All Arab fathers secretly want to have their daughters bleached...

All Arab fathers secretly want to have their daughters bleached. If you're white (blonde hair and blue eyes) and convert to Islam and go to your local mosque there will be Arab men everywhere trying to arrange a marriage between you and their daughter.

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I wish this was true, arab girls are qt

>implying i would want to get sandded

Eh, not really. Im married to an Arab girl and her Dad wants nothing more than to marry his daughters off to a nice, devout Arab boy. But because Arab men are all so socially inept, his girls all went for white and black guys. He's fine with the white guys. We haven't told him about the black guy.

No, I despise Islam. Angloceltic purity

I dont want kebab women.
Kebab women can go back to sandland
t. Viking

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Don't even need to convert for it, I didn't.

>Implying any thing is worth converting to such a shit religion.
I don't care if middle easterners can be cute, she'd have to deconvert for me, and that just won't happen.

If white dominand guys accepted to convert, it's be so easy to be happy.

>She'd have to deconvert for me

Wew lad

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I honestly see many Mexicans and Arab couples in my area. Also Arabs really like Mexicans for some reason.


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Both are good decent folk, like americans used to be

>The USA

I sure know that every time I leave my house, I see a discarded prosthetic leg lying in the street. That sure is normal here.

Top KEK. Nice joke

Dude I think you don't know any muslim, most of them wouldn't ever lie, can you imagine this level of rightness?

It is as easy as seeing the news.
Iran is just spitting "Death to america!" "White House is retarded!". You wont see that in a cicilized and evolved society, Unlike all muslim countries.

They all enjoy when something bad happens in occident such as a bomb terrorist attack because they are such retarded people they only mind in their worthless religion.

user, do you think a modern western nation is a example of civility?

Unfortunately no, but it's a thousand times ahead to those which life is nothing but religion. In occident we overcame that and left religion as a secondary thing in society, that's why we are much more evolved in some terms such as medicine and technology, because we are not tied to restrictive and false dogmas.

occident is still full of idiots and i cant argue that, but people in africa are just that closed-minded they are still stuck centuries ago.

user, Islam is a lifestyle, one that's great to follow.
You can see what happen with a society where people are "free"

Of a lifestyle makes it a sin to shave, it is not worth living.

libertarianism is still infinitely better than authoritarianism.
Ends never justify means.

>doesn't show the shitty parts of Saudi Arabia
>doesn't show muslim African countries
>Doesn't show how rich men take all of the women.

Can you name what libertarianism has given you beside a very vague sense of superiority?

You should try, it's good.

I detest Arabic, and beards.

And what you enjoy?

the freedom to do what I like is much better than an alternative that is basically slavery.

Ok, can you name something besides a vague word like "freedom"? For example you can say "freedom to do X"

freedom to drink, freedom to not believe in religious dogma without being labeled an apostate and sentenced to death, freedom to not have to attend religious services, freedom to not have to pray 5 times a day, freedom to wear different types of clothes, freedom to shave, etc. etc.

So the reason you enjoy your life is because you can drink and don't be a muslim? user, you're life must be sad beyond reason.

So not fucking true KYS OP I live in a town full if Muslims and dated one they are rude evil cunts KYS OP sage

Lol your level of bigotry is astronomical. Stop supporting that stupid religion and kys. I could tell you millions of examples libertarianism religiouswise has improved our lives and society, but i won't spend a fucking minute with bigots since i did it in the past but it's just unbearable to discuss with them, using dogma and false religion arguments to deffend the world most warlike religion.

Just grow up you idiot. We all know most muslims want occident to be dead

Say that in white people English and I'll leave this thread.

I enjoy not being controlled by people, society, government, etc.
I don't even drink but I have the freedom to do so.

>Lol your level of bigotry is astronomical.
>Stop supporting that stupid religion and kys.
That's explain all...

> I could tell you millions of examples libertarianism religiouswise has improved our lives and society, but i won't spend a fucking minute with bigots since i did it in the past but it's just unbearable to discuss with them
The classic "me smart you dumb"

>Just grow up you idiot. We all know most muslims want occident to be dead
And plain old name calling

Ladies and gentlemen, this is libertarianism is it's peak.

White people English? Shut the fuck up Islam is fucking cancer and ruined my birth town I hope you fucking go and find a sand slut and meet her family see how they tolerate a infadel as they would say.

Ok, you really enjoy empty vague words that make you sleep happy.

And just one more thing. You wont see in occident stone people, unlike muslims who still deffend and allow it, still in 21st century.

