i have so fucking had it with the entirety of the LGBT population. i just hope i'm not the only one.
I have so fucking had it with the entirety of the LGBT population. i just hope i'm not the only one
>God warned us that allowing a little bit of sin would grow into a nearly unstoppable beast.
You aren't, unfortunately we're in the minority. It's the "I don't care as long as they don't shove it in my face" retards whose indifference has allowed them to infest society and the internet with their ceaseless faggotry. They're a malignant cancer and need to be treated like one.
If it makes it any better, the LGBT community also hates those faggots. Keep the kinks out of pride!
I wanna get railed by a dozen hiv+ niggers
Stop being so insecure and let people have their fun
no, they don't. not nearly enough to actually do anything to put a stop to it, anyways.
No because homosexuality (sin) will always keep growing back into an abomination. See
>Hey let people destroy your Fucking nation bigot
Aids kills slow.
OP here, i don't feel insecure about anything, i mostly feel disgust.
have you looked at the calendar? it's PRIDE MONTH
The deflecting faggots who try and take the pressure off their own degeneracy by implying they aren't actively engaging in the social faggotry others of their association do are actually even more reprehensible than them.
>I-I'm not like those other gays! H-honest!
yes, i know it's pride month. what are you trying to imply?
LGBT acceptance is in rapid decline. Even young women are beginning to see the problem, but only because their "sports" are being infiltrated by trannies and they're getting obliterated in their safe space.
please show me some evidence of this. i believe you, i just want some life fuel
>(((they))) used to be in minority
>now )))we((( are in minority
> As GLAAD representatives pointed out, 2019 marks the second year in a row that LGBTQ acceptance among Americans aged 18 to 34 has dropped. The most striking drop in acceptance appeared among young women, whose comfort level dropped from 64% last year to 52% in the newly published report.
> In a statement issued Monday, GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis linked the two-year decline to "divisive rhetoric both in politics and in culture." "Last year, when we saw an erosion in LGBTQ acceptance, GLAAD doubled down on our formula for making positive culture change," she said.
I have no problem with gays and I have no problem with them having pride in who they are, especially after all they've been through. Their parades don't bother me. But I don't understand why they need to be so fucking disgusting about it. Wave your flag, dress like the opposite gender, sing your gay hymns, that's 100% cool. I just don't understand why you need to jump on top of a float and shove a dildo in your ass in front of everyone. I know their whole thing is not looking for validation from the straight majority but holy shit, there are still social norms that should be adhered to.
refer to you're part of the problem
God damn drama queens
This isn't even true
Goes to show how deluded you are
> destroy your Fucking nation
user's view of reality is so narrow and restricted that they actually think that anything happening outside of the scope of what they see as "normal" is an apocalyptic event. Just another idiot.
is poisoning children's minds, the next generation's minds, with pure degeneracy and hedonism not a method of destroying a nation from the inside out?
If your kid is dumb enough to become something simply because they saw someone else being that something once then they deserve it lol.
Also people are allowed to value different things than you. People not doing what you want =/= the disastrous event of biblical proportions that you make it out to be.
Pretty much everyone outside of North America and Western Europe thinks the same way so you're defiantly not alone.
>hurrr if your kid, who is so young he barely knows how to think for himself is affected by outside influences he's just dumb lol
children are impressionable, through no fault of their own. period. any form of indoctrination will most likely leave a permanent mark on their behavior and stances later in life.
>people are allowed to be different hurr
does that mean i have to accept what i believe is objective bad now? boy, everything's solved now!!! why didn't i see that sooner??? fuck off. the neverending cycle of rampant degeneracy that has been repeating itself for years has proven the slippery slope fallacy without a shadow of a doubt. we went from "gays just want to get married and be like everyone else" to the beginnings of pedophilia being accepted in less than a fucking decade. Where will we be in another decade?
>"t-they just wanna be unique and themselves!"
