Sex, Height & Weight

Chunkies and skellies, I wanna hear from you too.
>M, 5'10, 130

Attached: 1524399615441s.jpg (125x110, 3K)

>M, 177cm, 54kg.

Attached: 1553864343912.jpg (200x249, 6K)

M, 6'3, 260+lbs

Attached: 1525754644499.jpg (960x720, 245K)

Not more than 75 kg i hope, nor more than 169cm . Dunno cos i literally haven't measured since high school because I'm not a child.

Why the fuck do you care OP?

m 160cm 45kg

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>m, 5'9", 108 lbs
Tiny boi reportan in

M, 5'8, 280+

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I wish I enjoyed eating. I find exercising consistently easier than eating consistently lol

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spooky as fuck

Male. 6'1". 155lbs.

6' 1"
I'm a big boy

>M, 5'6, 200

Attached: Wojak is me.jpg (598x687, 75K)


Where the fat bois at?

1 meter and 80 something cm. I weight less than 60kg. Yes, I don't know the exact measures.

f , 157cm/5ft1.5 , 52.2kg
not a tranny. need to lose weight :(

>186 lbs
>down from 207 2 months ago
Still look like a fat fuck though.

165-175 lbs


M, 6', 225

Thats up from 112lbs, so maybe my time has come

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That weight sounds fine, you probably just need to tone up a bit

Oh wait im male whoops

thats the plan, i do sports and exercise pretty regularly and my calories consumed are pretty low but i still find it pretty hard to notice any changes so it kinda gets me down a bit

5'9" 100lbs
176cm 45kg

my weight hasn't moved an inch in two years though

youre underage arent u

>F, 4'6", 60-ish lbs

>F, 5'6, 200?? (dropping weight so fast that i can't remember today's weight)

Attached: voyak.png (1528x1520, 118K)

195 cm
90 kg

Fucking christ, you're jsut obese and I feel fat for being like like 170 lbs at 5'7

Lose weight you landwhale

im pretty thicc wish I could move to my ass desu its in my thighs and gut

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Hot. Would deflower

M, 6'1", 167 lbs at this very moment

wow are you literally fucking me
exact height and weight down to the last gram and centimeter, being jack skellington is suffering

it's not that bad, you probably have body dysmorphia.

please dont

Attached: fat cunt2.jpg (1080x1920, 459K)

This midge loves to talk about her height

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Fuck you I'm not a midge.

Yeah totally not obese/overweight, yeah

M, 5'8",110lbs

Attached: skele.jpg (1300x1300, 127K)

M, 5'11, 132 Ibs
I've been trying to gain weight the last couple months, but I can only seem to gain like 3 Ibs.

we're both overweight, i am just saying it's not a big deal. you don't look like a balloon.

>182 cm
>between 60-65 kg

>not a midge
There should be a height requirement to post on Jow Forums too.

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Im just have some fat and some muscles so i looke weirdly but dunno, you should do cardio a lot lol

I obviously do cardio dude, I look like a log but i'm a strong and fast log which eats a lot of greens and protein.


Jow Forums af
Master race reporting in

Are you white? If you're asian that would make more sense, but otherwise that's really short for a white girl.

I'm white. Im' not that short just small or small body.

Yeah and I'm sure you wouldn't pass it either.

then you're doing something wrong with that cardio lol or youre just eating mopre than what your body needs, so even if you eat tons of proteins and green shit and all if you eat more calories than your body needs you'll stay fat or even gain more fat, just do HIIT and check those calories per day

post tits you fucking bitch

post pussy you fucking attention piece of shit whore

Nice. Still would deflower.

6'2 165 is a stick lmao

relax dude I'm on antipsychotics. I already told you. since I changed meds I've been dropping weight like crazy. My clothes don't even fit.

Says the fatty.
Are you even under ten % body fat son ?

