whats with all these yellow fever threads lately?
do most guys really like asians girls?
Whats with all these yellow fever threads lately?
i hate them and they hate me. bunch of entitled cunts, usually.
its not yellow fever, its just two people hanging out.
White women are no match compared to asian women.
It's sad but true, there is a natural compatibility between white men and asian women.
Now go fuck Jamal, whore
Progressivism has reduced the public image of the white woman to that of a harpy slut
its not a competition, its just two people in a kind relationship.
if it's in comparison with western women, then I agree. But slavic women make for good competition. If you ignore the babushka types, you'll find many slavs to be feminine, petite, homemakers, and polite. Only downside is that they are tall and I am a manlet. Sigh..
Asian women love, cherish, and respect white men more than entitled white women.
The choice is obvious, they also actually want families and are less degenerate and prone to absorb mainstream propaganda like white women who are gullible brainlets.
They only go for men with status and money, two things I do not possess.
Asian women do it too to a certain extent but they also literally love you just because of you and because you're white and she wants your kids.
Slavic women don't care they suck a lot of brown Turkic penises as well.
Don't think your asian waifu will be willing to vote for people who are against immigration. Most of them care about their family.
Okay, but you need to proclaim this -every- day? Do you have any other interests
Actually, strict immigration is better for asians that want to emigrate legally.
What about you tell me about your interests besides checking Facebook and Instagram all day long?
If you want to be left alone, then you should leave others alone and not complain about others so much.
no party in my govt is against legal immigration
Ukrainians, yes. Polish girls not so much. The Turkish thing I agree with, but I'm a light skinned Turk so.. Asians won't give me the time of day because of my race. They prefer the blonde anglo types usually
That's not me, I'm just a guy that wants this to be real, but I know that it's not if you need to constantly talk about and put down someone that you're supposedly over with.
Why are colored men so obsessed by white women ? You secretly want to be white through your offspring?
You realize once all white women will have mixed with you, the object of your desire will literally disappear from the surface of the Earth?
Okay. How do you rationalize wanting to preserve white women, and posting that picture?
whites vs kikes vs every other race
I actually know the answer - some days its a 1488 kinda day, and others are not. Humans are whimsical, and often change with cosmic alignment.
If people spent their energy on cooperating rather than fighting, the world could be a peaceful realm. A spark ignites the tinder, the explosion releases harmful energy. Is it possible to contain the release of a nuclear blast? Is it possible to channel anger into something pure, and radiate positivity.
I'm not. I'm actually obsessed with asians but they want nothing to do with me so I have to settle for white women
Light female. Dark male. Light skin stimulates the protective instinct. While darker skin stands for healthiness.
Ever since i broke up with my girlfriend i've been reverting back to my old shitty self
Now the only diffrence is i got really bad yellow fever,i don't know why
image this image in 30 years... fucking trendy cunts
With that logic does that mean you secretly want to be a manlet asian who gets cucked by his own women?
Oh how times have changed.
Or maybe you want to be a racist faggot because it's edgy and you actually think that being racist is wrong?
Are you saying that he's being an edgy faggot for being racist, but it's okay to be racist?
This is some next level kind of stupid
I'm saying that you guys are 1488 on some days, and hate your own women on other days, or even on the same day. It's not hard to understand.
Sorry I had a briain fart
Stormy are you talking about me? i don't make these kind of threads
i don't complain about others
i thought you knew me better than that, i don't treat people that way or try to hurt anyone. i genuinely care about asian men now, i thought you could see that
nope! that was @ the misogynists that praise one group and hate on others.
i think azn women are very cute but the personalities are even more hit or miss than white girls
relaxxxx lel. i was afk for 5 minutes.
it was directed at
just say nice things only!
I love you Stormy
stop giving me attention :)
i don't exist to you
I guess they never miss huh!
these guys too! lol
Asiaboos are waste of life losers. I wish they'd stop wasting oxygen. Beta man children.
you too! enough! cease fire
coping mechanism in effect, nothing rival white girls
hehe im a discount white girl
Because this site is filled with insecure white people
>black guy and white girl dating
>white guy and asian girl dating
>asian guy and white girl dating
did you just assume my race, bud??
no, I'm here to stalk my boyfriend and future husband
>wanting a used goods husband
>this titlet chink thinks that stormy wants her over big titty thicc white girls hes been bangin
it hurts that he's a manwhore but I love him
I will forgive anything
how did you know that? Are you an expert of asian poster lore?
this is the post that drove asian fembot to suicide
>do most guys really like asians girls?