Yeah I am saying that if your kid can't think for themselves then they are dumb. Maybe you should focus on raising your children to do exactly that instead of trying to curtail other people's freedom because you're a paranoid wreck who has no faith in your own offspring.
What if I have fun being a nazi?
Oh are you going to tell me I'm not allowed to have fun?
I'd say the issue is in large part not the fact that these people have the sexual orientation that they do and it's unfair to lump normal well behaved and civilized gay people in with these people and generalize a great sum of good people as one whole bad apple. I believe these people are just the kinds of people who'd be really annoying no matter what and... you know what I mean? THOSE people? If they were straight, it'd be something else that annoyed you about them. They are just wired to explode like a box of fiery shit pudding tornadoes. The big THING right now that everybody is focused on, that everybody is getting attention from is this shit. It'll change from that into something else with each fad and cultural shift and these disingenuous soulless chameleon clowns will mostly change along with it, some getting stuck, who the fuck cares. Point is, everyone is fucking tribal and stuck in caveman thought. Stop generalizing. I hate this oversexualized society as much as the next guy and I hate the ideals that people are embodying and trying to force to be public example. I hate that they're pushing it onto kids and pushing it in my face and your face, it's nobody's business what the fuck you do in your bedroom unless it belongs to a dignified context of discussion in a private setting of consenting motherfuckers. I'm tired of being lumped in with these freaks. I don't need pride or other people to represent me, especially THOSE demons in human skin. I can understand wanting acceptance, but it doesn't happen by forcing it down people's throats and expecting them to like it. It happens by showing that you're a civilized human being like everybody else that isn't a stereotypical fuck fruit that behaves like a predator or a child, and people will see your qualities by observing your integrity and your ideals and your traits. The problem is all of these fucks are just shitty people period. They have been spoiled and pampered to the point of obscene degeneracy.
Fuck faggots and anyone that brings their children to a gay orgy like pride parades deserves to be hung alongside you.
you can't be this retarded to think that young children are able to formulate detailed, educated opinions on anything near as complex as the LGBT community. The fact that you believe that a child would voluntarily strip and twerk half-naked in front of an ogling crown of queers and trannies, without being strongly influenced by an outside source, is maddening at worst and laughable at best. if a child is raised by racist Skinheads who hate blacks vocally around him from the day he was born, there is a 90% chance that he will undeniably grow up to parrot anti-black rhetoric. the same applies to gays and the LGBT "community". teach my children to think for themeselves? i'll do that when fags and trannies stop indoctrinating children to blindly accept their viewpoints. that seem fair?
refer to a faggot is a faggot is a faggot.
He isnt retarded, he's touting the line of "Muh children can consent!"
This is typical queer behavior and they do, in fact, want to indoctrinate kids into thinking dressing in leather and having strangers reach whole arms in each other's asses is normal.
it's illegal to be straight during pride month
silly op
Ignore them. It's that easy.
Just ignore them.
damn u right. my apologies, gonna go prance around half-naked with a dildo glued to my forehead and join NAMBLA now
agreed. my fault for trying to converse with gays, i suppose.
>does that mean i have to accept what i believe is objective bad now?
No. But you do have to deal with it. People doing things that other people may not like is the price of freedom. Where you see a slippery slope into "moral decay", I, of your stance, see a slippery slope into dreary oppression, fanatic paranoia and a generalized ID-pol way of thinking. I don't like fetishists going out in dog masks either. But I'm not going to stop them, even though I want to. I have no right to assert that kind of authority over them. And I'm certainly not going to stop them because I think their behavior may or may not influence others. There's a limit to how accountable a person should be for that, I think. People aren't, or at least shouldn't be, automatons.
Also if you've ever been to pride, literally everyone stops cheering when their segment comes into view, if that helps. You really shouldn't make a big deal out of pride imo, it's mostly a corporate thing. It's extremely inauthentic.
Seems to me like you're attacking the same parenting style that I am.
>teach my children to think for themeselves? i'll do that when fags and trannies stop indoctrinating children to blindly accept their viewpoints. that seem fair?
That's a pity.
