Made more money this week sitting at home readimg Lasch and Mark Fischer books than the average American wageslave...

>made more money this week sitting at home readimg Lasch and Mark Fischer books than the average American wageslave makes in a week

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nice. sell it, bitcoin ALWAYS crashes

do not
bitcoin is always just a pump n dump

I remember seeing threads like these in December 2017.

>in the past hour alone I have made 3x what the average Mcburger slave makes and all I've done is drank coffee and chewed up a few Adderall

Why didnt anyone tell me about this stuff before? I just learned this even existed one month ago if I'd known about this year's going to be rich by now

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>$465.25 a week
Chris that's pathetic poorfag level. I make more than that in a day.

lmao good luck getting returns like that consistently over the next 10 years

Incorrect my portfolio is diversified, half in BTC half in BCH

sell scam coin. it ALWAYS crashes

dont matter, crypto is a giant and constant pump n dump. it needs constant buyers to buy in and lose their money to fluctuating trends.

Thanks for the sell signal.

You have just described as all investing in and stocks
Welcome to neoliberal capitalism my friend
No go vote for Bernie and beg for your free gives

>bernie n gibs
buddy im a donald voter and employed. just because im not an idiot that wants to lose money to pump n dumps doesnt make me a gibs supporter.

is this bitcoin? this stuff sounds complicated

>not investing in bullets, bombs, anti-armor, etc.

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>"it's a pump and dump, guys!"
>while it's up 8k on a very bullish year


Wrong coin friend

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>How do you even make money in this current market? Stocks are down the shitter and will likely keep falling. I've invested my money into gemstones instead because they are guaranteed to always increase in value unlike current stocks, gold, silver, and shitcoin. (Pic related)

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I wouldn't be able to resist the desire to eat them...

how much money do you need to get started in investing?

/biz here
we are going to 100k
next bubblre pops in 2021 eoy