Creatives only.
Do you guys like my drawing?
Creatives only
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it's a cute drawing
Thank you user it is nice to hear someone likes it
I could post my drawings but people often say they are immitations...
Very cute, I love that style
Please post your art! You are welcome here.
Thank you
>post your art
well there it goes.
That's a very good painting, did you use MSPaint?
it's alright, but i think it's too overdone, i mean, it's just an expressionless anime girl, I think you could've been more creative here
yea I get bored time to time and waste time there.
here is another one of mine.
i really like your drawing user
Thankyou it really means a lot that people like my drawings. Here is another drawing.
Nicely done. What made you draw this?
Summer heat is killing me and is probably gonna ruin all my strings
Thank you. I am just lonely and want friends, the closest I have to friends are my animal crossing villagers.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere in your music, would be good for some video games!
I just got to Paralyzed and I love the beat
we going cartoon style?
I'm not so clean, hey OP can you make the same expression for your cute pet?
I remember your fox from the creative general the other day. The fact that you drew its butthole stuck in my mind, I don't know if that's good or bad
The "creatives only" thread title feels pretentious to me, I like "creative general" more
it's okay but it's kinda boring
Not gonna pretend to know your situation but I'm sure you'll find some friends. Shouldn't be too hard to find people that like animal crossing and drawing cute animals. And thanks, I'd really like to do a soundtrack for a movie or game some time
Yes you are right, everyone is welcome in the creative space, my mind completely forgot the word "general"
It is just a little x, not a graphic butthole.
I would definitely give it a try user
It isn't hard to find those people, the hard part is getting to be a friend in an already existent group. Why would they want me when they already have people better than me?
Last night's drawing
Needs a few tweaks, gonna color it later
Thats good but it needs more boobs.
They're already pretty big user idk if there's room for that
"Busy busy busy!",said Snaa,caressing the ripening tomato with a touch of Blightfinger. Taoot looked on,speculative and nearly bored. "I admire your enthusiasm, and wonder where you find it. Too long has it been since these Sowers gave our ilk the proper deference. "
"Past past past!",jeered Snaa,somersaulting onto another,black welts forming on the orange skin where his claws scraped it on landing."Sowers lost the way! We haven't, so we do our task briskly briskly briskly!"
"I miss the blood. It's taste,the way the good soil drank it. It kept us sated,and the Sowers knew. Not now."
Taoot rested his muzzle on his paws. His glance fell on a fieldmouse munching the tender buds of the flowers bordering the field in the moonlight. It froze in catatonic shock,and a moment later an owl scooped it up and carried it off. Taoot yawned.
"Knew knew knew! No one knows now what to do. Pay pay pay the cost they who lost the Way!" Snaa watched the owl soaring off,approvingly,balancing between two bulbous tomatoes, already shriveling from his toxic touch. A brisk night's work,and a whole other field to dance through still. Snaa smiled,and sprang towards the next row.
Taoot rose,stretched and followed Snaa,pausing only to gaze at the barn ahead until a squeak was cut off short by one of the tomcats that haunted the farm. And then Taoot flew to the ground with phantom wings,and stalked the vines on padded paws. A mole surfaced before him,grasping a flailing worm in its pointed snout. The gartersnake snatched its fear frozen form and plunged back down its tunnel. Taoot's eyes seemed to focus with slitted pupils where the mole met its end. His work was barely begun too. Let the Sowers suffer. The Old Folk will have their due whether they know it or not. And the night was still young.
why would you do this
leave her alone
how long does it take you to make one of these?
depending on the character it can be around 20-40mins, very basic non complicated characters are faster to do
is it bad to copy somebody elses work for practice? I wanna learn how to draw but I have no fucking clue how to get started, so I just look at my favorite artists works and try to the best of my ability to redraw them. I'd never claim them to be my own or anything like that it's purely for practice.
no, it's good
you need to learn how to copy, if you cannot copy what is in front of your eyes, you will never be able to copy what's inside your head
though copying from real life is much better because it teaches you values and perspective and it rids of the flaws you can find on other artist's works, if they have fucked up anatomy for example and you don't even realize it at your level, but you learn from them, then you'll just end up stuck with fucked up anatomy and you'll have to work harder to forget about it and learn actual anatomy, for example
though it's still good practice to do it, and I personally can't into real life because of how boring it is and I don't have the discipline to push through to get better
but yeah, copying is the most important skill an artist has to learn, the sooner the better
giles corey cover i did last night (the clicking and talking/yelling is my friend playing minecraft in the background)
and a stripped down no effects recording of a slint cover i did yesterday morning
it's cute i wanna pet
very cool user, what a good skill to have in your back pocket. do you hope to earn money from it or is it purely a creative outlet for you?
As long as it's only for practice there is nothing wrong with it! Tracing is also a valuable tool in helping you map out a form to learn. When people don't use references it really shows in their work. Studying artists and styles you like is good- direct copies are probably best left unposted and kept private if it's someone online, if you were doing this for say, van gogh then it's all good. I definitely recommend watching some Bob Ross to learn techniques!
agree with other user, copying is important. however it's ideal to copy stuff in real life instead of from a picture bc if the original subject is photorealistic, copying from photos will make your recreation look flat
Yes. Nice fox, OP!
