30 year old certified wizard gives his findings

I'll be turning 31 this year, still a virgin. Here are some quick things that changed from when I was 21, which averages out most of the posters here.

>Depression and loneliness turned into apathy and detachment. I still feel sad at times and I'm probably still depressed but I have completely given up, the urge to have/need someone is gone.
>With this, my sex drive also diminished severely but not gone. (I don't take medication that would fuck with it) Masturbation is only when bored or long time between (1+week). No fetishes or weird shit, vanilla porn.
>Couples IRL sometimes still get a slight emotional reaction out of me, inwards I obviously don't show, everything on the computer/tv doesn't anymore. If there's a reaction it's almost always a bittersweet "good for them" kinda feel.
>All of this was my own doing, from puberty to now. I don't look hideous but I'm no chad neither, I was pretty social, I had friends (nerds like me but still), I just was a complete sperglord with women and was depressed since childhood, the last I always rejected help for.
>Lost all friends and most of my family thanks to addiction following that. For coping. I wasn't a movie/dr phil style addict and have since recovered but it had some heavy parts.
>I deny anyone that tries to come into my personal space at work. Thank god for me (depends on the perspective, right?) I created an environment where people stopped trying to enter yeaaars ago because it drains you.
>I live comfortably (money wise) since I don't need much. Single bedroom apartment in a nice and calm neighborhood.

So, was it worth it to come to this, erm, state? No. This life may seem comfy for some but it is like being in fucking purgatory. Sure your drive for a partner may fade (which seems like your primary and only goal when younger) but you'll just get on another level of bullshit which you cannot escape.

If you haven't ascended yet, act. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

Don't become me.


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>With this, my sex drive also diminished severely but not gone.
>Sure your drive for a partner may fade
Then you have a hormonal issue, I still think about it 24/7 at 42.

>OP could have lost his virginty long ago and lived a totally different life if he got on test as a teenager

Your 31 nigger, not 60. You still have some years to change things for the better.

Did you receive any wizardry powers?

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thanks for your contribution Mr. Wizard. I cherish oldbots and their feelsposts

>22 year old khv
>Feel no sexual attraction to women because I'm mixed-raced
>Thinking to buy a prostitute as I don't care about women enough to want to date one through tinder
>Care enough to think "You deserve better than me.", but nothing more when opportunity arrives

I think all I'm ever going to have in life is the ability to make money. No love. Nothing substantial even from family as my sister, the bulk of love in my life, is gone forever.

I'm just dissecting the human species from afar. It's extremely pleasurable to see them all react in the precise way I plan them to, but there's nothing genuinely pleasurable for me in life.

I don't want to rape, fuck, murder, or see anything in life.

It's like I've died.
There is no desire in my brain outside of the desire for rampant growth in whatever I can wrap my fingers around, but it doesn't matter what it is. Money is just the strongest one.

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spoken like a true 19 year old. if you dont have your life in order by 24 you're fucked

>Don't become me.
Too late. I am a rank 2 wizard. My experience is actually opposite to yours in some ways. I never cared about no gf or sex in my teens or twenties at all. Maybe I was too depressed or disconnected. Now in my thirties I am suddenly getting the feels. I don't know why now. Is it my body telling me I fucked up and missed out? I don't know. I'm too fucked up to do anything about it now anyway.

I can relate to the apathy and detachment though. I actually kind of feel like my humanity has completely drained. I have no emotion, no passion, no motivation, no joy, no care, no lust...nothing. I'm just a lump of meat that keeps on living. It is a very strange experience.

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spoken like a true 14 year old. life is what you make of it at every age. You always have the chance to make something of yourself. Might not be what you thought it would be last year or 3 years ago or whatever, but you can always become something more than what you are now. It's about attitude. Fix that and you can become anything. Maybe even happy

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i am 32, you're younger than me, you dont know jack shit about anything

Nathan Leopold was a 210 IQ accessory to child murderer, got out of prison at 60 years old, and he went to Puerto Rico, got married despite spending his entire life in a prison, and had a nice life.

Why can't you do something similar?

well I'M 32 and a half so i win

you absolute faggot, your pathetic attitude towards life is what is holding you back. YOU gave up, YOU stopped trying, YOU are the one who is worshiping his lack of achievement. Nobody else is making you do that. Nobody else is forcing you to be a failure. Nobody else made your life the way it is. If you wanna see change, make it. You ALWAYS have that option

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and he went in at 19 years of age.

You can miss your entire life and pick it right back up if you want it enough.

do you think youre some type of motivational speaker or something? you're seriously terrible at this

and there are people who have spent their entire lives in prison
you dont want to hear about that though, do you? lol

now take one step more and become a monk

i'm not trying to be anything, i'm just sick of faggots like you saying retarded shit like this all over this board. CIA glow in the dark niggers like you should be culled from this earth, spreading your tranny faggot mentality to the few white men on this earth that I still have hope for. kill yourself

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the fuck do trannies have to do with anything? you sound fucking mental

>give up
>you've failed
it's this kind of mentality that makes people think they need to change the events in their lives rather than the way they perceive the events in their lives. Degeneracy and being a tranny is the in way to do that nowadays and that's why the world is now crawling with them. You're retarded if you can't see the correlation

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wow yep, totally mental. too much time on Jow Forums. playing with perspective is a pathetic self help gimmick, if you think thats the answer to anything you're even dumber than i originally thought

"if you dont have your life in order by 24 you're fucked" is pretty much correct

people really underestimate the importance of forming a strong social circle early in life.
social circle is how people meet partners, get job interviews, basically how people get anything done. you can meet people later in life, but you wont bond with them the way people bond when they grow up together, you will never achieve that level of trust.
if you make it to that age without a social circle you're FUCKED

usually it's uglyness that leaves guys in these fucked up situations- people are extremely shallow when theyre young, so they will bully, ostracize and refuse to socialize with ugly guys.
to make things worse, if you don't get to socialize when you're young, you will never develop social skills, a problem that snowballs HARD in your 20s.

Only thing I've realised at 29 is that I'll never change and I'll never understand anything, and that I'm stupider and more childish than I ever thought I was or even more than actual children. I actually feel immature around 4 year olds

Is the problem that you don't find joy in anything anymore? I have been trying to become more apathetic towards the real world and I avoid socialization. It has been a little over a year since I started on this trend and as for me, after I stopped caring about relationships and being normal and such, I enjoy my life much more.

I like to use escapism and cute anime mostly to keep me happy. As long as I don't overthink the reality of my situation I can use my fantasies to keep me happy. To me being happy is the only meaning to life so I think I'm doing okay with it so far. I don't know how sustainable this way of life is, but I would like to keep it going for as long as I can.

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