You have three wishes, user - choose wisely!
1) can't kill anyone
2) can't make anyone fall in love
3) can't bring anyone back from the dead
You have three wishes, user - choose wisely!
1) can't kill anyone
2) can't make anyone fall in love
3) can't bring anyone back from the dead
Women are now bigger
Women are now stronger
The planet is not in danger anymore
infinite money, infinite health, teleportation/noclip
I want the power to:
1. make any girl very horny all the time, no rest
2. make that girl only be able to have fantasies about me
3. a sandwitch
That's basically love
>Wish 1: I wish for infinite wishes
>Wish 2: I wish I could make a wish that makes someone fall in love.
>Wish 3: I wish I could make a wish that makes someone come back from the dead
>Wish 4: I wish for gf
First: I want to be a billionaire (in current US dollars)
Second: I want to have a perfect chad physique (as today's European beauty standars)
That's all.
>get someone to kill me, or make myself die in an accident
>make sure my mother wont be sad over my death so she wont kill herself out of grief
>wish for my home country to be free, safe, and have a good economy
in that order
>1. make any girl very horny all the time, no rest
>2. make that girl only be able to have fantasies about me
Those are kinda against the fall in love rule, no?
It's not love, it's a very sick submissive obsession
1: a bountiful harvest of cannabis
2: my crush's number (not makeing her fall in love)
3: my IQ be permanently raised to 130+
i like this, based user
1. A large crack rock
>something to light it
>somewhere to smoke it
>I want a harem of perfectly obedient slaves who can shapeshift into any form I desire.
>I want to be invulnerable. Impervious to damage, poison, or disease.
>I want to be physically powerful. Taller, stronger, faster.
1. The hearth of Dao
2. A fishing cane
3. A good pan
I don't need 3 wishes, just shadow ban every redditor when they try to use any other social media and we'll figure the other 2 out later.
1) unlimited supply of money
2) the ability to fuck whoever I please
3) have my own secluded island with military tier security
I want to go to Equestria as a male pony
I will use the other two wishes at another time
1. Immortal unless i cut off my penis then i instantly die.
2. 6 foot 8 big dick good muscle gaining genetics god tier face.
3. a full auto m1919 that never runs out of ammo.
>1st wish: I wish I had more confidence/self-esteem
>2nd wish: I wish my personality changed, but I stay mentally healthy
>3rd wish: I wish to be a master of my own destiny and stop being weakling
Wtf you should wish for iq +9000
1) pedophiles all get the rope, effective immediately
2) usury is punishable by death
3) free energy for all
There, I fixed everything
user bliz dont die, bliz :(((
>I wish I knew the best use of my remaining two wishes.
Checkmate, genie. No monkey's paw bullshit here.
>1)normalfag, also no killing
>2) congratulations, you started WWIII
>3)dood light lmao
Hmmm hard.
1) As others have stated the perfect body. 6'3 6'4 maybe? The ability to stay in superhuman strength easily. Immune to disease and age. Good face and dick. Much Above average intelligence.
2) A private library sanctuary only I can get to. It has the collective knowledge of all of man and anything that came before us including alchmey magic etc. It also has teachers that are completely loyal to me and only want to help advance my goals.
3)idk. I get super strong magic ability and talent. I'm already irrmortal due to wish 1 so now i can use this to learn magic from the library and make myself physically invulnerable.
Now that I have all this. First I go to the library. I find out everything in this world that could be a threart to me. If theres any other immortals out there besides me. What are the true intentions of the world governments are their any powerful groups I need to fear. Then I start doing intensive study in war magic alchemy physical augmentation politics strategy buisness ancient artifacts. With that I go through rituals to make myself stronger faster and damage resistant to any creature on earth. Then I start buisnesses to make money and gather resources. I start making an army of homunculus loyal to me with alchemy. I aquire the most powerful artifacts on earth. Then I probably start eliminating any competition. Other immortals. Any real life illuminati lizardmen vampires. After that I lead my armies to take over the world. I Institute world rule under my flag. I usher in the closest thing earth has had to a utopia. I rule from a distance having barons to lead each of their people. I Institute schools to be a lot better. I want humans to advance. Every year I take a small number of private students and every 10 years one apprentice to privately train in magic combat politics philosophy. He or in some cases she will become one of my hands. Completely loyal to me and sent over the world to act my will.
>I wish I knew the best use of my remaining two wishes.
How is that even possible? "The best" from the genie's perspective? Especially for you or objectively? And what is "best" anyway?
I want to kill mys-
>1) can't kill anyone
Then I want to love mys-
>2) can't make anyone fall in love
fuck it, give me infinite money, a 12" dick, and the ability to convince anyone to do anything by words alone
Don't know, don't know, and don't know, that's for the wish to figure out.
>It has the collective knowledge of all of man
>and anything that came before us including alchmey magic etc
>including alchmey magic etc
>alchmey magic etc
>I wish the genie had a big dick
>I wish the genie was a sissy
What point are you trying to make user?
Oh no no no no no. Looks like the genies gonna get TOPPED kek. That little blue whores gonna be all over you. And you'll be all up in his BUSSY.
Dam. A challenger has appeared. I suppose my plot would have been easier if i just did that. Less satisfying though. What are you gonna do with all that power?
RE4 irl
1) Immortality that I can opt out of when I get bored
2) Teleportation, I can be anywhere I want instantly and I can teleport others too
3) I gain chef powers from Toriko and can make outlandishly delicious and nutritious food from mundane ingredients
Pretty much this. Just replace the third with higher iq.
That's uncle Sam.
Assuming I can't wish for more wishes:
>Eternal life / youth / beauty
>Infinite money
>Cleanse the world of undesirables
What do you count as undesirables user?
I want my friends to accept me for who I am.
*heavy oof* dam bro I'm sorry. Get better friends.
All doggos are telepathic hiters ashes are in everything brit feel threads cease to exist
>big dick
>know all things
>The world was more like a civil version of those old RPGs Orc and Elf people, dark magic in medicine,etc.
>Dick is now 10 inches
>1.5 billion dollars in my bank account
Be rich
Be beautiful
Be clever
1. Become a millionare without making inflation.
2. Pulling my country's economy to world's best.
3. Being always fit and muscular.
Instead of get rich, wish for a skill/ability that makes getting rich easier. Maybe something athletic, or some highly marketable talent. That way your wishes are more efficient and you won't have any problems
>wish 5: I wish someone from my family to come back from death