perfect justice, since it exists only to the extent that his greed continues to exist.
And it's greed, not lust. Mere lust would be satisfied by lustly pursuits directly. Even in the moments his immediate lust is satisfied, this guy is still destroyed by greed, because he can't bear the thought that somewhere someone else might have something he doesn't himself possess.
Assumptions, the highly original post.
but that's not what he's saying.
what he's implying is that in order to be happy, men need to be loved by a woman, at least one, and women only love guys who never had to try, making "trying" pointless.
This is a whole lot of bullshit though because greedy people own this world and are enjoying the most fulfilling lives out of all of us. There isn't this divine universal justice. The universe and nature are cruel and the worst of people are the ones who have the greatest experiences.
visit Jow Forumsblackpillscience for more
Yep,. fucking based and redpilled
>NOT living a life where your only goal is to please women is the epitome of selfish greed
kek, women lreally ike to play those kinds of game.
The part where he describes any life where you don't just sit back on a throne and get your dick sucked by an endless parade of interchangeable worshippers as being a "little fucking rodent" contains all the proof needed to validate every point in my post. The rest of what he says just bombs the rubble.
It's greed. Greed that has destroyed him morally so completely that it has become both rage and self-hatred.
If he gets one woman, he will be enraged that someone else might have gotten more than one. If he gets ten women - but gets them by trying - he will be enraged that someone else might have gotten ten women without trying as hard as he did. Enraged, and humiliated, since that makes him a "fucking little rodent".
He deserves to suffer. Luckily, his greed is destroying him, so suffer he will. In spades.
You're pretty good at assuming things. I'm going to assume that you "argue" on the internet a lot.
This hits all my masochistic buttons. I'm going to masturbate to that post later. Hopefully this post gets some sincerely derogatory replies to make it even more spicy.
>what he's implying is that in order to be happy, men need to be loved by a woman, at least one, and women only love guys who never had to try, making "trying" pointless.
That's not what he's saying. He goes to great pains to say that even if you get a partner, that doesn't count, because if they found anyone else attractive, ever, you're a fucking cockroach scrounging at scraps.
>You're pretty good at assuming things.
Everything I've written is perfectly illustrated by the words in his post.
Give me an example of something I've assumed that isn't born out by the text.
and that's the point, if they find anyone else attractive, then they don't love you. Women are only capable of feeling love towards a extreme minority of men- those men lucky enough to be born with massive mandibles, long ramuses and 90 degrees gonial angles, positive canthal tilts and all the other signs of optimal cranio-facial development. if you dont have this, you will never be loved by women, it doesn't matter how hard you try. simple as that.
can someone link this thread on fit
>and that's the point, if they find anyone else attractive, then they don't love you.
That's an absurd definition of love, and one that none of you could ever possibly hope to live up to yourselves.
It's also deeply rooted in a truly dark greed, one that dreams of utter abasement for everyone besides yourself.
nvm i found it, it's thread 51315572 on fit
again you are assuming things.
Most people here simply want to experience romance. Which is impossible because they don't fit the required criteria that I listed above- huge jaw, low upper eyelid exposure, forward grown maxilla etc.
this is not "greed" or wanted "utter abasement for everyone else"
they just wish they could meet the requirements for being loved.
based and truepilled
originally original fuck this board
Honestly the ones who give you "black pills" or whatever you want to call them do not have your best interest in mind. They poison your mind to make broken thoughts with the intention of demoralizing you. In reality,the knly one who decides if you can make it or break it is your mind. Life is 90% planing and 10% execution of those plans. As long as you think you can do it you most likely can. But the moment you decide you cant you have already sabotaged yourself. This si exactly why you should get off the fuckin internet and live your life. Though at this point the damage has already bern done and you will always be a loser because you have been programmed to be one.
Lift weights and have sex, bro.
I don't think that's it. I think he's really just bothered by the fact that woman have so much more power in relationships than men. To her were easily replaceable because there are more attractive men available and willing to date her at any time, but to us she's special because we actually had to put in effort to get her and we can't easily replace her unless we are in a higher class of attractiveness.
Was fucking approved before you dropped a blackpill at the end.
>I don't think that's it. I think he's really just bothered by the fact that woman have so much more power in relationships than men.
That's not what his post actually says. Maybe the thought process that led him here started out with this somewhat harmless truism, but it's clear that he has escalated it, step by step, to the point where there's nothing left but envy, greed and rage. There's no "romance" here, at all.
The post actually says that if you plan out how to talk to girls and impress them, even if it works that's still worthless because other guys didn't have to do that.
The post actually says that if you get a wife, that's worthless if she ever sees anyone better looking than you on TV.
