So where are you on the scale robots? If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you

So where are you on the scale robots? If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I may be suicidal but I'm not as pathetic as a black streamer who had everything , fucking money for life and he still did it.

I think I'm a 6 rn

I was at 10 a year ago, surviving my suicide attempt by car accident (I wanted it to look like an accident). Now I am about 5 or 6.

Low key death affinity

Probably somewhere around 4/5

What is this reddit bullshit scale

right now 4 used too be 6

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I'm on about a 5 and a half, it's been that way for a while

around a 7 but im used to it

I'm "manic depressive" and my mood fluctuates fairly drastically, but I'm not a truly depressed person, so I'm like a 3 on most days and a 5 on the worst days. Last year I was reeling from being rejected by my oneitis though, so I was pretty much constantly at a 5 or 6.

Was high 8 or low 9 at my worst, currently 3 or 4.

I'm not suicidal, but I'm very comfortable with the idea of dying. I'm not actively seeking to end my life though.

Around 4.
Suicide only really enters my brain around embarrassing moments or hitting close to rock bottom in some way


this is a cool amv btw, whether you're religious or not.

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>No I have to hold on my mom's not taking her meds anymore and if I die she'll become even worse

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>If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.
And what can you do for me you worthless bugman? All humans are trash and know nothing. The only one who could know is God himself.

I'm at eight, but I'm about to move into nine.
The only thing keeping me alive is the one person who seems to care about me. We're definitely not as close as we used to be which is why I say I'm moving into nine.

I'm about an 8. I don't want to leave my cat. I love her a lot.

Was a 5 or 6, now I'm a 3.

I swing between 7 and 9.

It's hard to say. I have a plan, but I have been just kind of existing for a while now, as if I am waiting for that moment where I can definitively say it's time to end my life. Until I do it, I can't really say if I'm at risk of killing myself, as much of a catch-22 as that sounds. I just hope I get the energy and motivation to actually pull through with it, because I know that there isn't a reason not to do it, but my body's natural state is to keep me going. I appreciate the thread's intention to help people, though.

These thoughts are a side effect of metaphysical distress on a global scale, and should motivate me to strive for deeper understanding.

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your retarded if you still haven't figured out that money and fame doesn't bring happiness. It means nothing.

What changed?

Original zzzz

I'm reposting this because I didn't get any answers over in Jow Forums:

When is it a good time to tell someone that your friend may be suicidal?

- Sunday, a close friend of mine (3 years now) left all standard means of contact; deleted discord friends, left servers, logged off IRC, etc.
- 2 weeks prior, they started taking anti depressants. Amitriptyline to be specific, a tricyclic SSRI.
- They mentioned at one point standing in a street so a car could run them over just to see if they could feel something.

The only problem is that I only have two ways of contacting someone where they live.
1. Sending a letter to their old physical address and telling their foster mother "hey, could you check up X? They said some things and..." which would take at least a week to get there.
2. Sending an email to their local suicide prevention thing, but that puts the matter in someone government hands and if they weren't actually going to kill themselves, would make things worse for an already depressed person.

They've disappeared before due to stress, but they mentioned if they disappear again it will be permanent, so I'm not too sure what to think.

>also, an update from writing it then: I have recently found their foster mother's phone number in the white pages, so 50/50 on if that would work. If she accepts texts I'll be able to, but otherwise I don't speak the foster mother's language so I'll be out of luck there.

he's already fucked, sorry.

Been through 4,5 and 6 years ago.
I'm only on 2 and 3 nowadays.

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They were prescribed it not for their depression, but as means of combating their near daily hemiplegic migraines by a neurologist, actually.
Every other day or so they would have a migraine that knocks out half of their body, they would hallucinate, and etc.
They had an MRI recently and they were supposed to learn the results from that in a few days.

I mean, yeah, I know what you're saying and I was really against the ssri as well, but... the migraines were rekting them, and I have no answer to that except "do what the doctor says I guess, I hope it works out well for you."
I admit I was hoping the ssri would *also* help with their depression, but it wasn't strictly prescribed for that.