Thank you user!
I hope to earn money from it though it is an outlet for me. So far everyone that has been interested in comming me has offered virtual currency for fucking virtual pet collecting sites
I really like it. Looks good to me. Keep drawing.
the music is nice dude!
>She had her roommate straddled on her lap,in front of the full length mirror,one hand casually playing with a nipple as she gently kissed her way up and down her neck.
>The roommate gasped as she felt herself parted by deft fingers and the moisture glistening in the candlelight drew her eyes to her poor neglected secret part of herself now exposed and spread wide.
>"This is all so new to me! So...strange..." ,and her voice trailed off,her mind reeling from so many forbidden sights,so many tiny kisses.
>She smiled and with her thumb unsheathed her roommate's sweetest bud. She purred to feel her shiver in anticipation. "Do you know what this is?"
>"M-my clitoris?"
>"And do you know what it's for?"
>"'s for my mouth..."
>And she gave it,smiling.
Thank you. It's pretty simple stuff for the most part. I just make sure to create an atmosphere or feeling
I love the buttholes lol. I think they're hilarious though the butthole should be right under the tail, not the middle of the butt.
You are all so kind and I love you all. Here is another butthole boi.
I want more of these, they'd make great little angry stickers
Rate my unfinished BoC-style synth noodling
These are pretty cool OP, love the simplistic style! You should try making some comic strips with em
11/10 love the post-ironic cringecore elements
>The razor was at last set on the edge of the tub. She admired her handiwork.
>"Why all of it? Why not a strip for show?" The roommate pouted, but her legs were spread invitingly nonetheless. The hair about her mound was dense,but it relented to scissors, shaving,and now a tender caress to search for stray whisps.
>"Call it fashion. Or convenience. Or practicality. If you want to invite company to your house,it pays to sweep the porch clean." She kissed the now bare mound,and was pleased to see her roommate spread her legs wider involuntarily. Someone wanted company over it seemed.
>"I feel so cold now. So bare! Like I was twelve again. Oh!" Lips nibbled around her thighs,and suddenly she did not feel the cold so intensely. Her barber looked up coquettishly from across her belly,her grin obscured by the shadow cast by her hard nippled breasts.
>"You'll get used to it,this bareness. In time you will insist on it." Her tongue darted playfully at her pinkness. Then it plunged in deep,so deep.
>"Because I will insist on it. Silly girl!"
>"Knock knock!"
Thank you!
More art for everyone! Everyone should be able to enjoy making art.
ive really gotta learn perspective
That's wonderful! Very good job, especially on the detail of all the buckles and armor
i was expecting to be told something more among the lines of "thats fucking horrible nigger", so I appreciate the compliment
pic is just something i tried, i think its okay, but a lot of issues if you look closely. I didn't know how to edit things digitally so had to wing it.
What digital program do you use? Or do you do your work traditionally and scan in to edit? Personally, I think it's a very nice design and is something I would imagine seeing in a marvel/DC movie for the villain.
Unrelated, should we have a R9K creative general discord server?
i drew it on paper, but could afford screen tones and shit so did it digitally. It is femto from berserk.
I just used fire alpaca, barely knew how to operate it
I've heard lots of good things about Firealpaca, but it seems more of a glorified GIMP
If you can get hold of it I would recommend Painttoolsai, is a lot easier to use and has stabilisation which helps if you are using a mouse
Creative General is sleeping
hey guys here's an acoustic guitar song
you all are very talented! i especially like the guy who draws the cute cats
heh i mean they're not cats but cute animals
pls don't bully me i'm sorry
That's a beautiful song lad, very well played and sung! Seems like you were a little sad, hope you are feeling better if you were.
digging around through old shit and found this masterpiece
That's actually very well drawn, nice perspective on pepe getting a fingering!
thank u i was feeling a little sad but i'm doing better now
When this thread inevitably dies and a new one is made, I hope to see you there with more beautiful music
Here's another drawing, this deer has a really long neck
bump just did another cover, this time outside
Nice sketch but i can do much better.
Just look here
Pic related
wonderful song and wonderful cover
a dirty little man
cute deerbro you have a super cool style
I love this dirty little man, brilliant drawing!
Thank you!
wrote another song today! (or at least part of one) i'm on a freakin roll
if i had drawing talent i think i would also use it to draw shitty pepes
keep up the good work
Another nice song! Very well done lad. What inspires you to write and sing?
Your drawing is very nice
>What inspires you to write and sing?
other writers and singers
glad you like them!
Thankyou user!
Anyone in particular?
i'll give you my top ten influences, in no particular order
>jackson c. frank
>paul simon
>nick drake
>joni mitchell
>elliott smith
>paul mccartney & john lennon (beatles)
>brian wilson (beach boys)
>jim o' rourke
>jeff tweedy (wilco)
>jamie stewart (xiu xiu)
I love my dog and this is an ms paint sketch of a dog. my dog doesn't look like this one though
Anons, give me something to draw for you. Dont expect much but I will try. I can mostly draw animals
That's a very nice dog user, a good boy
A wonderful list of people for some lovely tunes
bumping with some rough colors on the shotgun pic from earlier