No I don't lol what. I'm arguing the opposite point: that just because some people want to put their entire arms into each other's asses, it doesn't mean they also want everyone else to.
>righteous user, exalted user, ultra-sanctified user, of the highest morality
>death threats
don't use "MUH FREEDOM, MUH FREEDOM, U DON'T LIEK FAGS??? TOO BAD DAT'S FREEDUMB" rhetoric, i don't believe in personal freedoms. freedom is an abstract concept that serves no purpose in my eyes.
>disagreeing viewpoints and values other than my own are dumb rhetoric
Who would've guessed you thought like this
yes, i stand firm in my stance that the rhetoric of sexualizing children and promoting disgusting hedonism is a dumb rhetoric. sue me. i don't wring my hands and go "w-well, that's freedom...h-heh.." and stand by idly opinion-wise as what i perceive to be an injustice happens
Nice strawman. You actually said that freedom itself is dumb rhetoric.
>i don't believe in personal freedoms
And now you're trying to equate freedom with pedophilia and my stance that parents are accountable for raising their children to think critically about the world, rather than everyone else being accountable for how they may or may not accidentally influence a child's behavior, with pedophilia because you're fucking insane I guess.
You aren't. They are disgusting degenerates.
yes, i believe it is. it's an unsustainable, mindless concept that gives people a warm fuzzy feeling and that's about it.
>now you're trying to equate freedom with pedophilia
because it IS equatable. do you believe that 11-year old strippers and organizations like NAMBLA would have become reality if they were denied the freedom to do so? they wouldn't have. spineless brainlets like you standing by awkwardly and saying "well, uhhh, they have a freedom to do so???" are the reason they were allowed to exist for any amount of time.
the rest of this paragraph is just rambling garbage that i can barely make heads or tails of.
>rather than everyone else being accountable for how they may or may not accidentally influence a child's behaviour
is intentionally bringing a child that is not yours to an audience of ogling queers, telling him to strip down and twerk his ass, "accidental" in your books? or does that seem intentional? talking with faggots really is exasperating.
>is intentionally bringing a child that is not yours to an audience of ogling queers, telling him to strip down and twerk his ass, "accidental" in your books?
And you actually believe that every homosexual is actively conspiring to get parents to do this, and that, in this scenario, it's not the fault of the parent for controlling their child's behavior in a way that they think gives them PC points? Bizarre. I'm against intentional brainwashing, too. Two guys holding hands in public isn't an attempt at brainwashing your kids. They just want to do it. A guy walking around in leather isn't an attempt at brainwashing your kids, they just want to do it. Your kid should be raised to know that just because someone walks around in leather and does nasty shit, doesn't mean they have to.
When will gays learn that you can be gay without being a fucking degenerate.
I fucking hate how pride events are happening everywhere now even in places with minuscule populations. It baffles me how everyone can be accepting of someone walking down the street shoving dildos up their arse in front of kids yet if I raise my objections to it I'm considered the one in the wrong.
>agrees in sodom and gamorrah
If only they wanted to to just that. They had to do the exact thing the hill billies said they were going to do: spread and force their beliefs on everyone, especially children.
I'm gay and an incel because I refuse to fuck these kind of "people" but the actually decent gays refuse to fuck me.
Its not insecurity to not like having others sexuality shoved in your face especially in such a flamboyant way. These people have made who they like to have set with affect EVERYTHING in the damn world. Its true that they were mistreated in the past but in America at least they have never had it better. You want to fight homophobia? Go the middle east where they get tossed off of roofs and fight against that instead of your imaginary oppression of
>hurrr not enough gayz and trannies in my capeshit film
This entire thread is a shitshow
>muh bible
Christianity came from the jews and abrahamic religions are a joke. Fuck off and die
OP you're a fag for namefagging. Fuck off newfag
>but its okay!
No shut the fuck up
>muh dropping lgbt acceptance
Thats because of normie lgbt, they're the pridefags. Most non norman lgbt detest pridefags.