Tfw reading a manga and marveling at the pure artwork

>tfw reading a manga and marveling at the pure artwork

How the fuck do people draw do well. Black and white line art is so amazing. Color takes away from it I feel.

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Draw so well* I meant to say

I feel the same way user.
>have the creativity
>no skills
>just want to draw good spooky shit

Anyone got any tips on starting / improving skill?

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I should seriously start to practice or something. I can like in my mind visualize drawing it but there is like a block in my motor skills to do it. Right now I scribble incredibly basic shit at work and just marvel at other peoples work.

same, i read manga purely to admire the art, it can be so beautiful. looking at the cardcaptor sakura mangas gives me motivation to keep drawing :)

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To be honest almost everyone can visualize a drawing in their mind. You just need practice. A lot of practice

Yeah I can visualize it in my mint. But it never comes out even close to that

>when araki hit that phase two SBR style

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fellow melinated gentleman of culture

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Sorry I just gotta bust a fat nut right now

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I took a drawing class at community college and drew this. Its a copy of a better artist that we had to add things too. I am not able to draw something like this on my own, most of my drawings look like a child drew them.

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>reddit spacing
>nobody is saying a fucking thing
Jesus Christ, 8/r9k/ was right, you fucks have been thoroughly picked apart piece by piece and replaced by reddit and nobody even fucking realises

I save original filenames under a boards folder. Whatever it's name is is how it's saved

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That's still very impressive. Like you didn't trace it but just drew based on reference?

i want to start berserk but i hate reading ongoing manga

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this artstyle is very pleasant to look at, too bad about the sameface, I don't think it got fixed in JJL

I want to too but man it's pricey and I like actual books more than my monitor. Maybe my TV would be easier to read on

anyone who thinks "reddit spacing" is a thing needs to be force fed antipsychotic meds.

also, fuck yourself.

go for it, it's worth the wait imo

Thanks, I cant draw with this much detail without reference. I just cant picture images in my head like that. This is one I drew without reference, you can see it is much simpler. I do use tools like rulers so things can be scaled correctly and in perspective.

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I really like this one too. I gotta get a proper pad and commit.

Because Japanese "manga-kai" are workaholics, they deliver something churlish like 15 pages a month, that is insane.

Once he got to the end of SBR he sameface become worse than ever. It was always a bit of a problem but he can't escape it at all anymore. I think he simply just creates what he finds to be beautiful. He can't do anything else and if he tries they look ridiculous, like most meaningless side characters do.