What's your guys experience with hallucinagens? Are they worth doing...

What's your guys experience with hallucinagens? Are they worth doing? I've done coke and weed but not often as they didn't seem worth the money compared to booze.

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Hallucinogens, especially LSD, are definitely "worth the money", but it's a very different experience that not everyone will want to undertake. I'd recommend trying it at least once though.

it is some fucking wild shit

took 150 micrograms of acid 2 weeks ago, and four hours in it felt like my mind was disintegrating. after that part ended, my brain started putting clockwork-like machines on everything i looked at, and there was a shit-ton of 3d geometry just floating around

though that trip ended kinda shitty because i couldnt sleep and i ended up thinking about spiders, which gave me some really scary hallucinations

definitely not something for everyone, especially since it lasts 12 hours or more, the trip im writing about didnt end until 19 hours in.

Are half a tab or whatever worth it? What happens if you do less than a recommended dose? Are the effects weaker? Shorter? Non-existant?
Does lsd from a water bottle ruin your teeth?

Do you get a "hangover" like on synthetic weed?

The opposite, you feel better.

I LOVE micro/macro dosing (less than one or 2 tabs)

If you're just getting started this is your best bet as there aren't really any visuals at this point but it's still very introspective and fun as hell. You'll giggle and smile a lot and smoking weed will make the experience 10x better. Have a trip sitter tho, at fist it's easy to get into thought circles and bad trips
Road tripping on a tab and redoing with another half way through is truly the best way to drive cross country imo. Smokin fat like cheech and chon on acid while driving sounds insane but desu it's the greatest drug trips I've ever taken

3 tabs (300ug) or so is when true OEVs start, I jumped to this point after 5 trips or so but I returned to lower doses as I found it to be more enjoyable.

I like to take them and watch anime/browse through my folders.

Does the tripsitter need to be experienced? Thinking about doing some this summer, but none of my friends have done lsd.
If I dislike weed, should I still smoke it alongside lsd?

They can't be explained with words, especially DMT or LSD, it's like trying to explain sounds to a deaf person that hasn't heard a sound for his entire life, you can show them some visuals of how it looks but it's another thing entirely when they can listen to some good music for the first time.
They are not physically addicting or present any serious health risk if you consume them responsibly in adequate doses.
I would recommend going for the upper limit of recommended doses. Minimum 300uq lsd to have a decent breakthrough. I've only gone up to 750uq and i tend to do 3-5 trips a year.

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I've tripped balls triple-digits numbers of times and honestly have no idea how I'm not schizophrenic or depressed. My psyche is indestructible.
Also, I've done literally every drug except ketamine and peyote, including that one weird research chem you think is obscure. I made it a personal mission to try them all at least once.

Lsd changes weed completly, it's almost gurenteed you'll like it while tripping. Stick to indicia imho

Tripsitters are very nice and everytime I have one it feels like a stronger trip even when taking less tabs. Although it's really up to the person, a bad tripsitter can be worse than being alone and I've had plenty of truly amazing trips sitting alone at home. If things get really bad you can always turn to chan boards and dedicated trip sit discord that help a lot desu.

You can also try shrooms as it's more manageable of a time frame and you usually get a better sense of euphoria and at ease-ness. I only have access to 1p-lsd (slightly different but almost the smae, way easier to find online and semi legal tho) and it causes a little anxiety and shakes without weed or anything else. Little frightening but with a little herb all calms down quickly

>Does the tripsitter need to be experienced?
No, but you need to be able to trust them.
>If I dislike weed, should I still smoke it alongside lsd?
Don't do it for your first trip, when you first try out a drug don't mix it with others, you can definitely try it on the second one if you want, they tend to multiply each other's effects.

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See I think I dosed a bit on the high side on synthetic weed. It was amazing at the time as I legit felt like a child for 12 hours straight but the next day I felt like I had bad heatstroke (headaches, sickness, muscle aches etc...) I would love to follow that experience without the downsides but the downsides were way too bad.

Do NOT underestimate acid, it manipulates your thoughts and feelings like they're playthings. I feel like I'm that guy that did too much acid and fried his brain with it, high dose.Tabs used to come 275ug a piece in Owsley and Learys day, I recommend you never exceed 300ug nothing good happens at heroic doses. Hope you have a glowing experience!

>synthetic weed
Why? Just smoke/vape/eat normal weed, why that synthetic shit?
Natural weed doesn't have any hangover and the same is with LSD btw.

You gotta learn how to let go of the ego.

Acid is cheap and I highly recommend it

Normal weed just makes you feel like an idiot with a slow brain. I have no way of getting synthetic anymore and I've never seen that as a bad thing.

>don't do heroic doses
mega cringe and gay

shrooms are my go to
always have a great trip on them
hours of laughter
easier to pull yourself out of a bad trip if it happens or just avoid entirely if you have a positive mental state going into it
chill atmosphere, an animated comedy, a comfy place to melt into and you are fuckin golden