The post actually says that if you become fit, build a career, or develop a winning personality, and get a partner that way, it's worthless because other people got relationships without doing that. And that you should consider yourself a worthless cockroach and a little fucking rodent - THAT'S the level of humiliation appropriate for you.
And there's no way out from under the set of humiliations and indignities outlined in this post as long as other people are allowed to have their own thoughts and desires, as long as any girl anywhere is in a relationship with anyone but the poster, as long as anyone anywhere has anything attractive about them at all. The greed can never be slaked, because it's cooked into his definitions. Only being worshipped without effort, and without any competitors, is good enough. How is the sheer greed of that not immediately obvious?
^ Extremely high quality posts.
Well ignore that bit then. Not that hard.
>you're just a worthless cockroach picking up the leftovers
fucking hell that's accurate and hits deep
I both understand and agree with you. But even if your desires originate outwardly, that doesn't really mean that much.
This sounds like a COPE to not get swole.
>The post actually says that if you plan out how to talk to girls and impress them, even if it works that's still worthless because other guys didn't have to do that.
Which is accurate, because girls are only interested in guys who don't have to try- extremely good looking guys, making your efforts worthless, since they won't get you a girlfriend.
Alright, but how is wanting a woman for yourself bad? Isn't that the point of monogamous relationships? Sure, people will have unfaithful fantasies and desires, but that isn't a part of love, it's a beastly part of the human mind. Personally, the concept of love worth celebrating I believe doesn't exist within humans, but even so, the concept of wanting a relationship is greedy by your standards, but that isn't unreasonable. When this man ceases to be greedy, the greed of his superiors takes over unopposed. The true nature of greed is that everyone must be greedy if competition is to even exist. If he compromises his ideal he will never be satisfied, and satisfaction is a reasonable goal. To tell humans that they don't deserve what they desire is not your call to make.
So what's the solution? Become an unemploymed fatass living in a basement.
At least if I try, I have just cause to complain.
>Alright, but how is wanting a woman for yourself bad? Isn't that the point of monogamous relationships? Sure, people will have unfaithful fantasies and desires, but that isn't a part of love, it's a beastly part of the human mind.
There isn't one of you, not one fucking walking abortion here, who if you got a partner you legitimately loved wouldn't watch TV and see girls and think "Wow, she's hot."
Not. One. Of. You.
It's not a "beastly part of the mind". It's simple recognition.
>the concept of wanting a relationship is greedy by your standards, but that isn't unreasonable.
He explicitly doesn't want a relationship. He explicitly is withdrawing from the competition, and says that anyone who continues to compete is a worthless cockroach and scheming rodent.
>To tell humans that they don't deserve what they desire is not your call to make.
The poster in that image desires 1) every woman to want him, and only him; 2) wants this without any effort on his part, because if he makes any effort that makes it worthless and spoiled; 3) wants all of those women to not even be autonomous enough to recognize if another man they see on TV is attractive. I think it is, in fact, my call to tell that poster that he doesn't deserve that.
For the first part, I already agreed with that, but I said that it wasn't a good thing. I wasn't saying that whatever you were saying was a 'beastly part of the human mind', I was saying that the fact that we are attracted to whoever looks good regardless of things like faith, while it is a reasonable and understandable part of the human psyche, isn't a good thing. And when I was talking about the 'competition', I was talking about his desire for a faithful woman, not the actions you have to take to have a chance with a woman. He is withdrawing from doing these things because he thinks going for a woman is meaningless when people have to scheme and plot to get a girlfriend whereas others do it with no effort, signifying that any love is actually just the result of persuading a woman to choose you over someone else, which is why a woman is so easily taken away when someone who is just better comes along. And he never said he wanted every woman to want him and only him, and the part about effort is an observation that a woman's love for you means nothing if that love is based on the fact that she chooses based on the options that benefit her and make her feel good the most rather than loving someone for who they are. Although I am not saying men aren't the same in this respect. And it is natural to want your partner to be faithful in both their actions and in their thoughts; this isn't the case in reality, but that doesn't mean it should be celebrated. People should strive for complete faithfulness. The concept of faithfulness is propped up by ignorance once you realize that everyone is unfaithful in their minds; this doesn't mean this is how things should be, so despite the fact that this problem can't be solved I also can't blame him for thinking like this. And it isn't your call to say who deserves what; people get what they get, not what they deserve.
>There isn't one of you, not one fucking walking abortion here,
I don't get it though, my ideal is a fat hairy foreveralone fembot, so why wouldn't I be someone's ideal too? If someone's got the mainstream media brainwashing scale as their personal scale, then they're not worth your time anyway.
