WHAT THE FUCK I work as an entrepreneur and arranged to negotiate contractual agreements with what I thought was a new...

WHAT THE FUCK I work as an entrepreneur and arranged to negotiate contractual agreements with what I thought was a new business partner. Due to what appeared to be a sincere air of genuineness and professionalism to his persona I trusted him enough to welcome him into my own condo and offer some what little I can offer of social pleasantries and resources to make him feel at home to work on said agreements. All I remember next is these little white flowers he was holding.. The next thing I remember is waking up on my sofa. My wallet is totally fucking gone, my drawers have been rummaged through, which means he also got my social insurance number as it was on a card, several documents and other shit. I did extensive research today to figure out what drug this was. I came across a drug called Scopolamine/Devil's Breath that derives from a flower that looks EXACTLY like the flowers he had. I read up on effects and it aligns with EXACTLY what I experienced. Further research shows that he could have asked me to take all the money out of my bank account to give it to him and it WOULD HAVE ABSOLUTELY COMPLIED WITH HIS ORDER WITHOUT HESITATION AS I COMPLETELY LOST MY SENSE OF FREE WILL. He could have fucking told me to put my head under water, and not bring it up, and I would have done it. I don't know what the fuck he did to me and I am so fucking nervous robots. Everything of value I have is gone except the TV which is too big. It's too late now to do anything so I guess the journey of starting anew begins tomorrow. I bet you anything I gave him all my money.

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Why would the flowers not affect him though?

Apparently you have to "waft" it towards a person's face so they breathe in the otherwise stationary particles on the flower.

Holy fuck I am so nervous and scared.


This is a bad larp, do more research next time. I suggest actually looking into communities who abuse delirients to properly understand how one would get datura poisoning.

This is NOT a larp you fucking dumb stupid faggot why don't YOU do you damn research asshole I'M THE ONE THAT WENT THROUGH IT. Seriously go kill yourself r9k is literally the only place I can go to.

I'm pretty sure it needs to be processed out of the flower

I'm watching the video posted and he says all you have to do is dip it in a hot cup of water and use it as tea.

That would be processing

op is the larpest

I certainly don't doubt him. Scopolamine is a very scary drug and is used widespread. I think your only argument is that people who go to r9k don't get involved and stay indoors all day. Haven't read a case of this on r9k yet so because scopolamine is so common i believe it.

Scopolamine is a motion sickness drug, devils breath is linked to hyoscine. And it doesn't do the bullshit you wrote about. Also, only failed businessman describe themselves as entrepreneurs so he couldn't have storm that much

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Referring back to who says to do more research, I think /you/ need to do your research.


in it, it says
>The drug is called scopolamine, but is colloquially known as "The Devil's Breath" and is derived from a particular type of tree common to South America


Go fucking kill yourself with your false information and an endless need to try to prove me wrong. Fucking asshole.

Holy shit calm down man :(

I fucking come here because it is literally the only place I have and all of you are telling me I'm larping. It is very frustrating as you can imagine because here I am, soon to be a stolen identity, now probably in heaps of debts, and other emotional bullshit I'll have to deal with, with nothing but a computer and a big screen TV screen to display what is on my computer, the electricity expended from which I probably won't be able to pay off now. And my mortgage, and my food.....

If you need to be poisoned with an extract, why would he have the actual flowers with him?

I hope you never have to go to court, OP.

I finished watching the documentary. Wow...

>i...i'm not larping guise pls
Pathetic, at least put some more effort into your story the next time round

>not knowing scopolamine robbery is done by wafting the victim with a powder
dumb op

>r9k is the only place I have

idk man these two things together don't make much sense, it's obvious you're lying about one of the two

prbably this

I don't have any memory of how he got me under the influence. Where did I say otherwise?