what would you do if you woke up tomorrow as a cute tranny?
pic related is u waking up tomorrow
what would you do if you woke up tomorrow as a cute tranny?
pic related is u waking up tomorrow
Do my best to convince my family and friends that I'm the same person despite looking completely different, then spend the rest of my life helping the scientific community discover how my body changed radically overnight.
Based reply and would do the same
I would join the 40%
I'd try to adjust to life and maybe find a partner. maybe lewd stuff too
Find a provider to pay for my bottom surgery so I can look and feel like the person I am.
if i woke up as legitimately cute and passing with no transition needed? hell yeah
if i woke up and needed to start transitioning myself? hell no
Kill myself, as would be traditional
this, except for the science part, unless you want to risk being quarantined
Nothing. Cut my hair, try to wear the same clothes I always do.
Start shooting highly specific fetish videos for manyvids/clips4sale to rake in that sweet, sweet neckbeard cash. Also stream vidya and play both sides in some liberal/conservative social media drama for additional exposure and free advertising. I'd continue working at my normal IT day job for as long as they'll keep me - being trans and working for the federal government, I'd imagine it might be pretty difficult to get rid of me, even if I were a well known porn star. My looks won't last forever, so it'd be good to lock down that pension.
Assuming I find boys attractive, I'd also steal the virginities of robots and fuck the few men willing to pay me thousands of dollars to do so.
I'd use the money to buy a nice small house with lots of tech inside, and then once I have a million or so saved up on top of that, donate any excess to various charities.
aside from the obvious realistic answer
i would live my dream of being a virile futa impregnating machine
Masturbate, of course. Its like you dont even know me.
Probably become a tranny camwhore, after dying my hair back blonde.
not sure what else I could do since I couldn't do my job as a woman most likely.
I'd kill myself immediately so I never have to dilate.
fucking kill myself
Super Original
Given you said tranny and not female, i think its safe to assume what didnt; i still have a dick
Id continue on my lifelong quest to rape as many women as possible. Now that i look like one its easier to get near them. Thanks OP
Wake up, this isn't helping user.
>tfw gender dysphoric
>tfw look like a man
>tfw no female features
>tfw passing as a woman would probably cost me a ton of money.
Why could i not just be born as a girl.
That sucks user not having good genes and all
god i wish i was a cute boy, or had a rich bf to buy my way into being a cute boy.
I just wanna look cute and have a loving bf.
Suicide, like all trannies do
Detransition before it's to late!
Become the little girl I've always wished to be UwU
>wake up tomorrow
>am the exact same as before
OP said a CUTE tranny.
Alright Trebek I'll take "Literary Devices" for $300.
This post in which a Jow Forums user on Jow Forums writes "what would you do if you woke up tomorrow as a cute tranny?"
What is an oxymoron?
That is correct user, you have the board.
This is so autistic and gay
This all depends if I still have my penis
>No penis
I guess after the freak out and initial 1 year interest in the sudden phenomenon I'd probably live the rest of my days out as a girl who can't get pregnant and has no period. Honestly not a bad life.
>With penis
oh fuck oh fuck, Like I really can't say this magically happened anymore. Even if my bone structure changed to that of a girls and my appearance was feminine it all gets ruined by the penis. Like now I have to come out to my parents as gay
>because lets be honest no girl will want me now
and fat degenerates are going to be the only ones that want to bang me along with mentally ill trans lesbians, this honestly puts my life on nightmare mode.
be thankful that my girlfriend is bi and live out my degenerate futa fantasies
Based kappu smugposter
Hi kappu
Probably just the same thing I always do when I wake up as my cute tranself.
I'd kill myself if I was a tranny.
But if I was a girl then that would be heaven.
be my friend aiste, please.
Who tf is aiste?
It sure is summer ain't it.
No im just retarded you nigger.
I have been on Jow Forums / r9k for 4 years.
Your probably the summerjew here
That's a pretty long way of saying no u you faggot.
Download grindr and whore myself out to the DL/"str8" homos until I get full blown AIDS. I mean I'm statistically more likely to kill myself now so I may as well do so in a way that will garner me the most pity.
Tranny is such a vague word these days. If i still have my dick and just look like someone who's on hormones, I'll just go on with my life, there's going to be some explanation, but I'll bet nobody's gonna care after 2 weeks. But, if I somehow woke up with an open wound between my legs, I'll just kill myself.
>Do my best to convince my family and friends that I'm the same person despite looking completely different, then spend the rest of my life helping the scientific community discover how my body changed radically overnight.
also, I would get fucked by dogs on cam
>implying im not adorable
henlo gaynon :>
because if you were a girl you would want to be a boy.
Join the other 40%
i would make make the 40% into 41
Want to start ftm hormone therapy and get top surgery to get rid of my dysphoria
I would kill myself like trannies like to do.