Everything happens for a reason, even my upcoming death. Im feeling quite content with death. I dont have to say goodbye to anyone. That must be a burden to some

I drive like I've stolen my car and I think about suicide several times a week but I don't ever talk or joke about suicide or this *haha I'm so nihilistic* attitude that people have as a fashion statement nowadays.

guys, i have question
it is about the concept of suicide attempts
i had someone tell me that they had tried to kill themselves 7 times. ofc i said banal meaningless shit in response but internally, all i could think was "well if you really were trying to kill yourself don't you think after 6 goes you'd be able to do it right"?
and that got me thinking about the concept of what makes it an 'attempt'. id say that for it to be an attempt, you must, for even the smallest amount of time, be of mind where you have the sole purpose of killing yourself and all of your actions go towards that goal. but this can be made extremely open to interpretation so it is hard to narrow down a workable answer from here

i suppose you could define an attempt as an act or set of acts that a person takes with the FULL intention that those acts WILL result in their death. for me this means things like jumping off a twenty story building, jumping in front of a train, shoving a magnum in your mouth and aiming for the neck are all viable attempts. my definition rejects chucking a random bottle of pills down your throat, or walking blind into a busy road and others like as genuine suicide attempts. they are less directly stemming from purely wanting to end your life, but rather not caring whether you have a life or not. this is suicidal behaviour, closer akin to drinking in excess (i mean real excess, not a couple extra pints when you get home from the club) and being withdrawn from friends and family, than it is to suicide attempts.

i dont know why i wrote this utter autism but i felt like it and im happy to take criticism

Between 8 and 9. I'm planning on asphyxiating myself with nitrogen, and having my body vitrified afterwards.

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Like a 4 or 5

Am I "le reddit normie" if i admit to being a 4 to a light 5?

It stops being funny when you start considering it for real. People who think they're depressed and 'gone' for posting edits of sad bart simpson to mumble rap on instagram are really bothersome. Maybe we're just suicide hipsters.

Was 7, went to 6, currently at a 2.
It gets better if you aren't a little bitch. 99% of the people here that feel depressed are stuck at 6 mostly because they can't find the will to move in either direction because both take too much effort, your choices involving either fixing yourself, or actually killing yourself.

This lack of effort usually gets them 'stuck' in 6 where they constantly wish for change but don't actively try to invite it into their lives.

6 is what I call the apathy zone. It's hard to break out of, but if I can do it after shutting myself inside a room for three years you can. It DOES get better but it's up to YOU to make it that way. Fight apathy. I know it's an oxymoron, but you have to try. It is the ONLY way out.

I'm at 4, trying to go back to 3

I'm probably around a 6 right now, maybe a high 5. I've been there for a while now. I have too many people I wouldn't want to hurt anyone close to me by killing myself.

Steady 7, worst was 9. I drink every night and haven't had a day where I didn't at least consider it since I don't even know when.

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If this person has a good relationship with their foster mother then maybe contacting her first is a good idea. If they don't have a good relationship with her though I don't think there is much you can do other than the suicide prevention line thing.

I'm not a fan of that option because once that shit gets on your record it can fuck up your life. If the police are involved or something it will be public record and will constantly be something that they have to explain away.

Even then your efforts might be in vain. Ultimately suicide is a personal decision. You can do all you want to try to keep this person from an heroing but ultimately the decision will always be their's.

I'm sorry about your friend robit. It's tough to watch someone close to you struggle.

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Ive been 7 in worse times, 5 regularly on bad times, but Im at 3 I hope other robots can make some progress too

About a 3. I feel like the gap between 2 and 3 is really large.

What changed? I used to be a 4 for autism/virginity reasons but am now 5-6 because of the stress that uni added. How do I get down to 3-4?

6 I guess. I really want to die but I don't do anything to put me at risk. I just really want to die naturally so my parents and family will be able to get over it instead of wondering what they could have done to help for the rest of their lives.

This is an interesting concept. I think suicide in itself is actually a very mentally hard thing for someone to do, even a suicidal person. You are basically overcoming all of your biological instincts to do it. As a biological organism your whole system is basically designed for two things: Don't die and reproduce. You eat because you need food to not die. You drink because you need water to not die. You feel pain because your body is telling you "watch out shithead this will kill you". To kill yourself is to make your mind turn its back on all these things.