I know a lot of people in this thread are ignoring Socrates' advice here, but I just wanted to say that I ignored this as well. I knew the game was rigged from the start, so I just spent all of my time alone and allowed my body to atrophy since it wasn't doing anything more than keeping me chained to this earth. Eventually, my career prospects dried up and I found myself pissing in bottles and getting rid of my mirrors so I didn't have to look at how pathetic I was, weeks merging with each other, yet each hour growing more unsettling and more painful than the last as the low vibration of despair rattled my mind. I decided to join the military, but the first two recruiters knew I was a useless piece of shit and told me to "eat a cheeseburger" before I bother applying, since I was just skin and bones and weighed less than 110 pounds and had a sub 18 BMI. I started to run and do calisthenics, but pulled a muscle after 30 pushups and threw up after quarter of a mile running slower than old people fuck. If I wasn't desperate, I would have given up, but I didn't have any other choice besides suicide, so I kept going. My body built itself up into what I could only describe as a machine, capable of more than my mind believed it could, and every time I run or push or swim or lift, I am still absolutely astonished at how discarded junk could be shaped up into whatever the fuck I am now. My mind feels sharper as well and I feel more capable in everything I do and say. Life may not be much better since I still haven't gotten in the military, but at least I can safely say I now know what my body is capable of and hope to improve even further. My running time, my maxes, my reps... those are hard numbers that nobody can take away from me. They are the only things I can call my own, and it feels good to finally have something.
what kind of psychotic reaction is that you dumb twit.
You know why we're failures, right? Because life is not fair.
>My running time, my maxes, my reps... those are hard numbers that nobody can take away from me.
Might as well play a RPG and watch the meaningless numbers rise, it's cheaper.
stupid reply
wake up to a brand whole new day where your body feels like a well oiled machine instead of a mcdonald's drivethru
Your body is with you until you die, the RPG may as well have not existed until you started playing it, and eventually when you stop, you will forget about it and all of those numbers will not follow you back into the real world. Why not put your hours into something that gives you real progress instead of artificial progress?
>the RPG may as well have not existed until you started playing it, and eventually when you stop, you will forget about it
So just like life. You know you eventually die IRL too right?
Why not just take heroin, makes you feel like that regardless of the dumb Jow Forumscel number autism.
I love how people create their own worlds in their heads where everything conspires against them.
You live a life of disgust and shame for yourself, your actions, and accomplishments, and instead of using this hate and shame as motivation to do better, you project it outwards at people who have those same qualities you desire, like a genuine relationship, a happy life, a stable job, etc.
You want to know why you do this? Because your fucking weak. Your too weak to realize that it's YOU, and it's always been YOU, and your too weak to actually do anything about it. So you just get mad at everyone who did, and the world around you.
Acting like this won't solve anything, but we both already know this, don't we?
Wake up and shed your fucking VICTIM COMPLEX. Christ's sake.
are unironically right and you niggas are just making excuses.
I do think intelligence matters, but remember that plenty of bullshit meme things make money just because people think they're valuable.
What if I want to lift and live healthy, not for bitches, not for showing off to others, but because I want satisfaction in life, want to live life that I would not regret, and want to feel alive? I already know that I'm broken goods and am weak almost everywhere, future is going to be pretty dark, and the fact that my family, myself, and my current home are my torture.
Honestly, I don't see any point of lifting for some skank, marrying her, having kids that I'll hate, and then """settling down""" by growing fat, becoming lazy, being dependant on your boring job, driving a shitty car that is economic and not fun to ride at all, remembering nostalgic times when I was a kid or teenagers and stupidly glorifying them because I was young, and then hating yourself until death.
The idea is to accept this as fact and work regardless, not give up, like you already have, you weak spine faggot.
Statistically your a little bitch. Imagine looking at numbers and deciding to be a weak coward for the rest of your life.
Explain where he's wrong, though?
I am very much aware that we all die, but the RPG ends before your actual life does. If you keep looking onwards to the end of time, then you will see that it all will end up being pointless. We both can agree on that, but you and I are reading that very differently. If nothing matters and I will cease to exist when I die, then why would I choose to sit around and wait for the end, my body shriveling and wasting away along with my mind? Why shouldn't I use what I have been gifted to the best of my ability and witness first-hand what evolution has created? Why shouldn't I enjoy life in the 21st century, appreciating all that came before me? Why shouldn't I breathe fresh air and take cold showers to cool my exhausted yet kinetic body? In the end, both of us will be dead and even our last thoughts and words won't matter, but I would rather die proud than miserable. You can choose to do what you want, and I can choose what I want.
