Took 1mg Xanax few days ago

>took 1mg Xanax few days ago
>thought today would either be Monday or Tuesday
>it's actually wednesday
>a full day was erased from my memory
Why the fuck is this shit legal again?

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what were you doing that day user kun

that's xanax for you mate

>what were you doing that day user kun
I don't really remember. But I did sleep. A LOT.

>that's xanax for you mate
this shit is extremely strong wtf

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My mate fed me a xannie while we were having a few quiet beers. Next thing i know i've woken up after a 4 day bender with a written off my car and no memory. Never again

funny meme sir

Your fault for being a complete dumbass.

Yea cheers ya cunt!

This twink I found on Grindr did 5mg of xanax and blacked out while I was fucking his boicunt

my memory is so awful cause of benz
feels like i got dementia
cant d o without them sadly, my life is a mess anyway

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Was his boiclit still hard?

No he takes SSRI'S so it's broken I only TOP and he is just a piece of fuckmeat

Were you the guy who posted about slapping a sissies testicles till they cried?

No that wasn't me but I would consider doing it lol

>My mate fed me a xannie while we were having a few quiet beers
What the fuck, what kind of friend does tthat? Id never speak to them ever agian.

How long have you been doing Xans and benzos and for how long?

Tell me everything about it.

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Just 1 mg and not in combination with alcohol? Do you weigh 20 kg? When I tried it the first time I also took 1 mg and just felt slightly cozy which I barely noticed unless I focused on it.

It's not legal for recreational use. So...there it is.

almost two years
i think my tolerance even dropped cause i blacked out from just 5mg the last week
what do you wanna know
im not going to sensationalise benzo abuse, people often think thats what im trying to do
i have severe anxiety, it improved my quality of life in the beginning but i was going through a really rough time when i first started taking them.
i might accidentally kms someday and it hurts me that the people close to me worry about that

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You've been taking them for 2 years, with what constancy? Like, daily? Or twice every week?

You get to take 5mg of Xanax in a single day?

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i would take varying dosage
xanax is for panic attacks but thats all i could cop back then
if im feeling very sad i would swallow a bunch of pills
used to be way worse when i first started, most i ever took was maybe 20mg and i woke up 3 days later
and i can get any benzo i want now, even etizolam even tho its not a benz. And thats really bad for me
now i take .5mg of xan if i feel like i need it
i can go a couple days without it and then i just baseline
dont mix alcohol and benz, you are just roofing yourself. Your not gonna remember shit, its not fun
people around you care about your well being, dont do this to yourself
i feel like im talking to myself, oh well

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>dont mix alcohol and benz, you are just roofing yourself.
Why not?

And you haven't answered me on the frequency you took benzos. Did you use to take them everyday?
>pic unrelated

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bro, fukken read
its basically a delete button, who knows what kind of dumb shit you might end up doing. I dont know you
i take .5mg IF I HAVE TO
i also have kpins which are much nicer but they dont give you that instant panic relief that xans do

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You even write like a retard wtf.

Is this what benzos do to you?

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i am not writing a cover letter
i cant be bothered senpai. This has spilled into my professional life cause i end up typing like i usually do in my emails
oh well

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