really sick of hearing about gay people/gay pride
I don't have anything against gay people I think people should be able to do what they want but it's unavoidable
everywhere I go online it's just pride this pride that
pic not related
really sick of hearing about gay people/gay pride
I don't have anything against gay people I think people should be able to do what they want but it's unavoidable
everywhere I go online it's just pride this pride that
pic not related
Homosexuality may not be a mental illness but all fags are attention whoring narcisists that's for sure
Yeah its pretty fucking gay. Like you say, live and let live. But keep your sex lives to yourselves.
Most of us are bisexual its natural and every robot wants boipussy
Kill yourself.
Only thing worse than a faggot is a faggot that projects his faggotry on everyone else.
What's wrong with robots using Grindr and being happy they got laid?
Thank the liberals and Democrats for this shit
You come off very hostile and insecure are you a closet homosexual?
Why shouldn't robots be prideful of topping, I'm not gay but if they want to fuck sissycunt go for it.
You come across as a retarded faggot but I don't even need to confirm that.
Not him but you would be happier if you got your prostate milked
R9k is a gay board you might want to look for another place user
fags will be fags, user. just bite the bullet and ride out the rest of Pride Month in silence, it won't last forever
>faggot can't think of an argument so he immediately falls back into sexual perversion
As expected
You have a containment board already, stop butchering other boards
This is just the beginning I hope you understand this
i'm aware, but the amount of Fag Pride rhetoric will decrease somewhat after Pride Month, and we get about 11 months to recover.
I didn't give a fuck about gay people back in 2005 but I eventually got fucking tired of them wanting to be heard every fucking time, every fucking where.
The same shit is happening in Jow Forums, each major board always have at least 8 fucking gay threads going. Cancer in its shittest form.
This board would have been deleted most likely if it wasn't for the cocklust
No it wouldn't be. It would just have actual quality threads instead of rampant faggotry infesting the catalog, the only thing that will cause this board to be deleted is worthless subhumans like you spamming faggot threads for no other reason than to ruin yet another online community, which is something faggots are known for.
The best threads have to do with boipussy they stay up it shows r9k is a LGBTQ board
You wouldn't be if you were getting TOPPED I suggest trying Grindr
Sometimes I like to imagine you retards are just falseflagging and deliberately acting like annoying faggots just to turn people against the homo shit ruining the board, then I realise you genuinely believe all the inane, mindless faggotry you spout.
It's sad that you are so insecure about your sexuality
hating fags does not make you insecure about sexuality.