how have you owned the racists?
How have you owned the racists?
>tfw no zulu warrior wife
>implying that he Zulu could defeat the Romans
I want a black gf that beats me up
I'm pretty sure a zulu spear wouldn't penetrate a roman steel armor
why didn't the british colonial troops wear armor then?
You don't need armor when your enemy is dead before he can reach you.
British troops didn't wear armor because by the time the British rolled around guns were already a popular form of warfare, numbnuts. Why wear armor that can be pierced from long distances when you can spend more time engineering and manufacturing guns?
but they were fighting guys with spears, would a simple breastplate be that difficult to manufacture in the 1800s?
It's not a matter of how difficult it is, it's just that that's steel that could be used for boolet or guns that are more effective than any armor could ever be
Niggerette, the Zulu, and most tribes of Africa used short spears in the same way a Roman uses his short sword. There would not be long spears
By marrying and producing two children with a non-white woman.
I killed a nigger out of self defense
That shouldn't be to hard to find.
I thought they were having sex and I was like
>hey that's a cute poster
But no it's just some retarded racist
48 minutes, that's pretty fast to lost an "empire"
No, the chances of them getting that close were very low and they could still defend themselves with their bayonets. Zulu warriors would also use guns by this point too.
By failing even though I'm white
Take that everybody else
It's not like it's fucking hard. The FBI crime stats they use as the foundation of their entire argument are self-reported. Self-reported stats about penis size are universally rejected by these same people. They have no capacity for critical thinking.
thanks for helping end the achievement gap between whites and blacks user very cool!
1) the heat would've been unbearable
2) the added weight messes with logistics and standardized marching procedures, ie. people march less
3) the protection is rather minimal as most of the body is still exposed
4) it would cost a lot to mass produce such things, more than the expedition was worth
5) soldiers would have to be trained for it, tactics would have to be reworked, etc.
Why is the legionary wearing both pants and a skirt?
Because everyone is eager to report how they got arrested compared to lies about penis size.
By your logic, there would be a lot more not reporting those arrests then, pushing up that already high 13/ much for your critical thinking...
Punting a white boy who called me nigger in the nuts
hot, if you're a girl
I mean, the logic is not hard to follow. You ask racists whether or not they were the victim of a crime, and then report a black man did something bad, but they can't quite remember when.
why are nigs so violent?
heh, of course that wasn't orig
why are whites such cucks im a dude lmao
>t. triggered cracka
You won't understand until your self-hating ass finds yourself married with an ungrateful, deceitful, manipulative white woman.
lol im dating a beautiful black women
not all of us can't find a gf within our race faggot
I tell people on Jow Forums not to say the n word and get a bunch of (you)s
Any black guy who browses Jow Forums is self-hating on some level. Sorry friend.
>I thought they were having sex
How could a Zulu have sex with a Roman?
Romans were a thing 2000 years ago.
Zulus fought like that in the 18th century
Oh, wait...yeah.
It could have happened.