Physically, killing yourself is easy. You could not eat for a week or two and you'll die. Don't drink anything for a few days and you'll probably die. You could just sit in a room and do nothing and die if that was your prerogative. Of course it's not all that feasible but definitely possible to kys those ways.

I think there are people who fuck up their suicides because they don't think it through and make a rash decision to kill themselves. Maybe at the last minute that biological instinct kicks in and they twitch and fuck it up. Then I think there are people who really aren't ready for it and do it for attention. I don't mean this in a way that should devalue how you look at this. Someone who is willing to almost kill themselves for attention is only a few mental jumps away from actually doing it.

If everyone was a rational actor in making this irrational decision then they would all probably kill themselves with a shotgun to the head Kurt Kobain style. It's got a 99.9% success rate and likely painless because it happens so fast.

same but with like 3 years gap

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Probably a 6 or maybe 7, I've really been thinking about just running the car in my garage alot lately.

I've been at 10 before. Obviously didn't succeed. Now it fluctuates. Mostly stay at a 4 now.

For me, it's 4. It always surprises me how jarring normies find suicide jokes.

I've tried asking various places and people, even non anonymously, and you were the only one who answered. I just wanted to say thanks for doing so.
I'll send a message to the foster mother; although this will probably mean the end of our friendship, but... well. I guess it would be the end of our friendship if they killed themselves as well.


inbetween 4 and 5

Please don't do it user. I'll miss you

between 4 and 5 I would say

Sort of between 7-8 I guess?

I have a plan in the sense that I know how I would do it, but I don't think it really qualifies for a 9. I also don't really think I'd have the balls to ever do it. I want to but I just doubt I'll be brave enough to pull the trigger if I decide to do it. Recent events of the past couple of months have made me want to kill myself even more..

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How very selfish. KYS unironically you jerk, not by train though.

At about an 8.
If it wasn't for the fact that I don't trust the family with my cat I'd probably have already done it.

6 on good days, though

I did try to overdose on heroin one time, but apparently it isn't as lethal as the News makes it out to be because I'm still here.

5 for the last couple weeks. I feel like I've been vacillating between 4 and 6 for the last several years.

9 right now. Already asked my brother if he'll take care of my dog, told him I'm just too busy lately. I've written my will and I've had my suicide note ready for a few months. Just readying myself I guess.

4, but passively suicidal

used to be 4-6 most of the time
the last months it has been 3-4, i still have some of the passive suicidal attitude, but that is because i don't fear death anymore, not because i have no hope.
The improvement is heavily correlated with bible study, if you are white you might want to read it, especially John chapter 8 verse 37-47, the god of the bible is our god, because we heard his word and followed.
this website is the most based website on the internetz. Good luck and god bless anons

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please don't user. i know it's hard but there are people you can talk to. i'll talk to you. why do you want to kill yourself?

I guess im at 6 now.
Because I try to distract my mind with thoughts about cars, engines, electronics, engineering in general, conputer science etc.
This is probably the only things that distracts me from thinking about ending my life and it probably is the only reason why im not dead now.
It was worse before I got into some of these interests, i was probably at 7-8 at that point.

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Between 4 and 5 to be original

Put the first picture with the 7th description and you got me.

Some people do have depression because their brains don't work well but yeah for the most part their problems are trascendental and cannot be solved just with meds.

As a yurofag I have no other choice for a clean cut.
I wont be gone user. I'll just be another user in another timeline

Guns aren't even the safest method you idiot. The answer is fall from a great height, which is literally 100% deadly as long as it's done from a proper height, not a 4th story balcony. I'm sure there's a tall cliff, bridge or building somewhere in your area, and if not, just take some time to travel, it's literally the last thing you'll ever have to do.

That's not even counting other methods like exit bags or poison which just need a bit more research. It seems to me though that you're not serious about the subject at all as you seem to have done absolutely zero basic research at all.

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Right now a 7, I don't know why I feel this way. It'd be nice to get some help

I am so lonely, I can't get a friend that I can have fun with and enjoy life

Years of agony and anger

>literally 100% deadly as long as it's done from a proper height
Wrong, depending on the landing you might suffer surviving as a cripple, even from a terminal velocity fall.

