As an ugly girl I hate seeing seeing other ugly girls with bfs online and in person. Because that just begs the question: what am I doing wrong that I cant get a bf like them? I am currently working in a restaurant and I havent had a single guy approach me and come start a conservation with me. None of them are interested, they just smile at me and then go back to eating their foods. Im convinced im going to die a femcel
As an ugly girl I hate seeing seeing other ugly girls with bfs online and in person...
Only normies find bfs/gfs in person since they're shallow and only care about looks/sex/money. You gotta stick to online.
are you also fat?
gib skinny ugly gf pls
>they just smile at me and then go back to eating their foods.
imagine going to a restaurant to buy and eat food! Crazy shit I tell you.
Probably tits. If you're a skinny flat chest then you will only attract pedos.
Good. You deserve suffering.
As an ugly girl my advice is to date a robot.
We need a few more details in order to help with advising you as to what the problem might be, either your looks or something else. Would you describe yourself: height, race, body shape etc. Also what is it about yourself that you like the most and dislike the most?
this, it worked for me. had to go through a few people ghosting but it's been a blessing honestly
Hitting on the staff as a customer is seen as a shitty, sleazy thing to do since they just have to sit there and politely endure your potentially very unwanted attention. Anyway you're going to have to make more of an effort to put yourself out there and meet people than hot girls do, which is not easy as an adult and even harder as a robot. If I'd done it myself I'd probably have some good recommendations but I think any kind of group or meetup related to hobbies or interests is a good place to start, whether it's like a cooking class or a dance class or an exercise group or D&D games or whatever. Even if you don't meet any possiblebf.jpeg's there you might at least meet other girls who could set you up with someone.
>what am I doing wrong
You're not. You're literally saying you are a girl on a majority-male website on a board for lonely virgins. Only a matter of time before someone requests your discord.
If you are a biological female and white (or whiteish) ill be your ebf.
Tired of seeing this girl in images. I'm gonna have to start replying to you with gore / shoveldog etc if I keep seeing it, consider this your one and only warning. Also PLEASE be my gf literally ANYONE be my gf
Why would anybody ever "hit" on a stranger unless he's a normie who wants to fuck and that stranger is attractive?
Why would I want to speak to some unknown girl I know nothing about, out of nowhere and in a place that doesn't support intimacy?
Thanks to feminism men don't really hit on women who are working anymore. Doubly so in restaurants.
Here in greece we hit on chicks that work at coffeeshops, bars, divebars, and the like, but even in "traditional" greece hitting on a chick at a restaurant is a no-no.
Don't hold your breath waiting for something like this to happen, it's incredibly low in probability.
give me your discord or should i give you mine, you choose, as this user said i have nothing to lose giving it a try i guess.
If you're talking to me I have too much anxiety for this kind of stuff and I probably live on the other side of the world.
Where do you live? oregennlo
USA (please be in the USA, im willing to travel anywhere but it has to be in the USA)
yes I am! what state?
Pennsylvania, anyways even if you're far away i am willing to travel. here's my discord if you want to add me or anything vv#2533
It's so normal and healthy to have a relationship looking around outside guys fatter and more crated faced then me have gf's
Girls who are legit deformed in the face get married,
Kids who are 12, get more sexual experience then some of here get in 20 years.
It's not from my lack of trying.
At best I get myself in a fucked up situation where I get used,
It warps my mind to the point where everyone seems like they are the same person and I'm not talking about the gang stalking type shit either.
It's ironic that I have a savior complex, where I want to "save" a bitch but that's a main factor in why I want to die.
Before I even hit puberty I always knew there would be no happy end for me.
I live in BC Canada, is that too far?
No, i'm ok with that, i will just have to wageslave harder to get more money i guess, well, if you're ok with talking 1st and seeing how things go, go ahead and add me
Anyone got the comic of guy and girl stitting on a bench and both have very low confidence and afraid to talk to one another? Because OP is literally her.
OP is probably fat and that's the tea sis
That's the worst advice I ever heard.
I did this im 26 now.
Still khv, still anti social, still depressed (even more).
Dont listen to this jew who tries to destroy your life and make money on you.
You can't prove me wrong though.
are you a qt girl though? this is critical
>tfw wanted a cute femcel gf to show love and her love me
>tfw an user already got to her
i respect you bro, hope you and op work out i wont drop my discord and try to snatch her
add me, play games, watch anime, shitpost with me something like that.dont add me if youre a liberal, or poltard i dont mind other peoples politics but leftys tend to not be able to break that political view. poltards are the same.