Literally nobody cares about any of those things except nogs, because they're godawful and definitely shouldn't be spreading their terrible shit to other races.
im used goods. what i want is for people to be kind.
no im me, lol. im used goods.
im used goods.
Wh*te roasties are disgusting and zoomers are waking up. Millenial cucks and whores are SEETHING
*licks thumb and index finger, squelches your spark*
no all the asian fembots on the board are seething because they will never have stormy's first time
all fembots deserve a nice man around their age, who will be kind and patient. im gonna sit here and remind everyone to be kind.
Are you asian?
yes. thank you and goosebai
they just haven't realized yet, most of the images of hot asians they see are famous super models, but in reality asians look a lot more like pic related. Its just easier to idealize things you have less experience with.
I only love Stormy, Stormy is my one and only
>Are you an expert of asian poster lore?
I know about your tall korean chad that lives on the east coast.
Pic related is an Asian tripfag medfag bb that used to post here more frequently
what? I broke up with him. You're not keeping up to date hehe
even for r9k you're acting awfully autistic
a lot of asian girls are comfy I guess, but I really want kids and they have dominant feminine genes and if I have a boy then he will be a faggot and I do not want that.
but if you mean for sex only then yes, they are far more charming and heart warming by sheer virtue of looking like feminine (not a dyke), being the embodiment of cute, and actually showing direct affection towards you if they like you.
Oh yeah, that's what kind of immigration people are trying to stop, the skilled immigration of chinese people who integrate pretty flawlessly into western society and bring almost no stupid shit with them. Yeah, that's the big problem buddy, that's what people don't want, you nailed it.
what if i told you, that -i- am the source of autism on r9k?
I've been to Japan. I'd say around 60% of women are 5/10 or below, but you can easily spot 8s and 9s walking around. Not that rare.
Okay. I dont mind at all t b h. But there will be a future generation of men who are kind and patient.
The skin in that picture is white. Almost like asians from the correct countries are honorary whites and it's aok
please be kind
>i'm only good for sex
based, I hope Stormy uses me
no it's me (your other half)
But I love Stormy more!
Tell me more lore
Every day I love Stormy more, Stormy is the light of my life
Imagine picking a picture with no makeup on and trying to compare it to the average woman. Once that girl slaps makeup on she'll be just fine
So! So THIS is the power of -true- Kindness!
*clenches fist*
Please do not speak so unkindly of women.
pic related is some pinoy boy. Used to contactfag pretty frequently on here. soiboisadboy
he looks cute t b h
tell me stories
Nissem of the guangzhou meme fame got blown by a discord tranny before losing his virginity to an asian escort.
There are videos of him getting blown. He also likes to watch cats get mutilated.
tfw i want to know more about stormy but it would just hurt me
im none of these dudes, cus i wasnt ever gonna post my face here or on soc.
Its their tootsies.
>what is the "ethnostate"
I know that Stormy
why do you care what I think of you anyway, you said we have no ties to each other
I always think the world of you anyway
but yes, "falling" for somebody on Jow Forums reveals how young you are. there's lots of time for you to meet a good man your age who will be kind and patient.
I'm not entirely sure you're not stormy. He does have a fondness for larping.
I'm Holden Caulfield. I'm gonna make sure that every bot will meet a nice partner, and be kind and patient. R9K will change, and will be removed from the watchlist.
why do you care, just ignore me
it's obvious i'm a lot younger than you
i do indeed. but we are separate people.
>what is the "ethnostate"
made up boogeyman bullshit so you can strawman about shit that nobody really cares about?
skilled, controlled, low numbered beneficial immigration is not a concern almost anyone has. chinese, japanese, koreans, are not a concern almost anyone has.
trying to pretend those are the same as mass immigration, or unskilled immigration, or the same as arabs and spics and africans is desperation
No, I never posted a picture of myself on Jow Forums and I'm not Stormy
I actually make other threads that have nothing to do with asian people at all also
I honestly find white women to be physically more attractive but I can't stand to be around most of them for more than a few minutes. That's a generalized statement but it's based off of experience. White women generally only care about themselves and have a princess complex.
be kind to women please
I am very kind to my gf, and try to be kind to everyone. But god damn is it hard sometimes.
My yellow fever only grow stronger since I discover that asian girls are pro white.
No, I love Stormy only
and sometimes hapa boys
SOMETIMES korean boys
Good! I'm glad to know.
I am pro white in the sense that I want every group to succeed and help each other :)
I want to be kind