Aww what a cute reddit version of suicide

Normies can even make suicide dull

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Absolutely not if you land on solid ground. You're talking shit.
Even if taking into account the few people who survived by landing in deep water, it's still much more deadly than guns which frankly do a shitty job.

I just accepted that this is life and it will end eventually whether I kill myself or not.

I am on 1. Just become a clown like me guys

suicide is for retards

>that feel when im at 7

this is not a good thing.

he definitely was not financially set for life from YouTube

I've gyrated between a 5-7 pretty much since i was 11. i was at an 8 last summer and decided to tell my mom who forced me to go to therapy. i kinda regret it desu. would rather have just died if i knew the situation i'd be in 12 months later.
sittin at a pretty 5 rn.

I used to be 4 when I was a teenager, maybe 5

I'm usually at around 5 if I allow my mind to wander, so I tend to stay distracted or force-feed positive thoughts in the hopes it drowns it out. At my happiest I'm around 4, jokes about suicide and death are pretty common. Usually when I'm low I'm around 6, I think the lowest I got was when I was going down a long steep incline on the mountain with a sharp left turn, and for a moment I shut my eyes, let go of the brakes, and let myself sail towards the rock face. I was able to press the brakes and regain control with the turn, but only because I didn't want to risk surviving in a vegetative or broken state, or to destroy the car that my family might need. I indulged in it for a few moments of bliss though. I guess that's around 8, close to 9.

I'm on 0. Prolonged joy has made me insane. God, I love catgirls.

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Pretty much this. If you want to kill yourself, and you don't have legitimate depression, it means your life is so horrible that death is seen as a good alternative.
This is the world we live in. Where dying is better than living in it, only choosing to stay out of fear.

been on 9 three times, now I'm at 5 or the lowest point is 4

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Im 9 for the long as i can think.

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almost always 3 rarely 2 but never 1 or 4 and above

i feel negative emotions all the time but in terms of suicide that's how things are.

6 on a regular basis, 7 at times.

I'm at a level 8. This mental illness has almost killed me and I'm in agnozing pain day in and day out.

I can't kill myself but this is extremely painful.

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What's the plan?
Who you want it to notice?

7-8 for about 6 years, got to 9 only once

He was banned from Twitch and Youtube, he probably wasn't making money elsewhere. He could've had something if he tried but he was pretty mentally ill.

I think im going to do it by the end of this year or middle 2020

Im extremely depressed, massive social anxiety, I've lost 90% of my friends for my fault, the only person i love hates me, etc...
(Basically just pure robotness)

>Who i want to notice it
Literally anyone.

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constant feeling of guilt and regret has been pervading my mind and heart for the last few months and I usually think to myself I want to die, but I still cling on and distract myself.

I probably have depression but too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it, maybe this is how it starts.

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There's no appeal in suicide, so I suppose it would be 3, but it's more like the opposite of 2. I vaguely recall times I have been happy, but it feels like distant memories now...

5 or 6, I think it all through sometimes, specifically what I would need to do to make sure I can hang from my doorknob, perfect angle, material, knot, position etc. I manage to distract myself from it most times so it's not so bad.

I've been 8 and 9 before, I'm glad to be doing a bit better, even if I wouldn't mind if I just instantly died right now.

Because I don't have anything to live for anymore. I don't have any future plans. I have no one who actually cares for me, my brother and I speak only occasionally and the only reason I reached out to him is because I don't want my dog to fucking starve before anyone notices I've kicked the bucket. There's just no reason for me to continue living. I'm going to be fucking 30 before long and I've still got nothing. I'm just tired of it.

8, planning on killing myself in 10 years

Tend to cycle between 3-5. Been at 10 more than a few times and had to be hospitalized. It does get better once I realized they're just dumb thoughts (thots?) and I don't need to react to them.
The hard part is knowing when they're assaulting me, since by the time I'm aware I'm already reaching for the rope.

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suicide by hanging alone in my room with the lights off and the door bolted
in the next 2 weeks or so
I don't know why. there is no rational reason. the desire to kill myself has filled my head.