Can smell batshit crazy a mile away. The only way you get to be batshit crazy is if you appear fuckable. My guess is youre
>weirdly proportioned
>miserable looking
>Batshit crazy vibes
PS. Your nickname isn't Goldie is it?
No dude, OP didn't add me, it's kind of funny, the other person i was talking to it's a guy, its my fault since i didn't actually quote OP so we both got confused. Go ahead and post your discord and good luck finding a femcel.
Even as an ugl/fat girl you can get a boyfriend easily...
... but only if you put out fast.
One of them will eventually stay with you.
I will date an ugly girl in NZ or Australia
>my advice is to date a robot.
Fuck off, we're busy.
literally just exist, don't be fat, and talk to guys even if it's here and you will get a bf easily
Doing what? Jerking off to lolis?
Anything is more important than being histrionic-hag life-support.
What's with the recent popularity of menhera-chan?
Every ugly female I have ever known could have easily become a 5-6/10 at least if they started paying attention to their appearance, lost weight /started working out to put some meat on their bones and stopped dressing either like an old person or an edgy teen in xxl moth eaten band/"le geek culture xdd" t-shirts
Also stopping your fascination with creepily watching strangers in public like a retarded voyeur might also help
You ever been with a European guy? i'm from Germany. I can show you a real good time.
Please be my gf, I will approach you and we will conversate about the topics of your choosing
You want to talk with her about Chad and his dick?
Yeah I would love to listen about her problems and support her, reminding her how valuable she is and giving her advice if I can
start approaching more guys, be more friendly, get some hobbies that will force you to socialize.
Also femcels can't exist
Blackcels can't exist either
>Currently working in a restaurant and I haven't had a single guy approach me
That's because it's kind of an asshole thing to bother someone while they are working. Also, many retail/restaurant workers are just pretending to be nice to keep customers coming back so it's hard to determine whether they are actually interested instead of just being nice.
I hate femanons complaining that they can't find a bf and get a hundred replies with guys asking to be their bf.
I wish it was that easy for me, just posting I want a gf and get tons of girls talking to me just because I'm lonely.
I posted a couple of times in those ideal bf/gf threads and ended up contacting like 5 nice fembots.
Well they can get replies but that doesn't mean that guys are going to like them when they find out what they look like.
She could be black and fat.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension, dumb normalfag.
Even a fat black girl has it easier to get guys willing to talk to her than robots have it to get girls willing to talk to them.
I've been a hikki NEET since you were born.
I added you out of curiosity
>She could be black and fat.
What's wrong with that? I got ghosted by a fat black girl because I actually dared to like her "too much" instead of pretending I didn't give a shit about her, so obviously they're privileged enough to be able to pick and choose like that.
>What's wrong with that?
Not my personal tastes
So you've been a hikki NEET for 27 years?
How the hell is a guy supposed to tell that you are single and interested in dating him?
>I haven't had a single guy approach me
Maybe stop being a lazy entitled cunt and do some work for yourself instead of expecting Chad to come falling at your feet.
Just marry me and have 4 kids please
What makes you ugly? If you're fat, that's all your fault.
That isn't what "begs the question" means. Begging the question is:
Ugly girls have no boyfriend and I am ugly. The reason I do not have a boyfriend is that I am ugly.
However in your case you pointed out the fallacy immediately:
Ugly girls have boyfriends, but I do not have a boyfriend. I am ugly. Why can't I get a boyfriend?
The reason is probably that you're an asshole. Wanna fuck and make a bunch of little assholes with little assholes to run around and fuck other people thus multiplying the number of assholes with assholes?
>I live in BC Canada, is that too far?
I think you're better off just becoming gay and the two of us can slurp each other's cocks.
I know it's difficult. Look, let's just pretend we're each girls, then it isn't gay right? Let's be lesbians!
>I added you out of curiosity
I am the otaku hating Ogiue.
I had a girlfriend once but she didn't let me nut in her butt while I watched anime so it didn't work out.
You could work in food service the rest of your life and not get hit on. It may be them just trying to be courteous and not hit on you at work, or it could be that they are already occupied with conversation. If anything I would suggest trying to start a convo with a one top table when its slow, to try to form a connection but youre still going to have to do some of the work. I would still suggest keeping it outside of work and go to a place where people share the same hobbies as you.
Reminder that op is not a woman
>Reminder that op is not a woman