This applies to me completely. I also think just like the OP post and what you described. However I'm content with my sexdoll, knowing she is perfectly content with me and could never think of cheating with anyone else precisely because she has no opinions, she will never find anyone attractive. She's mine, I possess her completely, she is mine in her entirety. I own her and I can do anything I want, anytime. It satisfies me sufficiently not to feel like I'm suffering by not possessing it all.
>"wow i AM pathetic and worthless"
You are literally parroting a defeatist motto. How weak is your mind? You're supposed to fight these thoughts, not accept them.
Videogames aren't real and have no tangible benefits beyond entertainment value and maybe making friends online if you aren't retarded.
>Why shouldn't I
Why should you?
why not just jump into the warmth of the abyss? why not lay into the mud and give up?
why not take heroin. I don't know
What game are you retards playing? Am I missing out? I've been doing my own shit and then fucking pussy on the side from time to time, sounds like a good game to me.
He has absolutely no idea what the poster of OP's image is like. Why don't you people try arguing against each of his points, which is not difficult, instead of resorting to assumptions. If you want to argue by attacking the person making the statement go back to ribbit where you can look through post history.
Because I want to. I control my body, I am both the marble and the sculptor.
>reddit boogyman
Congrats, you've been deemed worthless.
Why shouldn't he play the RPG? Both are for pleasure.
You'll see how dumb that mindset is when you get cancer.
your either incredibly skinny and incredibly fat stop making excueses
>i shouldnt work out because i might get cancer
shut the fuck up you dont work out because your a pathetic little faggot
Are you not reading what I said?
>You can choose to do what you want, and I can choose what I want.
I'm just offering my perspective on the quote from Socrates
Ok so either
>live like I want to
>get cancer
>live like you want me to
>get cancer
Not a very hard decision. Though it seems to me that you're wishing cancer upon me with some flaccid and misplaced malice. I've been where you are and I know how it feels. I also know how it feels to become what I am, and I suspect there are many other guys that would feel the same way transitioning from potential to kinetic. You can disagree with me, I certainly disagreed with the people that said the same stuff to me before I started taking the advice.
I didn't say any of that dude, reread the post. Actually let me quote the post and the response:
>I control my body, I am both the marble and the sculptor.
>You'll see how dumb that mindset is when you get cancer.
If you still don't get it, you've got brain damage from roids.
>I've been where you are and I know how it feels.
Really, you had cancer? How did you will it away, Phidias?
I read what you said, but it seemed to me that you were looking down on deciding to play the RPG as if it were an inferior use of time, based on your earlier posts.
happiness is the expectation of future reward. This is why spoiled kids are rarely happy (look up the hedonic treadmill). The only people that are happy are the ones living in the temporary illusion that they'll achieve something.
If cope isn't happiness, nothing is.
You're deliberately acting hostile and deliberately misreading my posts to the shock of nobody.
In my opinion, I do think there is more to gain by working in the real world rather than a virtual world. You are free to choose to do this, but video gaming actively interferes with the kinetic lifestyle.
>everything revolves around attractiveness and getting someone to fuck
Sounds like a typical roastie whose only form of self validation is counting how many dicks she can suck in a day and gets mad when her best friend has a higher count then her, you complain about women fantasizing about better looking men but you wouldn't give a 5 the time of day, you would do the same fucking thing, it's normal, everyone desires something better and everyone settles for something worse, in a way or another
God there's nothing I hate more than self pitying faggots who prefer not to actually try because they're too lazy and weak to actually pull their heads out of their asses and try and do something about their pathetic existence
So you're ugly, big deal, use the time you're not spending on fucking sluts to improve other aspects of yourself, develop useful skills, contribute to society, fucking do something that isn't spending your day complaining like a bitch that someone has it better and it's so unfair
There's always going to be someone who has it better
You have it better than a shit load of other people
The sooner you realize you're not entitled to the life of your dreams but you gotta suck it up and work to get a somewhat decent one the better
Otherwise just kill yourself already and spare the rest of us your incessant whining
>still making excuses
ok twig
This is an extremely solid post, people in this thread are scrambling to cope.
>contribute to society
Why, when it actively hinders me from doing the things I want, and offers practically nothing in return for all my efforts?
>He has absolutely no idea what the poster of OP's image is like.
I know what his post says. I am directly addressing the inexorable logic of his views as expressed in his post.
>Why don't you people try arguing against each of his points, which is not difficult
That's exactly what I did.
Again, as I asked above, explicitly name an "assumption" I made, and I can explain to you exactly why it's identifiable from the text of his post.
I've accepted my place as an inferior human being.
Objectively, I do not deserve to live, or at least, for the objective good of the human race as a whole, I should not reproduce.
Until you are at least 21 (an adult) and have genuinely tried, you have no right to complain and are probably just copy pasting ideas you got from manga and pathetic online conversations with people as boring as you are