IQ isn't a meme

If you look at pic related and go "What the fuck" then you were probably born with low IQ and in the same boat as me. I'm in a class of autistic number crunchers who can do these types of questions in a few minutes as evident by the amount of questions we are required to do for homework (around 15ish per section of a chapter). I just want to graduate with my meme degree, but I'm stuck doing math I'll never use in my field. FML

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If I hadn't learned calculus before I think I'd be confused regardless of my intelligence. But then what intelligent person never learn how to do derivative?

I have an IQ around 150 and tested out of school when I turned 16. I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at because I tested out BEFORE taking calc and then my life completely stagnated and I became a robot, so I never went to college and took it there either.

>miles of derivatives and factoring and shit
the fucking tedium
this is why people hate math. it gets way more interesting at a certain level

Think about the future. What job do you want to get? University degrees aren't determining your worth (but not finishing highschool sounds bad)

IQ is a meme.

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>25% is a meme
Noone is saying IQ is the only variable in good grades. In most cases high IQ will in deed be helpful for good grades

what software is that?

Derivatives is high school stuff though? Obviously you're not going to understand it if you lack the entire foundation. Low IQ is just an excuse, you can understand this.
This has little to do with being a number cruncher btw, you can memorize and understand how to do any derivative and eventually integrals when you get there.

I really don't think a low IQ person could do anything but the simplest integrals, and even then it would just be a matter of memorisation, not real understanding.

I dont go wtf, more like jesus what a pain in the ass. Guess I'm not high IQ enough to solve shit like that effortlessly, but I understand it and can solve it with a pen and paper.

I have low iq and fuck your standards I'm here to stayyyyyyy u fuckin gay

You are showing a derivative quotient rule. I mean I have an ok IQ but many highschoolers learn this shit. I fail to see how this has any indication of IQ. This is Calc I stuff ffs. Get nearly straight A's in college but that doesn't translate well to the real world.

Maybe not, but I don't think OP is as retarded as he claims to be, strangely enough.
Why would an actual low IQ person even come in contact with that level of math? If everyone around OP is smart enough to understand this, I assume his countries' education system splits their students in different levels. He's probably around 15-16, so this is his first contact with derivates. All I'm saying he shouldn't try to justify his lack of understanding with low IQ but a lack of experience.

The quotient rule is easy. Just follow the formula.

>thinks the quotient formula is involved in solving that equation
You stupid

Here we see a low IQ neckbeard. It's obviously (d/dx)(f(x)/g(x)) where f(x) =x^2+2x+4 and g(x) =(x^2-4)^2 this is a clear example of using the quotient rule to solve the derivative.

Automated solvers generate completely retarded steps sometimes so that's hardly fair.

Yeah but if you fundamentally know what is going on you can figure this stuff out. I mean this isn't even a derivative that you need a solver for.

The answer is literally in the OP image. How can you even be this stupid?

>knowing how to solve useless math expressions makes you intelligent

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I'm not talking about the answer you shit for brains I'm talking about the initial problem. The problem that this solver is solving. You can clearly see its using the quotient rule of derivatives. Hell the first fucking step gives that shit away.

>>Someone who's never taken higher level math mechanical dynamics or even calculus physics.

>Jow Forumsthathappened
>im totally a genius such a genius that I didnt have to learn Algebra 2!

This is an easy problem that isn't even half way into Calc 1. U don't need high iq for this. I'm retard and got a B in that class

Keep coping brainlet. Keep coping.

Exactly which is why I don't understand why the fuck OP is making that connection. I highly doubt that "150" claim.

The first step is solving the two derivatives, neither of which would require the quotient rule. One uses the basic power rule, the other uses the chain rule.

I don't know how to tell you this user, but you might need to get professional help. You may in fact be actually retarded.

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mathsfags are so pathetic

Look at the over all picture you are showing it right there at the bottom that is the standard form of the quotient rule. Do you need that rule to solve it? No. It's math there is many different ways to solve the damn problem. You are just looking for an easy Gotcha.

Now user, you must tell me. Where is the derivative sign? What makes you think that's a derivative? That's just an algebraic expression that happens to look like a rule you learned.

This is just embarrassing now for the both of us.

Now I know you are just acting like a fucking moron. It is obvious this example is from a textbook showing the quotient rule. If you can't see that you have bigger problems stop smelling your ass drippings and learn you something.

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>If you look at pic related and go "What the fuck" then you were probably born with low IQ
OR you just never really gave a fuck about math. Any retard could learn to solve equations like this without even thinking, using general already made templates. What actual intelligence means is that you can understand math and why it works the way it does. Normies can't do that, all they do is solve unconsciously using the formula "if x then y" having zero comprehension what they are actually doing and thinking they're smart somehow

Yea im medium iq but at least I can function like a regular person. Most math majors cant cook, cant clean, cant even call someone without stuttering and saying huh?

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Seen that a lot in school. I learned why this shit works so I don't have to remember formulas. If I need one and can't remember just derive the fucking thing super simple. Hard not to get A's in these classes yet people some how fail it.

