Do your parents take any responsibility for raising a failure?
Do your parents take any responsibility for raising a failure?
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Yes, by allowing me to live rent-free in their garage until the doctors find a medication that works.
There is never going to be a medication that works.
Like all normies: no. As soon as they can't deal with a situation they act exactly like losers: disregarding it or making up excuses.
>be 36
>never talked to a woman in my life (other than like greeting the cashier)
>no one saw me with a woman ever
>never even touched a woman
>live with mom, incapable for providing for myself
>mom never ever mentions it
>dad (divorced) regularly asks when will I marry someone
your parents raising you has a big big impact on how you turn out. So it's my parents fault im a 50 y/o kissles handless legless virgin with depression and aids
>very light skinned girls, going outside but continue to protect their skin with umbrellas
Didn't know I'd find this so hot.
No. As far as they're concerned they did a wonderful job, despite being as distant as they possibly could whilst still being under the same roof.
It's a cope. My parents are the same way.
She is insanely hot, do you have her insta?
>reverse google image search
>The image is no longer available or is not publicly accessible.
Wtf, never seen that before
Huh? I didn't get that, it worked just fine for me.
Her name is Claire Menard, clairemenardcosplay on instagram
>Do your parents take any responsibility for raising a failure?
They never gave me emotional support, didn't gaf about my education or life plans. They never taught me valuable life skills or basic household stuff. My mother is too emotionally distant to help and my dad doesn't intervene in my life at all unless my problems are cutting into his "me time". It's depressing but 100% true, my parents are so shit at their job.
Once they heard about me going to the gym and tried to take credit for it and I just about screamed.
I'm not a failure in their eyes
>I'm not a faiIure in their eyes
Can my parents take blame for my tiny 4 inches dick?
I guess it's their own genetics at play but I got the short straw (no pun intended) in the genetic lottery and there isn't much they could have done except abort me. Being a dicklet is the worst, you can't change it, you will always be her smallest. She will never want to have a second night with you, she will never lust for you.
They were always yelling at me so I developed a bad habit of seeking negative reactions from people, doing anything for that attenion as they only loved my brother.
Not once in my life have they shown me love, I never got hugs/affection or emotional support and I cant and dont no how to show affection for people now. Im at the point where im no longer alive but instead a walking corpse who associates/trusts nobody.
And these fucking idiots have the audacity to ask why I never date anyone/"wheres my grandkinds"
They cant even comprehend the fact that they fucked me up from the beginning so I cut them out of my life completely.
>>dad (divorced) regularly asks when will I marry someone
Do these people think marrying someone is something you can just do whenever you feel like it?
I got asked the same question.
It's not like I want to be alone, I just don't know how or where to meet anyone and get something going.
Raising is only a small part of it.
If your parents are subhumans (low intelligence, shit bodies), you will most likely end up with shit genetics as well.
No nurture will undo it.
>Mom is an alcoholic sinceday one of my birth
>Dad splits when Im 2yo
>proceed to teach me nothing about life or how to be an adult completely on passive mode
>only break from this to tell me what a piece of shit I am
>proceed to wonder where it all went wrong
Ive thought about killing them both multiple times. When they asked why I never wanted children I told them it was because I was wouldnt want any kid to be raised how they raised me and neither had a word to say
They are complete failures as parents and then have to gall to wonder why I fail at life. But at least I can look forward to giving back a some of the psychological torture they inflicted on me when I kill myself
I think yes because when he was kicked out by mom (who cheated on him) he acquired an arguably better woman in a few months (later married her).
Everytime i wanted to something productive with my life, something that i was passionate about and that would also make money they shut it down and continued to pressure me to go down a path they chose for me and when i failed hard at it they've blame it ALL on me and are baffled that i'm not a success, low iq boomer parents are fucking scum.
REEEEE, couldnt you get the fucking flipflops to match!!!!
Fucking poser whore
Im so much better than you!
