everyone leaves me I have no friends and no one to understand my suffering I feel depressed and I hate this place and don't want to come here but I can't stop and I hate myself and everything
also me on the left
everyone leaves me I have no friends and no one to understand my suffering I feel depressed and I hate this place and don't want to come here but I can't stop and I hate myself and everything
also me on the left
You should leave this site and start working towards a goal. This site saps any positive feelings you may have and will make you lazy and depressed.
You got gangraped into submission and forcibly addicted to drugs, then regressed into a bratty child who fucks her older brother?
why so many use this picture?
I love the fact that picture became popular. It improves the board
It's just me posting this picture over and over
That's not exactly what happened although I wish it was
I don't think you really do, but leave it to retarded women to be brutally masochistic
Are you a biological female? I would like some cute girl feet in my face.
wish that was me on the right user
I am biological female if we dated irl I'd do that for sure.
I just like to fantasize about being abused because I hate myself
I'm not saying this to be mean but if you don't want people to use you, you shouldn't flaunt your sexuality like that. Sexuality is something that should be a gift to people that are special in your life, not something that you use to drag people in to give you some attention. Because then they will just use you like an object and dispose of you when they no longer are satisfied.
Why do you hate yourself so much user? originllo
Yeah this is a perfect relationship
I'm an autistic shut in with no friends and everyone uses me
How do people use you and are you literally autistic?
I was never diagnosed with autism but I have a lot of symptoms and have no social skills
>How do people use you
leaving me or ghosting me
Okay, well I can try being your friend if you want, I can't promis that I will be your friend forever but I won't ghost you. Also, I have been diagnosed with autism. Have you ever tried getting an official diagnosis? It could help you out with social assistence, school or work.
So why don't you get treatment for your undiagnosed BPD?
I'm pretty sure nobody is leaving or ghosting you but you rather get unsatisfied with them and ghost them. You self absorbed people do that. If i'm wrong, prove it
here's my discord [Spoiler]Somnium#4812[/Spoiler]. I probably live somewhere else so it's worthless anyway, but i like internet friends. Also if anyone else wants to add me for whatever fucking reason, i don't mind either
damn bro are you aware you just posted cringe?
I don't think I'm BPD although i get depressed often and lose all drive to do anything I doubt that's caused by having bpd I'm not crazy just sad and I have a REASON to be sad
I have got to harden myself for the bitter existence that I continue to lead.
In moments of weakness I do miss the embrace of a biological female.
A bunch of things fill me with despair and make me lose hope but, the love a female makes life worth living.
there has to be a reason people "abandon" you. tell us what it is or your thread is pointless
sounds like you never learned to play with people. you should try acting classes.
I don't want to act i just want a genuine lovely relationship with cuddles and cute stuff and putting my feet on bf
There's not many other things that are better than putting my feet on my bf's face. By letting me put my feet on his face he shows he loves me. It's very cute and romantic. Sadly I don't have a lot of pictures of this that are lovely and romantic, everything on the internet is very dom and extreme with some mistress dressed in latex clothingn or some shit. No one appreciates gentle and loving feet.
The only reason is that they are bad and want to use other people or because I'm not so extroverted and slutty like other girls
there's no better way to express love than to putting my feet on my bf's face
You absolutely are suffering from borderline personality disorder. Please seek treatment and willingly take antipsychotics
>Be so insufferable that you're driving people away
>Baww nobody understands my suffering
You on the left.
You don't have anything to back up your claim you don't know anything about me that would signal I have BPD and you say it just because I'm sad and went through a lot and people used me.
read above
I am very caring and romantic
Different user, but, you're a textbook BPD from that response and from what I've seen in this thread. Complete and total shutdown and denial of everything.
Get help.
How is it denial when I know for a fact it wasn't my fault and I didn't do anything wrong?
I've never done anything bad only care and be nice to people
Answer me why do you think I have BPD I don't understand
I just need someone to hold me please
I'm really pathetic and just want love
What have you gone through and how have people used you?
Add me on my throwaway Discord so I can add you on my main, I want to be on the right and worship your feet.