That just sums up how crap is islam.

user, why you blame Muslims trying to live their lives, if your people didn't started many wars for oil your hometown would be ruined by regular liberals.

My (((government))) fuck you I didn't tell Jews to destroy their homes. I used to think like that until they where everywhere and clearly hate white people and my county even tho they love the comfort it. So give me a reason not to hate them cunt

user, maybe Islam is a bless to save your hometown from your government.
Have you thinked about it?

>If you're white (blonde hair and blue eyes)
yup, and 6'2"
>and convert to Islam
no fuckin thanks, dunecoon pussy isn't that good

PAinting. But Islam does not like all that much art from what I hear.

If they lived their lives in the regions their religion was native to, it would be no problem

Islam support religious art, and you can make it your job, like woodcrafting, nature painting, poetry, religious music, ... , while this is not much it's far more than you can in the west will all the modern art cancer.
Many friends of mine are poets and musicians, I cannot imagine this on the west.

I don't care what arab fathers want because
you devil worshipping subhuman

I only make landscape paintings. Prophets and calligraphy are of very little aesthetic value.

I know you're trolling me now but no I don't shitskin

The only kind of painting you cannot do in Islam is the human painting. Landscape is always allowed, no matter if you like the southern Chinese school, the classical western school, the impressionist style, etc.

I myself am trying to paint based on the "manual of the mustard seed garden", but do you have any suggestion?

So be it. Regardless of what happens, I have other matters to take care of

I only work in oil paint. Wouldnt be of much help. Flowers make good practice, though.

It's strange to say it, but you'd have more chances to be a professional painter on Islam than in the west. The west only care for propagandists that do modern "art"

>the classic me smart you dumb
Yeah tell me if taking dogma and koran words is smart as am argument. That tells everything.

If you want to live in the past just keep following that shit, but the day we find a cancer cure but your religion forbids its method (because the koran says it), suck it, that's what you got by deffending a senseless-based religion. Your stupid religion laws wont never let you evolve, that's why africa and all islamic countries stink and will always stink.

user, Islam makes for a better living than liberalism.
Even if your lifestyle is more "smart" I'm more than happy with Islam. And what kind of happiness can be more dear to me than being happy?


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user, do you think a way of living is better because some people are ugly?
Do Hollywood with all it's pretty celebrity is superior to a good honest and simple life with family?


Low IQ Reply their all women are the same in the west even mudslime women so no I won't convert to some Jewish desert bullshit. I tried with a mudshit woman before and guess what just wanted me to convert and ruin my life and marry her lmao yet she secretly felt inferior to me because I'm white tall and good looking. Your people are mostly fucking manlets with no fucking brain your women are mostly fucking ugly and dump cunts. Islam won't give me anything except Turn me into a low IQ cuck with no brain. You really think that will help me get a family I live alone and it still wasn't enough I will hate Muslims and Jews that's the end of it see you in hell.

user, why you'd need another woman besides your wife?

what is this meme salad?

I'm single like I said and live alone wtf?

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And yet you care for the "western variety of girls" that are all too busy funking many chads.

I'm confused now matey no I never said that

user, I couldn't care less about western freedom, the fact I'll soon have a decent husband is worth more.

Ok you're confusing not sure we are having the same convo but sure great happy for you

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If i get that desperate

I was hoping to become good enough to rely on commissions from various aristocratic people. I doubt that will happen.

Of course this is true but why would I want to get sanded?

There's no such thing as an aristocrat in the west, only rich playboys.
Aristocracy came from time.

Umm no they're not.

Yeah, I expect my art to ultimately end up at yard sales or in landfills. Oh well.

You realize the migrants are the very trash of their countries?
All decent men are in Syria fighting for Assad, only cowards are in europe.

Don't think I've met an Arab in my life 2bh

Like how the picture of USA was taken in the 80s

Im arab and I love Arab women as much as white women but most sand niggers prefer whites either male or female to their own kind

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>sandniggers being vikings?

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Can you even read you fucking mong?

Or suicide bombings, honour killings, acid attacks, grooming gangs, stoning rape victims, FGM or in-breeding.

Too bad mulism men are all hideous subhumans.

No, no i can't.
Im blind

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Couldn't be farther from the truth.
Arab fathers want nothing more to have their daughters marry a successful Arab man that carries a reputable family name (very important for some reason, they want big extended ruling families to stay dominant) and is also muslim.

mmmmmmmmmm, my favorite Rush video

forgot image....

also frick off saying it's not original dumbass captcha shitbox thing

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