This girl looks way too fucking close to my ex I thought it was actually her until I saw she's not as fat but fuck I was freaked out looking at the thumbnail.
damn, she got a lot chubbier
also, those rainbow flags
thats a no from me pham
No not really. What bugs me is that they don't and didn't take responsibility for their actions.
I can't help but to think logically that most of my development flaws lead back to them. When or however i bring this up in health/financial/social matters i am immediately shot down that it is all my fault and had absolutely nothing to do with them at all and i should take action on my own as a grown adult. I know i am a piece of shit but their level of denial in this matter is suffering.
t: mom and pop got married in their late teens.
>ever since my early childhood parents constantly babbling how I'm not going to achieve anything in life, how I don't have the right character/intellect for this or that, constantly criticise me, never heard any compliments from them if I do something well
>surprised why I'm not talking to them anymore or share anything that's going on in my life
Like I just crawled out of vagina, can you give me some rest you faggots.
After I stopped talking to them completely, they started to make up shit about me in their head and act like they know me better than anyone, making up delusional assumptions about me
there are a lot of factors that are out of their hands to control
My parents are actually weirdly proud of me, I think mostly because my younger sister has been married three times and my Chad brother cheated on his wife with a hooker. I'm stable and boring and they appreciate that.
>Dad joked about how he has to pay for me to fuck a thot all the time despite her not putting out
>Parents think my grades are good despite me barely passing my classes and failing one I'm gonna pay myself so they don't find out
>Dad also thinks I'm being productive with myself
>Mum thinks I need a shrink and pressures me to call a shrink to set up a meeting next week
They barely realize anything is wrong beside the fact I come home at odd hours and leave home at odd hours
nice art user
no, she makes excuses and honestly believes that having and raising me on her own against the advice of the rest of the family was a good idea
a recurring theme in my life is being too afraid to do anything because "my mom will get mad"
she's the kind who cries and cries and cries and is so dramatic about everything its exhausting, she just recently divorced my second stepdad and lives with me in my house
she never let me have friends over, and rarely ever let me spend nights out but my little brother got to do all of that, and has had more gfs than me
so many missed opportunities, business and relationships because my development as a male was stunted by a crazy single mother
My mother is the same. I wonder how people can have kids and never say I love you to them. In what world someone can be so selfish and conformist that you have kids knowing as a psychologist that your children will be fuck since you must know that you're emotionaly inept
>She's only a year younger than me
Jesus Christ...
Yes, my dad killed himself when I transitioned.
No they blame me for everything and are forcing me to go to a therapist for "depression".
First day friday. I am going to tell them i don't feel depressed, just my parents make me miserable (especially my dad).
they always see a miserable son and thus think i am always sad (depression). The truth is i am always miserable around them, not all the time
They also pathologize introversion and not liking wageslavery.
Basically they will keep trying to send me to doctors until my personality is what they want
No i am not NEET and no i dont live with them
Can you provide pics of your ex, user?
I found her
You're a good man. You really are.
Never mind. She's fucking ugly. But thank you.
that's a really big oof
My other two siblings are somewhat successful. I was raised with every opportunity to succeed. I just fucked it up because I suck at life.
They allow me to live in their house but they still take every chance they get to insult me and demean me like they have all their lives.
my parents are exactly the opposite. to this day (I'm 32) they fret about all the mistakes they made and think they did a poor job raising me. They're wrong, they cared quite a bit and gave me a secure (in every sense of the term) home, but for some reason they want to blame themselves when my own shortcomings and problems are the reason I turned out to be a failure.
No. They keep telling me that all of my problems are the result of self-fulfilling prophecies and my negative attitude.
Maybe they're right. But I'm too tired and lazy to change anything. Looking at the shitty world around me, I don't see why I should put any effort into improving anything. No one else seems to put any effort into anything, so why do I have to try twice as hard to get half of whatever they call "self-fulfillment" and "happiness"? I don't have the motivation, and I don't know where to find it.
I don't think they were bad parents. Maybe they just spoiled and sheltered me too much. And its not like they had any control over the autism. Maybe my failure is nobody's fault, theirs or mine. Maybe its just bad luck.