Post blackpills
Post blackpills
what can do desu
These statistics show why OP is a faggot
Of course 17 women mated for every man. Back then reproduction was for survival and multiple men came inside a single female, ensuring reproduction.
And here's a truthpill to demolish OP's weak argument.
This is from the same Ok Cupid study says women rate 80% of men below average.
Well, what's stopping your pursuit of greatness which would allow you to BE in that top 20%? Why, your own decision to not work out, improve your diet, and seek personal betterment of course!
Everyone finds a woman now don't be such a depressed fag go outside for once
Thank you for the good advice, Chad :)
Precisely the point. It counters that other statistic.
No it doesn't, you fucking idiot. If you actually read it you'd see that an average looking woman receives the same amount of messages as the most attractive men.
Are you unable to read a graph? It literally showd that average men get lots of messages from women, but average women don't, only the top 20% of women do. Literally the 80/20 rule. 20% of women get messages from 80% of men.
I think you mean the other way around
God, you're a moron. It's literally in the OP.
That sure looks like a legit quality scientific study.
I mean, it's an internal analysis of pure numbers. You can't really get harder data than that.
Provide the numbers then.
Look at the graphs m8
I want the numbers and hard data used to create the graph. Do not put much faith into the graph jew
its so moronic when people reduce arguments to "show me the numbers", its just a last ditch attempt to invalidate it by just refusing to believe what you're shown. Skepticism is good, but if you keep following that path you could say "the numbers" are meaningless because they're taken from a small sample size, or that dating sites are not representative of the general populations' attitudes e.t.c. in the end its your own personal belief which dictates what you accept and if you don't want to think something there will always be an excuse not to think about it.
so basically fuck off if you're not gonna be constructive its fucking boring
Heres some numbers. Im a below average tranny.
I astronomically crush any male on okc.