You guys are so funny. Thinking being born with high IQ immediately allows you to do calculus

You're a moron if that is what you took away from this. All high IQ will do is give you an easier time understanding Calc. That's it woooo so special so wow. It ain't shit.

Actually everyone with high IQ knows schooling doesn't mean shit and that's why they all don't do well in school. The stuff they teach isn't needed in real life, and almost all high IQ people know this.

You're damn right. I'm an actual genius, and understood at a young age that my future of playing videogames in my parents' basement was not going to require anything that I was learning at school.

user, how would you get the derivative of V(x) = -(W(x)/U(x))
With W(x)= x^2 + 2x + 4 and U(x) = (x^2 - 4)^2 ?
What rule should you use here?

symbolab i think. its good for basic stuff but it really gets the simplification way way wrong for more complex things


im in our school's best math class and there are so many brainlets. dont get me wrong, they are good at what they do, but ask them to do something to do that they haven't been programmed to do and they will spend more time shitting and farting themselves than actually thinking

How should I know that? That's irrelevant to the question at hand.

Sounds like you have a superiority complex. Is it because other people succeeding in maths makes you feel inadequate, but you justify it by downplaying it? By giving yourself an excuse that if only you tried at least a little bit, you'd surpass them all but you don't because you're just not interested?

Math is fucking retarded anyways, calculate the size my cock, lamo

Is this the ayy language?

If you look at random Chinese and say "what the fuck" it means you're low IQ.

It's not and you should know this. I just looked at the answer in the OP and worked backwards, as long as I didn't mistype anything it should check out. All you have to do is admit that using the quotient rule is the way to go.

The real problem is the repeated algebraic simplification bullshit that can be handled by an algorithm.

If they really wanted to teach that shit they should be providing a compiler and having everyone write the program.

Human effort is wasted if you don't bother to use a tool. You can use a branch to pick the grubs out of the log... you can use it as a lever to roll the log or you can bluntly smash the log... but where it gets really interesting is when you design a wood chipper that feeds the log between two rollers and crushes and shreds it into tiny bits.

That's "baseline level human intelligence".

Repeated brute force simplification is beating on the log with the branch. You might as well be beating your own head in.

>using the quotient rule is the way to go.
Sure. If you're a pathetic robot executing a drollish program.

This fact is what should make you hate the exercises. You didn't need to repeat the same task 50 times, you only needed to learn it once. When applications come up you use a reference or the computational algorithms you already devised.

not quite the same thing champ, but keep coping i guess

That's fucking easy nigga. They're just derivatives.

Take heed of this quote from the OP:
> I'm in a class of autistic number crunchers who can do these types of questions


It means "retarded".

>this is why people hate math
That's just calculus for babies, true math is a much deeper and interesting topic.
Measure theory, ZF/ZFC set theory, non-euclidean spaces, inverse Galois theory and many, MANY other areas are way more deep and amazing than just calculus

that's not the point I was making. If you couldn't care less about math that doesn't mean you're stupid. "Knowing" math isn't the indicator of intelligence, and most of the people don't actually know math they're just programmed to solve equations and memorize formulas like robots without any understanding of the topic.

I had a guy like this in class who everone thought was smart and very good with math (he just memorized formulas and solving algorithms), but couldn't figure out basic shit in C++ programming

That is like saying if you cannot speedrun a game you have low IQ, Math, just like everything else, is a skill and people are not born automatically being good at it

I never learned this therefore I am low IQ.

I used to study /Nuclear Power Engineering/ and you probably know it yourselves that every math related area that isn't Nobel prize-worthy is dumb grinding and is filled with brainlets who just spend all their time memorizing textbooks or cheat on tests

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I just wanted to say I noticed you BTFO that stupid faggot and I'm glad you did. I hope he is cringing to himself.

There is literally nothing about the quotient rule in the OP image though. People are just making assumptions based on their highschool math textbooks.

t. dropped out first year

This is a useless skill in most real life things. It certainly is worth less than persuading people, being assertive to take the opportunities in front of you or being creative enough to have fun interesting ideas with your supposedly shitty brain
That's why IQ is a meme. If it wasn't, Jow Forums, who brags so much about it, wouldn't be shit and would be able to see and trascend the shit, but it has been stuck on it for almost 2 decades instead

you coukd have at least posted something harder than the quotient rule for derivatives. thats pretty basic, and often used in many fields. try a fourier transormation at least. and IQ is a meme, because i dont have a high IQ but i have an MS in Applied Mathematics. now i just need a job :(.

you can't be intelligent if you didn't take calculus at an early age.

Math is essentially just silly little busywork puzzles where you can look up, and know, there's an answer for one and a half decade.

IQ tests are literally the same thing

Dude calculus is literally high school math. Are you that retarded?

It was second year, but yeah, it didn't take long to understand the conditions i got myself into. Are you trying to brag about your math degree on Jow Forums?

that's why they're silly. Imagine the smug selfsatisfaction of the faggots developing those tests going "you might've solved it however I came up with the challenge occupying you" for themselfs. It's why I can't stand modern SJW infested games either. Or submit to mayer-briggs personality type shenanigans. It's seeping with delusions of grandeur of bitter, spiteful people with sickening glee that they can define you and make you jump through hoops.