Would you betray your race for her?

Would you betray your race for her?

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So many babies

My race and my country never did anything for me. Why should I care about them? If I could get a hottie like her I would.

I may shag her
I may have kids with her
I may even marry her.
But an undertaking that I wouldn't was neither sought by nor given to my race.

No, because I'm black. I don't really care about race anyways.

Probably not no, i would only have sex with someone i loved. I would certainly go on a date with her and see if it goes further though. My edgy FUCK NIGGERS posting is mainly ironic, i don't mind the lads irl and have a few black friends that i think are good people. The internet really makes you think some horrible things sometimes. All the race bait and what not gets some people really riled up.

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Would snuggle but not much else

I'd rather have a mixed baby than a white baby. Whites are so spoiled by society.

Yes. And for her.
Guess what, stop being incel, have sex.

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I dont have a race, but I find niggers so deeply unappealing.

>lightskin hispanic
>brother is dating shitskin Mexican girl
>sister is dating shitskin Mexican guy

My parents hate both, my parents don't like Mexicans in general. They would kill me if I date a brown person, I want lightskin kids, not ugly shitskins.

Thankfully the only girls I attract are white.

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there's no such thing as betraying your race.

I don't feel any race based loyalty to whites so it wouldn't really be betraying. But yes I would.

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It's sad that your parents have been brainwashed by white supremacy to think dark skin is a bad thing.

>I don't feel any race based loyalty

Interesting that it's literally only white people that say this. Not only that, but they almost all say it.

Whites are individualistic minorities aren't

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i'm white i don't care about race if someone is pretty and intelligent id fall for her

Technically there is, but it's very rare and certainly doesn't involve interracial sex.

yes i agree i should have been clearer

>Stretch marks and a cottage cheese cellulite ass

No thanks

Fake chad

Stick to your own kind goblin

Kill yourself

dark skin isn't appealing

Fake news

>blacks are such animals, they attack each other! Black on black crime!
>White people are the only ones with no race-based allegiance

My god she literally is an angel
I would stab myself in the cock to be treated by her

She's cute yeah

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Bet her stretch marks are smaller than the ones on your belly fat
You're a literal faggot that belongs in the tranny discord if the OP doesn't turn you on

Only Homo Sapiens are left, so you cant betray your race. Morons.

Are black qts as angelic as they look?

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actual homosexual

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you ok man? sounding a bit mad over there haha

This has legitimately become a pol thread at this point. Fuck off mate.

No, they're batshit crazy most of the time

Bretty gud sex tho

Ignore the Jow Forumsfags, post cute black girls.

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Depends on the girl, but yeah usually girls who present themselves as innocent cuties will act like it. Black girls are just like any other type of girl and they vary in behavior.

No I'd stick my penis in her though

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>those self harm scars

is this oc? post more

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I'm straight and black women are ugly

You shouldn't laugh when you are guilty and will go to Hell

You fuck off from my ouija board

>is this oc
Dude I fucking wish. I don't have more of that one but here's another negress

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>Interesting that it's literally only white people that say this
No it isn't. I say it too and I'm a mixed, brown skinned latino.

mmmmmmmmmm wakandan goddess

>it's another sheltered retard makes grand assumptions he couldnt possibly prove post

What does it even mean by betraying your race?
I am English-Irish, there's many English and Irish women that look black like OP.

Actual English and Irish women aren't black and betraying your race means reproducing with someone whose genetics and culture are vastly different from yours.

Christ you legitimately promote for dick tips to get cut off, fuck off mate.

I fucked a black girl once a few years back, we were colleagues for a few months and after I left the company we organised a hook up. I'm a white South African, she was Zulu and an absolute queen of a woman, I'll admit I fell in love with her body and mind and her quite grace and dignity. She also had lips and an ass to die for. But I couldn't take it any further and I always felt guilty because of that.
The image of her on her knees worshiping my hard white cock will live with me forever.

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Have fun with your sub-90 IQ babies. Maybe a 102 IQ if you get super lucky.

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Yes goyim your country is worth nothing!

they are born in england and have an english passport. They have the same accent and culture as me

For her? No. For a chocolate varbie? Yes.

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Being born in your country doesn't change their genetics

Ahaha, fuck black girls, all the ones in my area only care about are big-dicked white guys, well so much for loyalty, they're the ones who've betrayed black guys. I'd rather have a qt azn gf, but they only care about white guys too.

