Company BBQ in 1 hour, should I skip? I dont want to socialize with people and I really dont care about these people. its a part time job anyway. But i just started working there so it will look bad.
Company BBQ in 1 hour, should I skip? I dont want to socialize with people and I really dont care about these people...
Just go, but don't arrive till everyone else is there, talk to a person or two for like 20 minutes, then say that it was fun and leave. It's gonna hurt but it must be done unfortunately.
but if I leave early I have to tell them why im leaving
who doesn't go to a BBQ? you ought to go, but i agree with other user, be late. you should always be fashionably late to these kinds of things, and leave whenever you want.
Go. Get free food, relate to shit work with workers, leave when you want.
I had a similar situation a few months ago with a get together with around 15 coworkers. I drunk a little then said I had to go home because I was extremely uncomfortable. No one really noticed me and the few that did tried to include me in the conversation. When I said bye to everyone only one person said it back even though it was a small room and im a pretty huge guy. A few tried to pity me when we came back to work. It sucked balls. Had some really good spaghetti though.
Be the company trap
"family stuff"
nobody is gonna ask questions
It's free food, why not?
I CAN relate. Here is the game plan:
1. Lower your ego and don't think you are special hot shit. You are a professional worker and you have to attend.
2. Think about the girls there and think that you can talk and have fun there.
3. DRINK or take other drugs before you arrive. Enhance your dopamine levels and be relaxed and smile! (I prefer to get drunk)
4. Eat food as early as possible. Now it looks like that YOU are in control and enjoy this situation.
5. Drink some stuff there and talk to people even if they don't like you too much. Just be present.
6. MAYBE A GIRL thinks you are actually cute because you are a "feeling"-type person and you can read between the lines and all that emo shit.
7. After the event you will feel so awesome because you actually DID IT and took that opportunity. I promise.
In this situation I would go. You just started working there so it would definitely look bad if you didn't introduce yourself a little bit. Even if it's part time, get this over with and I'd assume it makes things easier with the rest of your stay no matter how short.
just go user, it's good etiquette
eat something, then check your phone and say something came up and you need to go, and there you go
Because I am not interested in these people and its fucking 95 degrees out and dont feel like biking 20 mins in this shit hot weather and eating hot food.
Show up, shovel some food in your mouth, smile, engage in small talk about work, say you have to be somewhere else but thank whoever organized it for doing so, then leave. You could literally just be there for 25 minutes.
You'll feel good about having gone out and done something, and you'll have eaten for free.
>who doesn't go to a BBQ?
what kind of normalnigger wants to spend EVEN MORE OF HIS FREE TIME with his fucking coworkers? this is just like more work but unpaid.
>hey u gotta come socialize with us and NOT BE PAID FOR IT HAHAHAA
holy shit this should be a crime, this is like forced prostitution. if i go to a whore i pay her. you cant expect me to show up to your social event and not get paid overtime for it. i'd rather be at home jerking off, you know, actually enjoying my free time, instead of spending it with fucking coworkers
i would not even talk to you in a chatroom. you are a little entitled child. free food is not good enough for you? you princess. wake up and go to this event and feel good for once. you are so unrelaxed and you write pathetic messages on r9k.
Just eat go eat and leave, are there forced social party games ?
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the
I don't talk to people on chat rooms or discord or whatever the fuck else.
>free food is not good enough for you?
I got food at home you retard, that's what i go work for in the first place, so i can afford food. and at home I can eat ALONE the way I want it. I dont have to eat it while a bunch of coworkers look at me chew some meat and then talk to me about their bourgie normalnigger lifes or even worse about shit that happened at work like I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WORK and i gotta sit there and pretend to like them.
this is exploitation of my free time.
>wake up and go to this event and feel good for once.
i feel good when i cum into a hooker or when i do ecstasy. you ever done that? of course not, you like being a wageslave who socializes with other wageslaves.
God damnit guys I went and I already hate it, I shouldn't have gone.
just got back, terrible advice for someone like me. Now I feel more depressed than I have been in a long time
at least you went, everyone knows you're retarded now but its better to come out now than later, at least you tried
I didnt act retarded. Just seeing how easy everyone interacted and how much fun they had, how no one even looked at me or said hi to me when I arrived. Thats what made me sad.
"you're professional worker"
>socialize with work
>think about the girls
>get there drunk already
This is so bad advice that it must be bait
did you just arrive and sat in the corner until it ended? did no one talked to you? at this type of events the best thing to do is arrive and say hi to everyone with a hand shake, you dont need to be social for that just courageous, then you can sit in the corner in peace
Dang, what happened that was so bad?
No there were tables with people sitting, I grabbed a chair and sat with them. The only person that said hi back was the shift leader, so i guess thats 1 hi
>literally turning down free beer and BBQ because of muh social anxiety
This is just sad.
nothing im just being a sad cunt with defeatism and no sociable features who lets thing get to his head too fast
Ah. Shoulda just stayed home, then.
yes i shouldve
no you shouldn't have, ate least you show up, if people see that you're not even trying they will have no reason not to hate you and thats the last thing you want in your work place
I wish I'd seen this thread earlier and told you not to go if you didn't want to. I talk to my co-workers at work only and we get along well enough, I don't go to any of the parties, pub meets, meals and stuff, it's fine to just be that quiet guy who turns up to work and keep it at that as long as you don't just ignore all of your peers and interact with them a little.
I don't think they would hate him just because he didn't show up to a barbecue. They're not entitiled to his time.
thanks for making our work lives boring as hell... i would love to talk to you maybe we even had something IN COMMON and we could be friends.. thanks for not trying.
these are humans dude.. they have an ego and they judge you. you are not part of the club. it's important to go and try to fit in. YOU GET PAID FOR THAT. you guys are not professional at all lol
my gf left me and i went to my company dinner because I love my fucking company. maybe you should find a company you actually like to support??!
Thanks for being retarded, you make Jow Forums a more entertaining place.
They might judge you and think you're a little weird at worst, but they won't outright hate you for not going.
i agree with you on that
>you guys are not professional at all lol
Kyikes that some nice slave morality you got there robut. The whole post man fuck seriously.
Unless you are some corporate schmuck that gets a 6 figure salary or arent required by some stupid policy to show up never show up to these. They are awkward as fuck and nobody likes them.
OP listen to this guy, he is getting it right
I cant believe you went. Its like worse than going to my nth cousins x birthday. Fuck that. Why did you even want to go?