I swear to god if any female ever mentions to me irl she uses Jow Forums I am going to beat the shit out of her

I swear to god if any female ever mentions to me irl she uses Jow Forums I am going to beat the shit out of her.

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Why? Not like you will but why?

based and redpilled

Jow Forums is a cancerous hellhole, and they aren't lying when they say "you're here forever"

God I love mouths

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too bad you don't go outside

Just to remind them of their place. They think they're hot shit just because they have a hundred thirsty orbiters online. I just want to take them down a notch.

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Awww yisss you have some good taste

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how do you think they would react to you hitting them, and how would you counter-act it?

They're going to react to me hitting them by dropping to the floor. I'm 6'1" 210 lbs they are not going to do shit.
I have beaten up 2 women before, neither of them even attempted to fight back or run away. They just apologized to me for being rude (I did it it because they were rude to me in both cases).

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hot. did they ask you to sex them?

No. They just sat on the floor and looked around. Dazed and confused I guess.

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Bruh that would be great to have a girlfriend who shares interests with you. If a girl was single and said she used Jow Forums that would be great. (Restrictions apply of course)

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>tfw girl(girl)
>zero orbiters

You're a retard

I have to agree, grillz who use Jow Forums might be fun for awhile with the bantz and the dank maymays but they're usually mentally fucked up hence why they used Jow Forums to begin with.

you just got an orbiter. now op will beat you up

no you're not

Gosh I wish that were me (on the left)

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Please buy a Jow Forums hat and wear shirts that expose your stomach this summer so I can beat you up.

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Were all fucked in the head to begin with if were using Jow Forums. Were radicalized or dissilusioned in some form or way and someone who think's like that is honestly a welcome breath of fresh air compared to the dumbass normies your typically around.

You're not going to do shit because you're a Jow Forums using mentally damaged retard, anyone who comes here is braindead.

If you are female do this
and see for yourself

Ah yes, beating up someone weaker. How strong you are. You remind me of that classic American bully who picks on younger and smaller kids but becomes a bitch when someone his size and age confronts him. Oh dont get the wrong idea im not about to say how I want to white knight the girls you beat up, im his saying you are actually really weak because you let a couple women ,whom you deem inferior anyways, affect you so much you lost control of your actions and beat them up.

Your a fucking white knight. Get out retard.

Shame a female will never speak to you, OP.

>mfw op would stutter talking to me irl

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I think I will stay, faggot. You seem about as intimidating as a 5th grader.


I'd pin you down and brutally rape you. Manlets have no hope, I wouldn't even need a weapon. I'd grab your wrist and force you to your knees by just twisting your little twig arm Hahahhqjahahhanbab

talking shit on the internet

Tell us where you live user, unless your a chicken shit pussy.

I'd talk shit to you in real life and then rape you, little bitch. Post your height and weight so I can get the feel for how tight your ass is.