Are you black? And where the fuck you from?

Yeah I'm black, in Florida

i hate the monkey hair but still she' the best nigger female ive ever seen so yea i guess

It does change how your genes express themselves

I like the monkey hair desu. It seems like it'd be hot to grab onto while you fuck, but I've heard other anons say that black women are really autistic about people touching their hair.

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Bh to most African are now over 90IQ fren pol really did a number on you huh

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>white man brings a slave back home

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i am sure British genetics have changed a lot with all the Germanics, Saxons, Normans, Vikings invading here.

AND the romans not to mention being the Mecca of slave trade for hundreds of years

>Betray your race
No such thing.

>Tfw no dark skinned wife to have like 10 babies with

I will never get over these feels

My point was the act of being born in a certain country doesn't change your genetics to be like those of the native people.

All those groups did have an impact on British genetics, but it's not like they all had a big orgy each time a new group showed up. It took hundreds of years of people interbreeding with each other, a lot longer than there have been Africans and Asians in the UK.

As for the slave trade, the UK bought loads of slaves but pretty much all of them were sent to colonies overseas. There was a small percentage of slaves in London, but it's not like they would've had any impact on the genetics of the city.

Fuck the white race Im ready to nut in her

Black women are patrician, and they have the best genes

based and chocovarbiepilled desu

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I wouldn't, not because of my race, but because I don't want half black kids.

Yeah but it is not betrayal if its for love user

I already did, I can't wait to watch her belly swell up one day with my children.

Whenever black women date white men, they always have kids in mind because unlike white women, black women are raised to be mothers and because of colorism in the black community, black women will want many white babies.

>dat ass
>not fucking her shithole instead
What a waste

whats her name? I may know her irl

>brainwashed by white supremacy to think dark skin is a bad thing.
Not him but, light skin is better, on both males and females

Usually girls who present themselves as innocent cuties ddlg loving degenerates. They're never as good a they look.

Liberals say this, they actually hate themselves

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This is racist bullshit

>fucking a hole filled with shit instead of a hole designed by G*d to pleasure your dick
Sounds pretty gay desu

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what i wouldnt give for a smol thicc shy mixed race qt

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Yes I would but I wouldn't betray my beautiful, fat, white wife for her.

Wow. Being unattracted to your pic related because of skin color is literal faggotry. Who is she user?

>because of skin color
Her face is horrible dude, there are many cute black girls, but this isn't one of them

That thing literally looks like a tranny. Please get better taste in nigresses

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Tracy Williams

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No. Black women are not my type.

I would feel bad but my dick wants black girls now, I can't resist my dick. I'm so sorry 14/88 and all that but goddamnit the black girl subversion worked

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If she said cum inside me in this position I would even if she got pregnant, just fucking oof lads

leopard print on black girls is godly patrician taste

>tfw the only girl i have ever cummed inside (current gf) loves this position, but she's small, pale and skinny
>all my dick wants is a thicc mixed girl with a fat ass and a pink pussy to unload my semen into

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This happened for the first time not too long ago. Was fucking my black gf from behind, her body looks pretty damn similar to chick in the video but I was the one doing the work for the most part. Then I felt her pushing back on me harder and harder and so I slowed down and let her carry on and it was literally like how she is in the video. Then I grabbed her hair and pulled her back hard and she sped up even more. No idea how I managed to pull out in time but part of me wanted to nut inside her so bad

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this pretty much to be honest familia

Homie just but in your girl, just take in account of her cycle

Wouldn't have kids with her for a while, once she ages a bit and I'm more bored of her body then I'll impregnate her, if it's a mixed girl all good, adopt a ton of white kids. If I get a mixed boy, I buy myself a fucking shotgun I kill him then I kill a few niggers/shitskins that I can find before getting caught and putting a bullet in my own fucking head. It's beautiful.

i'm not loyal to my race in the first place

and even if i was... sex with other people hardly counts as betrayal. not like im selling the country to the chinese or something

It's not race betrayal if you use a condom.

It's qt girl shit though, plus it's smack diab in the middle of a qt girls jiggly butt.

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We're the same race so I would only be strengthening our people by having a child with such a chocolate beauty.

That webm reminds me of the tranny that injected cement into his ass

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we care about your memory because?

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Because giant fake asses are disgusting

we care about your personal opinion because?

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