Tfw wasted years 14-21 as a shut in NEET

>tfw wasted years 14-21 as a shut in NEET

My life is over. What's the best method of suicide, I want to go quick and painless

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>tfw still a neet from 18 to 23
I'm never going to find a job. I can't imagine any company hiring a neet with literally zero experience.
I welcome inevitable death.
>quick and painless
Usually aren't those kinds unreliable?

How did you become NEET ever since you were 14 lmao?

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I don't know, boys. It sounds to me like you're living the good life.

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Drink water until you cant anymore

Use helium gas, painless

It does happen though, user.
I'm starting on a pretty good job next week. And I've been a NEET for a long time and have absolutely no prior work experience or any skills. There's hope.
Nervous as fuck though.

Homeschooled and then I just spent all my time on the computer

>"I want to go quick and painless"
>Not wanting to commit Japanese ritual suicide with a sharp dagger and rigging a machine controlled by an arduino/raspberry Pi to decapitate yourself with a cleaver.
Hahahaha, what a fag, hahahaha.

Hopefully it doesn't wind up god awful. I've heard countless horror stories about wageslaving. I honestly can't discern whether death, or wageslavery would be better post-neetdom.

I hope it won't be too much of a wageslave life. I'll be a clerk at a small kiosk at a local train station. These are operated by the rail company here. From what I could tell it's never really busy at the one I'll be working at. So that's nice.
Not really the function for me to be honest, social interaction is not my strong suit. But there's only one way to learn, I guess.

Thing is, I only had three options: Getting a job, homelessness, death.
Would've been homeless already had my flatmate not been a former neet and pretty understanding of my situation, covering for me.

don't do that. At least try to make your life better, you have plenty of time actually. I think you are for sure capable of doing so. I believe in you user. Fight.

If you understand this then it's time to stop wasting any more of your life, OP. You, like me and many others here, have made some mistakes, but you can't change the past. I know how alluring and romantic suicide can sound, but if you're a pathetic loser like me you probably won't be able to pull it off in the end, so don't sabotage your life in preparations for death that isn't going to come, you'll make even more dumb mistakes. Do something with your life, my friend.

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I hope things work out for you, user.
In theory that job sounds like a tolerable one, provided it doesn't become rush hour levels of busy.
I'm gonna aim for either fishing work, or custodial. Those seem like easy entry jobs with little social expectations, I hope.
If all else fails, death or homelessness don't sound much worse.

It's too late though

I don't think there's any coming back from this, I've set myself up for a lifetime of misery so I may as well just cut my life short

You could have good rest of your life if you play your cards well so dont suicide

>What's the best method of suicide?

Look suicidefags there just isn't one. Here's the blackpill: dying fucking hurts. Even if you succeed (and if you fail welcome to brain damage, chronic pain and/or disfigurement), you can't control what order your internal systems shut down, so if you heart stops before your senses do you will feel like you are being crushed to death no matter what you do.

Life is suffering, dying is suffering, death may be peaceful, but you may as well stay on this side until you absolutely have to go.

It's not, dude. You're 21 (twenty fucking one), life has barely even started.

I'm telling you it is not true. I dont know your situation exactly but I was in similar state of mind few years ago and I overcame that. It is possible for you. Really. You don't know future. And you can modify it.

Doesn't matter because I missed the crucial years so it is too late

I should have much more experience by now, more memories, more skills etc. I will be old as fuck by the time I even begin to get anywhere, and that's not guaranteed to happen considering my track record.

Life is too short to mess up because you'll be spending all your time just trying to get to a level that others were at decades ago. Once you've fallen off the track it's too late

It won't hurt if you jump off a high place.Its just really scary,and there is a slight chance you might stay alive.But its better to live tomorrow cause maybe tomorrow is when you can take a break from all the shit in your life.Its best to have hope /b/tard.

Don't people that survive the initial brunt of the fall wind up suffocating on their blood? Especially risky in water from my understanding. It doesn't sound painless, at all.

Dont give up user,you control your own destiny, try to change your life and make it better, start with small things like doing your bed after you wake up,imagine having a bad bay, you get home but atleast your bed is done,and you do it,nobody else but you and then you can atar aiming to more stuff like going to gym or writing something,dont give up have hope

Im not talking about 3 story building user.

i'm a neet at 32, you don't have it bad at all comparatively. granted i wasn't the whole time but still. you're fucking fine at 21 lad don't do any dumb shit.

21 isn't old. I went to college at 23 to fix my life. I got a decent job after. I'm just as depressed if not more at 27. But it might work for you.

You are fucking pathetic. No wonder you're considering suicide at 21, I've seen people in their 40's make huge life changes and you don't even bother to put in the effort to even try? Maybe you should kill yourself.

Ate least kill some high ranking politician on your way out. You will become immortalized that way.

Use nitrogen, retard. Helium is mixed with oxygen.