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that wont help either but whatever cause meds will make you lose weight easy but when you stop taking them or reduce the quantity of them youll gain even more weight but good luck kek

How old are you? Are you in college?

lol noope

22, college yes

N-no! 5'9" is average height, my grandma says I'm tall! shut up!

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fuck of then you know the rules you stupid bitch

M, 188cm, 67kg

But friendo I don't want to get banned for posting pics of myself outside of /soc/! So I simply can't!

Yeah shorty, you know what it's like.

I'm also 22, though I recently finished college. What are you majoring in?

>M, 5ft 4, 108 Pounds last time I weighed myself since I don't own a scale, that was like a few month ago

Attached: 1548383952509.jpg (477x636, 59K)

Biology. I like animals. Good for you finishing.

Thanks, it was hard but it's nice to finally be finished.
Are you majoring in Biology to be a veterinarian or something else? I don't really know what Biologists do.
What kind of animals do you like the best?
Hard mode: no mammals.
For me it's birds, they're really cute.

A vet seems probable but it's still up in the air. I like ocean life the most.

Kek this beta fag

BETA FAG: long ass text bla bla bla *lots of questions*
Roastie: nice okay

Keep going bro I'm laughing kek

Hmmm... an adult who looks like a child and likes sea life, where have I heard of this before?

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I don't look like a child I'm just a bit smaller than average.

>I dont look like a child

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Ocean life is pretty neat too, swimming is kind of like flying.
What does it take to become a vet? I've heard it takes quite a while to become one.

Well you do have to get a doctorate I think, so yeah it takes awhile.

Childs don't have T&A

just stop

Attached: she just not into you.gif (200x147, 1.14M)

no, i'm only fat because of my old meds. now i'm dropping to my normal weight of 170.

Most of it's muscle though. I've been going to the gym regularly for 5 years now.

I'm getting pretty tired, so I'm probably going to take a nap.
If you want to keep talking at some later time I'll drop my discord so you can add me at some point.

>60 lbs

Attached: 94a1d6d61.jpg (1440x810, 103K)

okay obese tranny

Why are these threads so common lately? It's odd.

Thirsty fags want some low key hook ups with females. Just that, never contact a fucker from here.

I was given a beautiful body only to ruin it with my butterface.

>none, 185cm, 80kg
I'm male.
I have a protruded ribcage so when I reached 75kg and realised that I started to look ridiculous I gave up on losing weight.

>heh, yeah, fuck all those thirsty weirdos, lmao, see how cool i am for pointing them out to you, femanon? heh, yeah, dont contact anyone from here, except like, maybe me, im cool and dont relate to those thirsty fags ;p
kill yourself or pop off the board cunt

Im really curious what you look like, post pics

Also holy shit everyone here is so skinny. At least go to the gym some.


Like, do you have really short arms? Or are you proportional? Ive seen midgers before but ive never met someone that short. I knew a guy in high school who had a growth hormone thing and he just looked like a child so im curious if its the same thing.

m, 5'10/178cm, 162lbs/73.5kg

kek this virgin's trying to chat to a girl on a japanese image board

M, 5'7, 165lbs

108 lbs

ok thirsty fag

m, 5'8, 265

No I'm completely proportional and a fully grown woman just a little smaller than average.

That's actually really interesting. What caused it? Also, pretty hot desu. The smallest girl I've been with was like 5'1 and I could carry her around while banging. Top tier desu.

What's life like at that size? Is it annoying or do you not mind?

Nothing caused it that's just how I am. I do get picked up and carried sometimes even by women and I hate it when I'm not asked.

Life is life, I need help with stuff sometimes but I don't think it's all that different. It's all I know however. I certainly don't mind it, just when people treat me differently or worse because of it. There's things like clothes shopping which is difficult but other people is definitely the worst.

M, 5 ft 7 in. 120 lbs

At what age did you stop growing in order to be that short?

>a little smaller,
10 inches isnt a little

f, 5'10, 205